50 question survey!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
50 question survey!
50 question survey! Because I'm bored and I saw this online and thought you guys might like to do it. You don't have to answer all of them.
1. Do you prefer writing with blue or black pen?
2. Would you prefer living in the country or the city?
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
4. Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar? Do you even drink tea or coffee?
5. What was your favorite book as a child?
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
7. If you could be a mythical creature, what would you choose?
8. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
9. What is your favorite item of clothing?
10. Do you like your name? (CB or real, or both) Would you ever change it?
11. Who is a mentor to you?
12. Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic?
15. Which element best represents you?
16. Who do you want to be closer to? (can be a CBer or real life person/group of people)
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
18. Tell me about an early childhood memory.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
21. What are you most thankful for?
22. Do you like spicy food?
23. Have you ever met someone famous?
24. Do you keep a diary or a journal?
25. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
26. What is your star sign?
27. Do you prefer your cereal crunchy or soggy? Do you even like cereal?
28. What would you want you legacy to be?
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
30. How do you show someone you love them?
31. Do you like ice in your drinks?
32. What are you afraid of?
33. What are your favorite scents?
34. Do you address people by their first or last name?
35. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
36. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
37. What would you do if you found 50$ on the ground?
38. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
39. What is something you would want to teach your children?
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
41. What can you hear right now?
42. Where do you feel the safest?
43. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
44. If you could travel back in time to any era, which would you choose?
45. What is your most used emoji? (If you have one. If not, is there a face that you make a lot?)
46. What is your favorite season and why?
47. How would you spend your ideal day?
48. Describe yourself using one word.
49. What do you regret the most?
50. What do you want your future house to look like?
I will post my answers when this thread shows up.
(May 21, 2017 - 9:30 am)
1. Black
2. Country! I am definitely a country girl, and wouldn't want to live anywhere else!
3. Hmm...that's hard...maybe horseback riding...
4. I cannot drink coffee without sugar. I absolutely hate it. I'm more of a tea person, and I also need sugar in that.
5. I am technically still a child XD, but when I was younger I was obsessed with the chronicles of narnia.
6. Showers in the day, baths at night.
7. Winged wolf, no questions asked.
8. Hmm...it depends on the book, really. Probably paper, but either is great for me.
9. I'd have to say a dress.
10. Yes, I do like my real name and probably wouldn't change it, but as for my CB name, I might change it someday.
11. Um...Jesus? XD
12. No. I wouldn't want all the attention. I guess I'd kinda like to be a famous-ish animal trainer, author, or artist though.
13. I'm not really sure what that means...I toss and turn a lot some nights...
14. Sort of.
15. Earth! I love animals and nature.
16. God? XD
17. Yes.
18. My earliest memory (I think) was in a mall, and I remember my mom holding me while she talked to a friend, and I stared at red, white and black tiled walls, bored out of my mind. XD I think I was about one.
19. Frog legs. They taste like really, really good chicken. XD
20. Part of our backyard, and the fence that separates our yard from a farm. Often I see some cows grazing as well.
21. My family (pets included, of course!), friends, and faith.
22. Yeah, but I won't eat it if it's too spicy.
23. No.
24. I've tried it quite a few times, but I usually forget after a while, and drop the habit.
25. It depends on what I'm using it for, but usually a pencil, because I can erase it if needed.
26. I don't know, actually.
27. In the middle, but on the crunchier side. I hate soggs. XD
28. Um...
29. No, I don't like reading. I LOVE it! :P The last thing I read was that question. ;-P
30. I'm not really good at stuff like that...XD
31. It depends on the drink.
32. The dark, going blind, and doctors are some big ones.
33. You know that smell, when you get a brand new puppy, or go to the animal shelter or something? The smell wears off a puppy, but it's there at first. That's my favorite smell. That and freshly baked cookies. I also like floaral scents. My favorite bath and body works scent is frosted cupcake.
34. First.
35. I have no idea. XD
36. Pools. Sharks scare me and I don't like how salt water tastes.
37. Give a little to charity, and probably save the rest until I found some useless junk to buy. Of course, by then I might have something in mind.
38. No. That would be cool, though.
39. The truth.
40. I never plan to get a tattoo, but if I had to, it would probably be a paw print and on my heel. Or 'I Like Books' (Oskar N. Reteep, anyone?).
41. My brother's video game and my dog snoring.
42. At home, I guess.
43. My fears.
44. Oooh, probably the Victorian era or around the American revolution.
45. That crying laughing one. Or, on here, XD.
46. Winter. Because snow. And Christmas. And my birthday. I even named my bird Winter!
47. Playing with puppies, or reading to baby bunnies by a warm fire.
48. Awesome. XD
49. I don't know.
50. I'm not sure. Well, how far into my future are we talking? If this means, like, the house we're building to move into right now, a large white farmhouse basically.
(May 23, 2017 - 10:40 am)
I should've put going blind as one of my fears! Or losing my right hand. I am very cautious around any rifles/weapons, and UV light, and always wear my seatbelt because I don't know what I would do if I couldn't draw! I'd feel really worthless and boring, I think, but I bet my writing skills would improve a lot! (wow, I would be so much better at more useful skills like baking and stuff if I didn't like to draw)
(May 25, 2017 - 10:06 pm)
1. Do you prefer writing with blue or black pen?
Black pen, definitely. And I don't particularily like ballpoint pens with lots of dark ink.
2. Would you prefer living in the country or the city?
City, I could never live somewhere without lots of people or restaurants or somewhere that has that many bugs. I'm an urban/suburban gal.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
I'd like to be able to fluently speak/read Japanese, in addition to the Spanish I'm learning now.
4. Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar? Do you even drink tea or coffee?
I do not drink either coffee or tea. Just don't like the taste.
5. What was your favorite book as a child?
I think it was this book of fairytales that one of my mom's friends gave to me as a present. It had really pretty illustrations.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
Baths, except if I need to get clean quickly. Other than that, baths.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, what would you choose?
Umm, dragon obviously. Dragons are the best- flying reptiles that can breathe fire or ice or whatever.
8. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
Paper! I don't like the way that you have to slide on a Kindle to read a page, and I prefer having real paper under my hands.
9. What is your favorite item of clothing?
I have a couple shirts I really like: A dark red v-neck T-shirt that says "I solemnly swear I am up to no good", and a pink T-shirt that says "Math has serious problems".
10. Do you like your name? (CB or real, or both) Would you ever change it?
I'm pretty satisfied with my CB name, but if I had to change it, I would probably be Ghostcloud, since it's my username on most other sites. My real name, on the other hand, is a massive pain because of the way it's spelled. No one can ever seem to get it right, whether in pronounciation or spelling it. I do like it though, and wouldn't want to change it.
11. Who is a mentor to you?
If anyone, my mom is the person I get most of my society/life views and skills from. I look up to her a lot.
12. Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
Fame has a lot of different and complicated sides to it, but if I were to answer that honestly, then yes. If I were going to be famous, I'd want to be either a famous writer or artist, probably writer.
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
I've been told I look and sound like I'm dead when I sleep. Barely even having my chest rise and fall. I'm silent as the grave.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic?
Hahaha, I'm actually the exact opposite of one, though for reasons I'd rather not say here.
15. Which element best represents you?
*breaks into Avatar: The Last Airbender opening scene* Water. Earth. Fire. Air. All four nations once lived together in harmony. But that all changed when--alright, alright. I guess I'm most like a waterbender/water.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? (can be a CBer or real life person/group of people)
I'd like to get to know some of the new CBers better, whom I've just seen by their name.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
My friend (nickname: Al) had to leave for West Virginia and I won't get to see her at all over the summer. She only has a flip phone, so I can't text her either. :( I'm going to miss Al a lot.
18. Tell me about an early childhood memory.
I actually have a pretty bad memory from when I was little, but one of the strongest things I can remember is when I broke my collarbone in the after-school care. I was rushed into the cafeteria and given a lollipop (remember- in immense pain from broken bone at the time and wailing my head off) to try and make me feel better. But the lollipop turned out to be a Tootsie Pop, which has a chocolate center... I hate chocolate. It wasn't a good day overall. *Side note- I had broken my right collarbone, and I'm a rightie, so I remember trying really hard to write 'whale' with my left hand later that year.*
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Err... I've eaten a whole bag of cherries before. That wasn't strange food but it sure a strange experience afterwards.
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
Well, I'm currently writing this in my living room, but outside that window I can see the hummingbird feeder in my backyard, along with some trees.
21. What are you most thankful for?
Being healthy and fully well, living in a secure home, my family having enough money to support us, and being born with everything I need and not less.
22. Do you like spicy food?
Ugggh no. I hate spicy food, never eat peppers. Oddly enough I like most Mexican food, just not the insane spicy stuff.
23. Have you ever met someone famous?
I've met the author of a comic book series called Corgi... my friend has met Kristen Bell before though.
24. Do you keep a diary or a journal?
I used to. I kept one from about 4th-8th grade, but I only wrote in it every once in awhile.
25. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
Pencil all the way! I draw a lot, and a pencil is much more forgiving and easy to work with than a pen. I also like the light, soft, brushy and sketchy style rather than sharp outlines.
26. What is your star sign?
I'm an Aries with the old calendar... but I got changed to a Pisces when the 13th zodiac got added. Personally I think I'm more like a Pisces.
27. Do you prefer your cereal crunchy or soggy? Do you even like cereal?
I do love cereal, but here's a shocker: I don't eat it with milk. I eat all my cereal dry.
28. What would you want you legacy to be?
I would just want to be remembered past several generations, and I would want to be known for making a mark on the world, or at least in people's daily lives.
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
I love to read! I do it a lot more than most people in my grade. I believe the last thing I read was Case Closed: Volume 32. Man I love Conan and Harley to death.
30. How do you show someone you love them?
With my family, I'm a big hugger and I show it a lot. With my friend, I think I might be meaner with my friends- but in a nice way!
31. Do you like ice in your drinks?
32. What are you afraid of?
Um... spiders, heights, bridges, death and the dark unknown past life, and nuts, I guess.
33. What are your favorite scents?
Orange, lemon, lavender, and rain.
34. Do you address people by their first or last name?
First name. It feels awkward and impersonal to me to call someone by their last name, and I like
35. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
Oh gosh. I'm already very generous with my money, time, and art, and I'd probably give everything away to anyone who needed or wanted it, haha.
36. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
Swimming pools, definitely. I know it's stupid, but I'm scared of sharks and quick tides and drowning. I can barely go out further than the first few waves in the ocean, and I like a clean pool a lot more.
37. What would you do if you found 50$ on the ground?
Buy some copic art markers. Or maybe I'd put it into my college fund.
38. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
Sadly, I've never seen one before.
39. What is something you would want to teach your children?
I would stress the importance of just being nice to people. Don't be mean to others, don't steal, don't do anything against the law. It's very important to me to be generous and kind to others.
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
I've thought about this a lot; I do like leopards and cats, so I'd probably want to get a leopard with some design around it, and it would be on my upper shoulder/upper arm.
41. What can you hear right now?
I'm listening to a Film Theory on That Poppy, about the Illuminati. Pretty cool if I do say so myself.
42. Where do you feel the safest?
In my bed at night, underneath my covers, or somewhere near my parents.
43. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
I want to get over my social anxiety and ineptness around other people I don't know. That bothers me a lot. Also, my extreme laziness and procrastination.
44. If you could travel back in time to any era, which would you choose?
I don't know, I'm very against time travel in all respects. But if I had to, and was allowed passage back to my own time, I'd want to check out the 1980's. (Nerdy, I know)
45. What is your most used emoji? (If you have one. If not, is there a face that you make a lot?)
I'm not on a mobile device, but I checked and it is the "a-ok three fingers up" symbol.
46. What is your favorite season and why?
Spring! Everything smells good and it's all green and fresh, and my birthday's in spring!
47. How would you spend your ideal day?
Hmm... I like to draw and write and read, and it'd be nice and about 75 degrees outside so I could sketch outside. And ideally, Dan and Phil, MatPat, and JaidenAnimations would all upload on that day. :D
48. Describe yourself using one word.
Disappointing. Or anxious.
49. What do you regret the most?
Hoo boy... a lot, really. Being mean to people in 4th grade, stealing before, swearing more than I should... I'm a bloody mess.
50. What do you want your future house to look like?
Not too big, small and having light blue walls, lots of houseplants, ideally a cat living in it.
This was really fun to do! Thanks Bluebird!
(May 23, 2017 - 2:28 pm)
#37- Yes! Copic markers are so frickin expensive!
(May 25, 2017 - 10:12 pm)
Next segment!!
11. Who is a mentor to you?
One of my amazing friends. And my Mom, of course.
12. Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
I don't know if I would want to be, but if I was I would want it to be for a sport. (Maybe gymnastics)
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
Not usually
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic?
15. Which element best represents you?
Wind or water.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? (can be a CBer or real life person/group of people)
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
Not really, I don't think so.
18. Tell me about an early childhood memory.
My siblings and I used to "travel" places on our swingset in the backyard. I don't really know how it worked, but I was always the food/snack person on out trips :)
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Stinky socks flavored jelly bean! (It was horrible)
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
I can see my backyard, our garage and swingset, and toys. I can sometimes see woodpeckers and rabbits in my back yard. And there's this one rabbit that comes almost every day to our back yard.
(May 24, 2017 - 3:39 pm)
1. Do you prefer writing with blue or black pen? Black all the way! I just like it more visually.
2. Would you prefer living in the country or the city? The city. Hey, I'm an extrovert and a writer! I need lots of human interaction for material for stories.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? Umm... how to not fail at life? :P
4. Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar? Do you even drink tea or coffee? I don't drink coffee (caffeine-less frappuchinos all the way!) and tea I drink without.
5. What was your favorite book as a child? I adored both the "Mr. Putter and Tabby" and the "Henry and Mudge" series, both by Cynthia Rylant. They were cute, colorful books about cute animals. I definitely recommend them for little kids.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Man, I don't think I've had a bath since, like, fourth grade because of the drought! I love showers too, but I've gotta say baths, just becasue I hardly ever have them.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, what would you choose? A phoenix! Magical healing powers and fire wings for the win!
8. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books? Paper. Electronic books are fine but I prefer the feel of paper and being able to judge how much of the book is left.
9. What is your favorite item of clothing? Either my fuzzy cream-colored turtleneck,
10. Do you like your name? (CB or real, or both) Would you ever change it? I love both of my names! With my real life name sometimes it gets annoying because NOBODY can pronounce it correctly on the first try. Sigh.
11. Who is a mentor to you? My parents, my teachers, and my amazing friends.
12. Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for? Ehh, I guess it'd be nice, but it's not something I particularly want. I'd want to be well-known for writing a NY Times-bestselling, Pulitzer-prize winning, beautifully plotted and socially relevent novel.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Oh man, yes.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic? Totally.
15. Which element best represents you? Hum, this is a hard one. Earth, perhaps.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? My friend G, who I haven't been able to hang out with much recently.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? Not that I can think of off the top of my head.
18. Tell me about an early childhood memory. I used to have extremely vivid, lucid dreams about being able to fly. I was convinced they were real until first grade.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Pig's-blood jello. It was disgusting.
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window? A wall and a bunch of trees.
21. What are you most thankful for? My friends, my school, and my family.
22. Do you like spicy food? Heck yeah.
23. Have you ever met someone famous? Purely by accident, but I've met Courteny Cox, Shaquille O'Neal, Chris Shifflet, Jason Ritter (!!), and Jack Black. The first three are parents at of kids at my school, and the last to are alumni of my school and guest-starred in this huge musical production we do called Cabaret.
24. Do you keep a diary or a journal? It's mostly a plot notebook for novels and such, but yes.
25. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Depends on what I'm doing. I love pens but I mess up too much to use them in school and such.
26. What is your star sign? Cancer.
27. Do you prefer your cereal crunchy or soggy? Do you even like cereal? Crunchy, and yes I do.
28. What would you want you legacy to be? Writing?
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read? I love reading! I just finished To Kill a Mockingbird.
30. How do you show someone you love them? Hugs.
31. Do you like ice in your drinks? Depends on what drink! Usually, but I don't like it in orange juice since when the ice melts it makes the juice taste all watered-down.
32. What are you afraid of? Heights, falling, sharks, tornadoes, and death.
33. What are your favorite scents? Lavender, peppermint, baking cookies, and apple pie.
34. Do you address people by their first or last name? First, usually.
35. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I'd travel a lot, write and draw a lot, and be spontaneous.
36. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? The ocean.
37. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? Honestly? I'd probably ask around whose it was, and if no one claimed it, pick it up and keep it.
38. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? Yes and yes!
39. What is something you would want to teach your children? That everyone deserves love and respect, no matter what they believe, who they love, or what they look like.
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I'd want to draw the design myself, and probably on my arm.
41. What can you hear right now? The air conditioning, my dog barking, and my brother playing Hamilton from his room.
42. Where do you feel the safest? In my house or with my friends.
43. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My fear of heights and tendency to overthink things.
44. If you could travel back in time to any era, which would you choose? I like the present.
45. What is your most used emoji? (If you have one. If not, is there a face that you make a lot?) The one with the winky eye sticking its tongue out or the chicken emoji (don't ask).
46. What is your favorite season and why? Winter, since it doesn't exist here and I like snow.
47. How would you spend your ideal day? Hanging out with friends.
48. Describe yourself using one word. Strange.
49. What do you regret the most? Can't think of anything off the top of my head, haha.
50. What do you want your future house to look like? No idea.
(May 24, 2017 - 7:58 pm)
21. What are you most thankful for?
My family and nature, and the CB XD
22. Do you like spicy food?
23. Have you ever met someone famous?
I met the princess and princess of Albanua. (If that qualifies as famous. )
24. Do you keep a diary or a journal?
25. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
Depends on what on doing, but most of the time pen.
26. What is your star sign?
Ummm, no idea
27. Do you prefer your cereal crunchy or soggy? Do you even like cereal?
I like some cereal, and totally crunchy
28. What would you want you legacy to be?
Someone who always thought of others.
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
Yesssss Completly. Last thing I read was the book Allegiant. (Divergent series)
30. How do you show someone you love them?
Hugs, usually.
(May 25, 2017 - 6:42 pm)