Hi, I'm new.
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hi, I'm new.
Hi, I'm new. I'm excited to get to know you. I'm Crookshanks's brother. Any suggestions for my name? I like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The Mysterious Benedict Society.
submitted by ???, age 10
(May 15, 2017 - 2:14 pm)
(May 15, 2017 - 2:14 pm)
Like he said, this is my little brother. He's pretty cool. He has not read the seventh Harry Potter book, so don't suggest anything that might give things away.
(May 15, 2017 - 3:35 pm)
(May 15, 2017 - 4:10 pm)
I think you should do Sticky or George Washington. By the way I also really like The Mysterious Benedict Society
(May 15, 2017 - 4:57 pm)
I like that idea thanks.
(May 15, 2017 - 6:36 pm)
Hey! Nice to meet you! Hmm lets see, how about Lupin? Padfoot? Err Dumbledoor? Luke Skywalker? Yoda? The Sith Lord...? Haha, okay I'm done. Nice to meet you, I hope to see you around more! I hope one of these names will help! :)
(May 15, 2017 - 5:21 pm)
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll go with Lupin.
(May 15, 2017 - 9:22 pm)
How about Dumbledore's Mysterious Rebellion Army? Is that too many letters? Either way, welcome to the CB!!
(May 15, 2017 - 6:26 pm)
Welcome, fellow Star Wars lover, Lupin!!
(May 15, 2017 - 11:52 pm)
Hey Lupin, welcome! I love the name you picked out. I am a huge Harry Potter geek, so I find that really cool. Unfortunately I have only see one Star Wars movie and don't know what the Mysterious Benedict Society is (maybe that's why it is mysterious xD) but they seem great. If you have any questions feel free to ask! It seems the CB has gained a lot of younger siblings recently which I think is awesome. Again, welcome, I hope you like it here!
(May 16, 2017 - 12:36 am)
Hey Lupin! Epic name bro. Nice to meet you!
(May 17, 2017 - 9:29 am)
Hi, Lupin! My name is Moonlight, but my real name is Natalie. I've gone by Natalie, Jack-a-Nat, CNN Reporter, and now Moonlight. I love the Inheritance Cycle and fantasy in general. I like the color turquoise, pineapple on pizza, and I have a dog named Jackie.
Sorry, that was a lot about me. I just always introduce myself that way to new CBers. :)
<3 Moonlight
(May 18, 2017 - 3:34 pm)
Nice to meet you, Lupin! My name is Brown Bear. I love all the things you mentioned, so we already have something in common. I love to write, read, draw, and talk to people. I can be a bit quirky and I have a tendency to go through phases in which I become interested in random things, such as knitting. As I said, I love to talk to people - or perhaps more accurately, listen - so if you ever need someone to talk to I'll be there. I hope to see you around the Chatterbox.
(May 18, 2017 - 9:03 pm)
Hello, I'm September! Nice to meet you!
(May 18, 2017 - 9:12 pm)
Hey, Lupin, nice to meet you! I am LilyPad, and you can call me Lily. I live in Australia. I cant wait to get to know you a bit more!
(May 19, 2017 - 4:42 am)