The CB
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
The CB
The CB
I feel like the CB isn't what it used to be.
I don't know. It just used to be more...interesting.
There hasn't been a debate thread in ages.
No one's gotten mad at someone else for eons.
I feel like we have a whole new set of CBers, even though a lot of old ones are still here.
It seems like the CB isn't as closely-knit as it used to be. Sure, it still is, but there used to be fewer people.
I suppose there's Leeli's CB-diving thread, and KG's thread on CaC, and Leafpool's thread on Inkwell, and all the games on DtE...but I've been feeling myself wishing it was more like it used to be.
I feel like Mei isn't as outgoing and "easy to annoy" as she was before she left. And yes, I'm singling her out from the others because she was one of the CBers that made it so interesting before.
And we've had a peaceful, slightly boring CB for too long.
*Buries face in hands*
Feel free to start some threads that you consider more interesting.
(May 3, 2017 - 1:19 pm)
"Be the change in the world you want to see."
If you think it's boring, that's your perception also, or how you view the threads. There could be people that disagree with you.
Actually, I do. XD
(May 3, 2017 - 5:25 pm)
Wait. You're bored of the CB... because we're all getting along? Honestly, I feel like it's a lot more tightly knit than when everyone was fighting. I love it this way, personally. It's nice to be able to sit back and create stories, games, and art with your friends without having to worry about offending anyone. I find wars and arguments here incredibly stressful, because I look at you guys like siblings and it hurts my heart when we fight. I love you guys. The CB's my safezone, too. I know I can go on here and write, show my art, or just talk and that I'm respected. Plus, the new CBers are AMAZING. I can hardly imagine the Chatterbox without them now!
But this is just my opinion. The most important part about opinions is that they differ. So go ahead and make some debate threads or anything you find interesting, like the Admin suggested. I can't wait to see what you create.
(May 3, 2017 - 5:42 pm)
*Laughs* Is being less easy to annoy a good thing? Or a bad thing?
I agree, though. Now, the Chatterbox is less about writing and more just chatting, which I don't like. We seem less nerdy in general. Our writing level and grammar levels have gone down. And I honestly don't know why I haven't social issue threads recently, or any threads at all, really.
(May 3, 2017 - 6:42 pm)
Um, no offence, but....
You might cause fighting and drama because of what you just said. And that's not what the CB wants or what it is about.
If you think it's boring because we don't fight, then I don't know what your version is of fun, and if that's interesting to you, then I'm sorry, I don't want to know.
This is just my opinion.
(May 3, 2017 - 7:17 pm)
Oh yes, let's start having wars and fighting with each other all the time again. Sounds like a fantastic idea. If you're bored with the CB, fine, I get it, but that's definitely not the way to go about fixing it.
(May 3, 2017 - 7:55 pm)
Whaaatt? Are you complaining because we're not fighting? Seriously? Personally, I like fact that we're not all hurting one another's feelings and that people aren't leaving. The debate threads brought so much hate to the CB. I can't believe you'd WANT that.
(May 3, 2017 - 8:05 pm)
So you're saying you want us to have a big fight? Last time we had one a lot of loved people left. I'm sorry but I disagree. The CB is perfect now. Like the Admins said, why don't you post more debate threads? It can be respectful. Not fights. I gotta go now. Farewell Anonymous! I respect what you think but still I disagree.
(May 3, 2017 - 8:29 pm)
Well, in my personal opinion, the CB is better without all the disagreements. But hey, that's just me. You are entitled to your opinion :)
(May 3, 2017 - 9:24 pm)
I agree with everyone. Fighting only hurts people. It isn't 'fun'. But, I guess, if you think that, Anonymous, well, everyone's different. But you seem to think two separate things. I mean, you say the CB isn't as 'closely knit' as it used to be, and you miss that part of it. But then you say the CB is boring because we don't fight. Those two things don't really agree witty each other, Anonymous.
Nugget says ague. *Agree*
(May 4, 2017 - 7:52 am)
...should I leave?
(May 4, 2017 - 5:55 am)
NO! You should NOT leave, Elementgirl! Definitely don't leave! You are an amazing, wonderful, spectacular CBer! You are a great friend and super smart, too! Like I said before, I can hardly imagine the CB without you. Please don't leave. I would miss you so much, and I know other people would too.
(May 4, 2017 - 10:12 am)
No! Don't leave, Elementgirl! You are an amazing, kind, smart, valuable, creative person, and the Cb needs you! No hard feelings, Kay?
(May 4, 2017 - 2:04 pm)
Aww, thanks guys! I'll stay!
(May 4, 2017 - 5:39 pm)
No. Elementgirl, you are a great CBer, and a great person. I will be so upset when you eventually do leave, but that can't be now! These problems are not because of you. Nor are they because of me. I was going to leave because of a problem like this, and then I realized something. Leaving won't make the problem go away. Staying to help the cause will. I can understand people feel upset. And hey, thats ok, and we should all try to make them feel better. But everything changes in life. School changes, work changes, and you change. It's not your falt that some CBers are upset. Please, please don't leave elementgirl, you are one of my best friends on here. I noticed you have been taking a break lately. Or is that just me.
(May 4, 2017 - 5:17 pm)
Lily, you are one of my best friends on the CB, too! And I'm not planning on leaving for at least 4-5 more years. I can't imagine the CB without you. *Hugs back*
(May 4, 2017 - 7:22 pm)