CBer questions thread!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CBer questions thread!
CBer questions thread!
I don't think anyone has already made one of these (Im sorry if i'm wrong!) but this is a CBer questions thread. Basically, you ask questions of CBers you've always wanted answered. Here are a few of mine:
Nianad, where did your name come from?
Esquire of Rohan, where did your name come from and is Hawkeye any good at Xbox? (your location always says you're playing Xbox with Hawkeye)
Mei-xue, where did your name come from? (most of these, yes, will be about their names)
Autumn Artist, do you like art or was it just a pretty name? And is Autumn your favorite season?
Embers in the Ashes, was that just a pretty name to you or are you named after the book (An Ember in the Ashes)?
Everyone: what's the age range on the CB? I've seen people as young as 8 and as old as 16. Has anyone seen anyone older or younger?
Have fun! Even if I didn't ask you a question, you can ask someone else a question.
(April 20, 2017 - 9:03 am)
Nianad: In what section of the CB was your first ever post?
(April 22, 2017 - 3:46 am)
Down to Earth--in the Camp CB Revived thread, by Leafpool.
(April 22, 2017 - 10:26 am)
My name comes from a Chinese kids show about fairies. XD I thought it was pretty, abd it become ny CB name! It means "beautiful snow." Random? Yes.
My favorite thing to do on the Chatterbox? Merlin, that's hard. I love RPing with good writers, coming up woth plot twists and collaborating. I also love learning about other people's lives. And also a good discussion thread.
(April 22, 2017 - 8:50 am)
Greenhood, do you have any siblings?
Zeus, what grade are you in?(only if you feel comfortable sharing)
Butterfly, do you have a pet? If so what kind?
Starseeker, what was your first post?
I'll do more later. I just picked random CBers.
(April 22, 2017 - 11:03 am)
@Sho how long have you been on CB?
@Claaws I love your name! How did you get it?
@Starseeker what is your favorite Wings of Fire dragon?
@Mei what is your favorite color (I think of it as blue...purple...or black...?)
(April 22, 2017 - 12:22 pm)
yes, of course you can call me Seeker! No one ever shortens my name, for some reason. Neither my real name or my CB name, which surprises me. But it's fine. I don't mind!
Ooh... well, my first post EVER was about a year ago, on a Wing of Fire thread with Air. We had a very nice back and forth about Wings of Fire and being ambivalent and just crazy stuff like that. Then I took a break (I am very ashamed to say I forgot about the CB for a year or so...) and when I came back, Air was nonexistent. What ever happened to Air? Did he/she change their name while i was gone? Or did they leave? Does anyone know?
Well, this is a multi-layered question. *****It also contains tiny spoilers!!!*****My favorite type of dragon is a SeaWing now (because they seem really cool) but way back before I read the fourth book (and the ninth book for that matter) it was NightWings. That's why I'm a NightWing. I like NightWings for their appearance and mystery. But I don't like their attitude AT ALL. If they took it down a few notches they would be my favorite! My favorite character... well, I have reasons to like them all! But I especially like Darkstalker (in his Darkstalker book, not so much the ninth book... but I love the way he sticks up for Moon!) And I also like Peril, cause, you know, Peril. I really identified with Anenome, because I liked Tsunami but felt I could never be that bold and brave, and I'm a little sister myself. But then she goes all psyco in the ninth book (whacking Moon over the head with an enchanted mop until she cleans? Not cool, Anenome.) I also really like Moon and Starflight, because they remind me of me: kinda bookish, kinda shy, but fiercly loyal to the end.)
Wow, that was long. But so true though!
PS My CAPTCHA said her species! "capn". Close enough!
(April 22, 2017 - 4:34 pm)
@LilyPad: Thanks! I've been here awhile. Out of the history of the CB, I don't think I'm the longest lasting member. There are undoubtedly others who had been here more years that have finally since left. TNO, for instance, was one who started young and stayed into adulthood, so I think she had more years under her belt than I. But out of everyone on currently, yes, I think I've been here longest. Butterfly has been here a long time too though. She and her sister I remember meeting early on into my time here.
(April 22, 2017 - 8:24 pm)
@Lilypad- I am 13 years old. Thanks for asking me a question!
(April 23, 2017 - 6:43 pm)
I think you get the picture from the name box.
~Topping Dragon
PS Just in case I wasn't loud enough...
(April 27, 2017 - 9:04 pm)