Local Made-up Word
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Local Made-up Word
Local Made-up Word Dictionary
Here's a place to record all your made-up words! To write an entry, follow this format.
Word | part of speech | definition: "example sentence"
Here's the first word, a word my sister and I made up last night.
car`rot•ish | adjective | Bearing an appearance or demeanor similar to that of a carrot: "The terrier dog was rather carrotish in apppearance."
submitted by Scylla
(April 2, 2017 - 2:58 pm)
(April 2, 2017 - 2:58 pm)
Delishyum|Adjective|That pasta looks delishyum!
(April 3, 2017 - 1:27 am)