Compliment Thread!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Compliment Thread!
Compliment Thread!
Let's bring some cheer to the CB!
Scylla: You're an amazing artist and writer. I love your slightly-sarcastic personality, and your fancy writing style, which fits your drawing styly perfectly.
Ashlee: Your comments on the CB are long and thoughtful, you always have something nice to say.
LilyPad: You're so optimistic and energetic! Your name is super pretty, and it really fits.
AutumnArtist: Like LilyPad, you're really optimistic. You put smiley face after everything, which I think is super cute!
Come on guys, let's spread some love! More later!
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(March 25, 2017 - 2:35 pm)
(March 25, 2017 - 2:35 pm)
Thanks so much, Mei! That made my day. I will write a nice, long list of compliments, but I gotta go now, Drama Classes!
Mei- I love your supportive comments and your funny, interesting, kind threads. Will you ever run out of great ideas and inspiring comments? I love your qoutes and your joy in spreading peace, happines and love. Keep going, Mei, we love you and we will always be with you whatever you do. Thanks for being who you are!
(March 26, 2017 - 11:38 pm)
Hi, Admin, could you please post my compliment post here? Thanks.
OK, done, though there are some line breaks that crept in. But it still reads all right. If you want the other one deleted, you'll need to send me specific instructions from its thread.
(March 27, 2017 - 11:28 pm)
Ok, here we go...I will be doing this in four or five parts. Im attempting
to do every single CBer, from Autumn Artist's list.
Abigail S: If I were given two words to describe you, Abi, I would say kind
and ingenious. You are truly an inspiration. I love your creative, funny posts.
And you have so much talent! Keep it up.
Admins: You are super supportive and kind. Obviously, without you guys we
would have no CB and the world would be chaotic. Thank you for
Ashlee: When I look in compliment threads and things like that, I see nice,
long thick paragraphs next to each persons name when I see your posts. That
makes me smile. Ashlee, your amazing. I know you try so hard to make others
feel good, and your bouncy personality cheers up the CB.
Apple Jaguar: You may not be as active you used to be, but your posts still
brighten up the CB. You always speak so passionately about things you care
about and I think you have some really great qualities as a person and as a
Autumn Artist: Where do I start? You have such a positive attitude about
every thing and you have a really friendly personality. I like your threads on
CaC especially because they are always such good ideas and they are interesting
to read.
Autumn Leaves: I can't really find the words to describe you. Brilliant.
Funny. Kind. You are so positive and friendly, and you always seem to find a
way to make people smile.
Bear of Intelligence: Ok, a part from any thing else I love your name. Its a
funny, creative, ingenious name that suits you perfectly. You are really brave
and confident, and when you joined the CB, you dove right in and started having
some great ideas.
Bibliophile: You have such brilliant ideas and creative talents. You are
really sensible and smart. You are also very kind and peaceful. Youre never,
ever boring!
Booksy Owl: Booksy, I love your really posotive and friendly attitude about
everything. Like BOI, I love your name that definitely suits you. Keep up the
funny, creative threads that add so much to the CB.
Brooklyn Newsie: Harry Potter, Starwars and the Newsies are so epic that I
have to give you a round of applause for your choice of fan-girling subjects.
But thats not the only thing I like about you. Keep up the creativity and your
kind, inspirational threads. You seem really determined when you set your mind
on something and that is a really great quality I think.
Ok, ok, maybe I'll be doing this in nine or ten parts. SO MANY CBERS. but
thats not a bad thing, right? Im doing this in alphabetical order, so don't get
upset if I didn't do you first. Thanks, Mei for another great thread.
(March 28, 2017 - 9:02 am)
Wow, that's so cool, Lily!!!
(March 28, 2017 - 1:42 pm)
Thanks, LilyPad! I'm glad that you approve of my fangirling. XD.
LilyPad, you are incredibly kind and sweet and talented. I know that you'll go far in life because you have so much kindness and moxie.
Mei-Xue, you are brave, empowered, and confident in everything you do. Keep it up, girl!
Cockleburr, you are so much fun! You are such a talented artist, and keep it up, that's a gift. You are a strong voice to the CB.
(April 3, 2017 - 9:59 pm)
Oh my gosh, that's so kind of you! You made me feel so happy! *hugs* Thanks, Brooklyn. You are so sweet.
(April 4, 2017 - 11:06 pm)
Thank you!
(April 20, 2017 - 2:37 pm)
Thanks, Admins!
(March 28, 2017 - 4:00 pm)
Aww, LilyPad! You are so nice to everyone. You are on literally every compliment thread I've ever seen, and you always have such nice things to say about everybody! You make even obscure Cybers like me feel important and special. YOU ROCK!
(March 29, 2017 - 9:21 am)
Ok, worry not, everyone! I'm going to post soon! This is literally the THIRD time my post has deleted itself. Ugh. Time to restart!
(March 29, 2017 - 11:23 am)
(March 29, 2017 - 9:28 pm)
St.Owl: Your RP ideas are amazing, and so is your writing. Your name, age, and location are all super creative.
Leeli: You're a dedicated and proud Wingfeather Saga fan, no matter what other people think. Your style is cute, and you're a really compassionate person.
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." --Maya Angelou
(March 30, 2017 - 6:11 pm)
Aw, thanks so much Mei! That made my day!
Mei, you are a passionate CBer who is not afraid to stand up in what you believe in. You don't care what anyone else thinks; you'll make a difference in the world someday. :)
(March 31, 2017 - 5:58 pm)
Alshlee G -Your thoughtful and sensitive comments alwasy make me smile. YOu always know the right thing to say to everyone.
General Waffleson - I love your cool ideas and creative thinking. Your RPs are so cool, because you think out of the box.
Trebel Clef - You're an awesome writer and a great pal. I love working wit you on the contest. You're just really cool.
I'm in school now, so I'll think of more later.
(March 31, 2017 - 12:46 pm)
Brown Bear: you have a super clever imagination, and also your really wise and intelligent. You have really cool things to say and you never waist thread space with your amazing ideas!
Butterfly: You are a very wise, gifted, kind and intelligent person. You are not often around on the CB, but you are always remembered. You only post on things that are worth posting on, and you take your time to help other people, but when you do, ypu really help them.
Caroline: You have really cool, funny ideas, and your posotive and kind personality just adds to everything. People like you are the ones who help to shape the CB the most!
Cayke: you are always ready to stand up for what you think is right, but when you do so, you do it in a polite, kind way. You have great ideas and a super creative personality.
Claaws: You have the most amazing ideas! You are so enthusiastic about everything and you are super passionate about things that ypu know matter!
Clouded Leopard: You are really open to trying new things, and you have such awesome drawing talent! You ars unafraid to dive into new things, and that, I think, is an amazing quality to have.
Cockleburr: You are so kind. Probably one of the kindest people I have been lucky enough to get to know. How do you do it? You try so hard to make others feel great, and thats amazing.
Crookshanks: Number one: I love your name! Number two: you have a super kind and creative personality, and number three: you are really nice and kind to other people!
Dandilion: When I see your name in the little box next to the threads, I knkw I am about to see a great thread. Why? Because you are super creative, kind, and love spreading happiness all over the CB.
Next part is coming right up!
(March 31, 2017 - 4:07 pm)