Im leaving. No,

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Im leaving. No,

Im leaving. No, before you ask, this is not about that stupid Longest Thread Ever misunderstanding. Its because I dont belong here. 

Many CBers have left since I joined beacause of changes. Because of exclusions, upsettings and feeling as if they dont belong. Recently, a fellow CBer, who is just as amazing, equal and fair as the rest of us, left because of people like me. People wh arrived and suddenly dove right in, took over and took the places of other, older CBers who were suddenly ignored and exluded from the rest of us.

The CB is like a home to me. But to take the place of others, kick them away and leave them behind as if they dont matter, I would rather stay out of it.

Goodbye to all of my CB friends whom I love, know and will remember. Goodbye. I will miss you. To all those who bothered to read my boring goodbye thread, thankyou. I love you, goodbye and I will miss you. Goodbye, Admin.

XOX  ❤❤❤


submitted by LilyPad
(February 13, 2017 - 3:03 am)

Lily, you do not have to punish yourself.

We can all agree that we love everyone here, no matter when they've joined. And, those old and cherished people were new too once.

Please, don't leave. I would miss you so much. No matter what people say about hierarchy, you're still LilyPad, and I don't care if they say that old CBers are thrown aside for the new--they're not. Please, please stay with us.  

submitted by Icy ❄, age 12!!!, The Forest
(February 15, 2017 - 9:48 am)