CBers in one
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CBers in one
CBers in one word!
Pretty self explainintor...
Micearenice: Kind
Sparkle Girl: Funny
Pepper Star: Thoughtful
Nebula: Creative
Dandilion: Sweet
Cayke: Magnanimous
Leeli: genourous
Embers: Clever
Leafpool: Imaginative
Embers in the Ashes: Helpful
Elementgirl: Brilliant!
Stampycatfan: Halairious
Autumn Artist: friendly
The Artist: kind-hearted
Brookeria: good-natured
Darth Daisy: Funny
Lucy B: Creative
Lightning: Imaginitive
Lap: attentive
Booksy Owl: Kind
Clouded: Supportive
Icy: open hearted
Rose Bud: gracious
Blue Bird: sweet
Scylla: friendly
Gared: creative
Apple Jaguar: clever
Kelidiscope Griffon: kind
Brown Bear: brave
Cockleburr: ingenious
Mirax: kind-hearted
Grace: pleasant
Killim: jolly
Kestrel: enjoyable
The Riddler: polite
Claaws: friendly
Star Briger: funny
Ronan: creative
Mei: amazing!
September: helpful
St Owl: encouraging
Owl Girl: kind
Esthelle: Magnanimous
Generel Waffleson: polite
Shoshanah: friendly
Phew....well, feel free to do your own, and if youde like one, please ask!
I hope this isnt too long!
(February 11, 2017 - 6:55 pm)
I love this, LilyPad, and your list is absolutely wonderful! Here I go:
LilyPad: Brilliant
Brooke: Original
Oregano: Kind
General Waffleston: Generous
Leeli: Supportive
St. Owl: Sweet
Clouded Leopard: Unique
Icy: Amazing
Mei: Inspirational
Micearenice: Wonderful
Booksy Owly: Uplifting
Newsie: Admirable
Gared: Incredible
KG: Thoughtful
KtG: Kindhearted
Owl Girl: Friendly
Butterfly: Outstanding
BHR: Ingenious
Leafpool: Compassionate
Elementgirl: Amiable
Cockleburr: Caring
HAB: Uplifting
Riddler: Exceptional
Esthelle: Composed
Embers: Thoughtful
Everyone Else (four words): Most Brilliant People Ever
I promise I will do more later!
(February 15, 2017 - 12:24 am)
Here are a couple more:
Shadow Dragon: Stunning
Scylla: Guiding
Lightning: Playful
OtR: Friendly
Stampy: Outgoing
(February 15, 2017 - 11:51 pm)
Thanks Lily and Ashlee! Polite... mwahaha, or I maybe could be super evil XD
(February 16, 2017 - 7:24 pm)
Could someone do me? That would be awesome! Thanks!
(February 16, 2017 - 9:10 pm)
I've never identified myself as polite, but thank you anyways!
Autumn Leaves: Idealistic
(March 4, 2017 - 1:54 pm)