Hi! I'm new
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hi! I'm new
Hi! I'm new to the chatterbox. I know a little bit about the Chatterbox because I've read a guide and explored, but I still have just one question:
1) I know what AE's are, but why are they in bold or italics sometimes? How do you make an AE? Basically, could you just explain all about AE's. And what are CAPATCHA's? How are they different from AE's? Could you explain about CAPATCHA's too? Why can you bring them along to some RP's? I thought that was only for charrie's.
It doesn't have to be a lot of writing, I would just like someone to clear all this confusion up for me.
Also, I wanted to say hi and introduce myself to all CBer's out there. I hope we can have fun, help eachother, and more on the Chatterbox. Thanks so much for reading this!
Welcome, Treble Clef. People sometimes have an AE speak in bold or italics to differentiate its voice from another character—to make it easier for the reader to know who's talking.
Captcha is the name of the code you're asked to type before submitting a comment. Some people have given Captcha a special nickname and comment about what it says.
(February 1, 2017 - 6:45 pm)
You play any insturments? I play flute, I played drums, and I have exprience making my own Techno songs on assorted software. Welcome to CB!
AEs are other parts of your personality, like I have three AEs: Ajani, a telepathic, telakenatic tabby cat with a fondness for boardgames, DJ Bowtie, a rather hyper DJ, and Jack, who is a fairly normal person. They speak in italics, bold, and bold italics. Clear anything up?
(February 1, 2017 - 10:28 pm)
Welcome, treble clef!!!
Its awesome that you are new to cricket! I am AutumnArtist, and I'm 12 1/2.
I see that your questions have already been answered, but if you have any more questions, I will answer!
Do you play piano? (Just asking because of your name :D)
I play advanced piano at my house as well!!
By the way, look through threads in Chirp at Cricket, or Puddings Place if you have time! I have different threads. Most of them will say "submitted by KATNISSLOVER" because that was my old name, and some of my new ones will say "submitted by AutumnArtist :)," which is my new name.
Welcome one again, to the CB!!!,
(Also, if you didn't know, people on this website are called CBers.)
- AutumnArtist:)
(February 2, 2017 - 8:43 am)
Hey, Treble Clef! I love you're name! Admins basically covered all of you're questions, but if you do have any more, just ask!
Do you have any hobbies? I love soccer, musical theatre and rabbits! Welcome to the CB! I have a feeling we're going to be good friends! I used to many exclamation marks. By the way, my AES are called Gem and Sapphire. To make you're own AE, you can just fill out a sheet that looks like this (or you can make your own), and they usually have sarcastic or grumpy personalities, but you can decide.
Age: (optional)
Speaks in: Bold or italics
Crushes: (on other AES) If you don't know any other AEs yet, just say undecided.
I can't wait to get to know you!
(February 2, 2017 - 3:48 am)
I'm sorry if I confused you on the RP thing, Treble Clef. Sometimes, AEs are allowed, but only if the RP creator says so. So, an AE is a character you create, like a part of your personality. To create them, basically just tell us about them! They speak in bold, italics, or bolditalics much for the convenience of other people, so you can see who is speaking. For example:
Anna, get out here!
There is a new CBer, and she(?) wants to meet you.
Oh, hello. I'm Anna, elementgirl's AE. *goes back inside*
So.... yeah, that's basically an AE. Wild, hyper, loud, and exasperating.
CAPTCHAs, however, are said to have a completely different personality. People usually imagine them as furry pets, sweet, cute, and adorable. They are that little box at the bottom of the screen, with the four random letters in them. Sometimes, they say words. Connie has said, 'hate', 'ohhi', and something that I can't write here, plus a lot of gibberish. Now, she says:
What do you mean, Connie?
I shall never understand.....
@Older CBers, please feel free to correct and add on anything. I've only been on for a month, so........xD
(February 2, 2017 - 6:51 am)
Welcome, Treble Clef!! Since Gared already answered about the AEs, I'll just try to explain Captchas. As the Admin said, they're the box at the bottom of the page you have to type in before your comment can be posted. A lot of people on here have given them names and oersonalities (mostly as pets) and make them into a character. They only speak through the box at the bottom of the page. Or in four letter words. Sorry if that was really confusing!! Most of the time, you shouldn't use them in RPs. You can in Ski Lodges though, and in RPs where it says you can.
Anyway, I'm Ember. I'm thirteen (nearly fourteen, whoop whoop!) and I live for writing, drawing, my friends, and music. I literally will have music on all day. I hope to get to know you better! Have a good day, and enjoy the CB!
(February 2, 2017 - 10:35 am)
I'm so happy I met you all. Thanks for clearing up my questions. I hope we all can be friends. I actually do play the piano, and I really like reading and writing. I think I will most likely have the most fun on Inkwell with its RP's, but the other parts of the CB sound cool too. I will probably make a sarcastic AE, and I don't know about my CAPTCHA yet. I hope to see you all around the CB a lot!! Thanks for all your help!
(February 2, 2017 - 2:42 pm)
Welcome to the Chatterbox, Treble Clef! I'm Scylla. I have an AE, Charybdis (Boldfaced), and a CAPTCHAE (CAPTCHA/AE combination), Hallia (Italicised). I enjoy creative writing, playing piano, and drawing. My favourite story genre is fantasy. I like cats. And chocolate.
I can't wait to get to know you better! Again, welcome, and have fun here on the CB.
(February 2, 2017 - 3:06 pm)
Me: Hello Trebel Clef! I'm Nebula, and these are my AEs, Grey, Doublock, and Niccolai
Grey: Hello! I am Grey, the CB's only Night Elf AE.
Niccolai: Again with the introductions thing?!?! I thought I told you, I dont like new people!
Doublock: Ignore Nick, he/she is a total sour puss.
Niccolai: Am not! I just have allergies to that sort of thing...
Grey: Its true, he broke out in tenticals last time he/she was near two AEs who liked eachother.
Me: Guys! Stop arguing in front of the new CBer! You might scare her off!
Doublock: Hmph.
Me: Anyway... welcome to the CB, we hope you hang around. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
(February 2, 2017 - 3:06 pm)
Hi Treble Clef! Welcome to the Chatterbox! I really like your name. I know this has already been asked, but do you play any instruments? This is my 4th year playing flute, and I'm learning piano at school. I love playing both of them! I guess both of your questions have already been answered, so I won't bother answering them again. Anyway, welcome to the CB!!!
(February 2, 2017 - 5:00 pm)