
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Does it seem, lately, like the CB is the same old CB, but...different?

A lot people have joined recently, but it used to be so ...different, with Cho and Daisy, and Brookeira, and Joss, and everyone....

I don't really know what else to say; I just had to get my thoughts out.... 

submitted by Someone
(January 28, 2017 - 2:31 pm)

CB is ALWAYS changing. When I first joined, there used to be a totally different set of people: True, BHR, Noelle C., Pete the TrollSlayer, JBE, etc. And even before that there was an even different set of people. People change interests, and that's alright!

submitted by Danie
(January 28, 2017 - 7:33 pm)
submitted by TOP TOP
(January 28, 2017 - 7:34 pm)

I guess....

submitted by Someone
(January 29, 2017 - 1:10 pm)

HI, I'm Brown Bear and I'very barely been here a week. I'm curious, what makes the CB seem so different from the old days? 

submitted by Brown Bear
(January 29, 2017 - 9:56 pm)

When I joined I think the CB just felt.... more welcoming?  I dunno, I felt more comfortable on the forums.  Especially Dte where now I cant go in without finding a thread I dont agree with.  But I guess thats how it is now.  I mean long ago Cac was mostly used for games and quizzes but now it just feels overrun with random "Click me threads"  that barely pass a complete sentence.  BaB didnt change much but Dte... oh Dte.   Do any of you remember when Dte was mostly just fun threads?   Leafpool and Daisy had their AE sleep overs, sho lily had her personality quizzes and Cho had her fandoms:)  

I think the CB has become more adept to the real world now, and I guess thats a good thing...But sometimes I wish we could just be that fun, creative, playful CB we used to be.  

So a message to all the "newer" Cbers here.  Dont feel pressured to make a ton of threads just to get your name around.  We hear ya, we love ya, and your already part of our big online family;) Remeber that and try to put a little more (this is to all CBers now) thought into your threads.  Effort is glory am I right?  

(ok maybe not but still;)

~Kaleidoscope Gryphon 

submitted by Kaleidoscope Gryphon, age 13!!!!!!!!, The Prism Sky
(January 30, 2017 - 10:40 am)

Sleepovers? That's a great idea!

No, not really.

Why not?

Because... you do know Daisy would start throwing popcorn, right?

Well, so would everyone else. 

*says darkly* I wouldn't put it past her to start it, though.  

submitted by Bolton and Swummer
(February 1, 2017 - 7:44 am)

Well, I think DtE has changed so much is becuase this is a very hard time for many people, and DtE is about the world around you, so it is and was a place for people to ask for reassurnce; to see if somebody is on their side. But the AE culture is returning very quickly, and I think DtE is the most "normal" today than it has been for about a month.

submitted by Gared
(February 1, 2017 - 10:42 am)

Mmm... This is going to take some thought. I mean, I was around when Danie was, I knew all the people around then. The CB was different then. Look at the CB in 2008, a lot different, right? Read the threads from then. Read threads from 2012. Then read threads nowadays. In my opinion, we change, as a great CBer once said, the Chatterbox is a river, flowing, changing. All we can do is take the ride down it.

Although I see what you mean. There are threads that are singular-sentenced, but so were threads back in 2008 when the CB first started. It's existed our whole history. We still have our fun games, fandoms, etc. but a lot of that is now on PP. DtE is fulfilling it's original purpose - being a discussion place about the real world and real world problems. That probably explains why not everyone agrees with every topic presented there. Although might I add, DtE is a major AE place now, and games like ACGs or picturings.

CaC, well that's changed a lot. But in a good way. AEs dominate a large portion of CaC, and it's a lot like DtE. The purpose blends together for general discussion, questions, or if DtE has a ton, people usually post on CaC or vise versa.  

I am rarely on BaB, occasionally on PP, and rarely (sadly) now on Inkwell. But the CB is a brilliant place. It's a river, always changing. It's the world always changing, spinning. We have our ups and downs. New ideas invented, etc. Right now we are in a period of time with a lot of new CBers, who are presenting a lot of new ideas. You also have to take into consideration a lot of our newest members are also on the younger side of the CB scale. Likewise, those who left were much older.

Young ages vs old ages, each group presents their own different personality. You'll get a lot of different interactions with a younger kid than an older kid. It's just the part of life. And in my opinion, both are wonderful interactions. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(January 30, 2017 - 7:59 pm)

I agree:)

submitted by Kaleidoscope Gryphon, age 13!!!!!!, The Prism Sky
(January 31, 2017 - 9:34 am)

Hmm. I suppose it has changed a lot, although I haven't noticed it while it's happening. I am coming up on my CBversary very soon (how did that happen!) and things are definitely different. I think a lot of what has happened to DtE is the Diversity War and all the stuff about the election and politics, which have created a lot of arguments. Once we get past that things can go back to normal. When I was here there were a lot more people, it seemed. I'm not sure if most of them have left, but they're definitely not around as much. I can't write much now, but not everything has been bad. I still love the CB every bit as much as I did at the beginning.

submitted by The Riddler
(January 31, 2017 - 3:16 pm)

Chatterbox has just gone through something like a war. Ordinary people were involved. Citizens were harmed. Now, we have the opportunity to rebuild. That is a slow process. We all need to do our part: make an AE thread on DtE. Make a poem and post it on CaC. That is how we send those threads of angst and harm to the back of CB history, and bring back the CB we all want back. We have been healing for about a month now: a month from when our last big argument was. We need more time, but we are already on the path to peace and FUN!

submitted by Gared
(February 1, 2017 - 12:34 am)