Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Does anybuggy know any good ones? (FYI, A palindrome is a phrase that is the same backwards as it is forwards. For example, kayak is an easy one word palindrome, but there are some really long ones)
Some of my favorite ones are:
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog
Mr owl ate my metal worm
a man, a plan, a canal, panama!
So, anyone?
(this is a Revive CaC thread!)
Madam I'm Adam.
submitted by Willa
(May 21, 2009 - 6:01 pm)
(May 21, 2009 - 6:01 pm)
Yes, Admin., supposedly the first words said by human beings.
(May 22, 2009 - 12:05 pm)
(May 26, 2009 - 9:57 pm)
Straw warts!
(May 26, 2009 - 10:00 pm)
(May 27, 2009 - 3:53 pm)
Do geese see God? Was it Eliot's toilet I saw? Some men interpret nine memos. Never odd or even. Too bad – I hid a boot
Rats live on no evil star
No trace; not one carton
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
Ah, Satan sees Natasha
Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Dennis sinned
(May 27, 2009 - 1:44 pm)
Straw? No, too stupid a fad; I put soot on warts.
(May 27, 2009 - 1:46 pm)
(May 27, 2009 - 2:42 pm)
Cara, did you make those up?
(May 27, 2009 - 4:56 pm)
No sir! Away! A papaya war is on!
(May 27, 2009 - 5:46 pm)
Yo! Banana boy!
(May 27, 2009 - 6:37 pm)
I know some, but I'll have to get back to you later... *taps head* memory. :)
(May 27, 2009 - 3:54 pm)
Um... no sentences, but 'radar' and 'level.'
(May 27, 2009 - 5:09 pm)
I think racecar is the longest single word palendrome, but I'm not sure. You guys have good ones! How do you start - at the end, or in the middle?
(May 27, 2009 - 10:53 pm)
Yay! I've got some:
-Too bad, I hid a boot.
-Gary knits a stinky rag.
-Bald elf fled lab.
-Nurse, save rare vases, run!
-Evil olive.
-Step on no pets.
I'll beware of the Evil Olive!
(May 28, 2009 - 10:43 am)
Haha! That's right, Admin. Be afraid. Be veeery afraid ;D
(May 29, 2009 - 8:33 pm)