CBer/AE interviews.
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CBer/AE interviews.
CBer/AE interviews.
CBer interviews are back! But this time, you may include your AEs, or a CAPTCHA, as well as yourself. Sign up whenever and I'll try to do everybody, in order.
submitted by BookBug, Australia
(January 15, 2017 - 5:09 am)
(January 15, 2017 - 5:09 am)
Top! I'll do an interview, and I think my AEs would like it too.
Well, only if you have the time. We wouldn't want to pressure you...
(January 15, 2017 - 9:53 am)
ok, this one is for Embers in the Ashes' AEs.
1. So, do you like being Ember's in the Ashes' AEs?
2. How would you describe Embers in the Ashes in one word?
3. What is your favourite colour? Random.....
4. How do you think Embers in the Ashes would describe you?
5. What is your favourite part of the CB?
Ok, Embers in the Ashes, this ones for you:
1. Describe each of your AEs in one word
2. What is your least favourite colour?
3. What is your favourite section of the CB?
4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
5. What's your favourite book?
(January 16, 2017 - 2:30 am)
Finally getting around to this...
1. Oh, she's lovely! The only reason I'm still here is 'cause she feeds me.
2. Kind Jerk
3. Leaf green Black
4. Quiet. That's what everyone says about me. After talking to me, Jami refuses to answer.
5. DTE Puddings Place
And mine...
1. Well, Basil's definitely brilliant, and Jami's a warrior.
2. Probably hot pink or neon green.
3. Is Kyngdom a section? If not, I love the Inkwell and Down to Earth
4. Either flight, invisiblity, or the ability to heal any sickness or injury, or any type of suffering at all. I've been tied between the three my whole life.
5. I can never choose.
(January 18, 2017 - 6:11 am)
(January 15, 2017 - 9:53 am)
I will do an interview! But I might not be able to post back directly....
And Arwen, my Æ, will take one too.
(January 15, 2017 - 2:40 pm)
Leafpool, this is for you:
1. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
2. Explain Arwen in one word
3. What is your greatest fear?
4. What is your favourite part of the CB?
5. Who, or What inspires you?
This is for Arwen:
1. If you ate any meal every week, what would it be?
2. How would you describe Leafpool?
3. Who inspires you?
4. If you could choose any CB name, what would it be?
5. What's your least favourite thing about Leafpool?
(January 16, 2017 - 2:39 am)
Oo yes! I'll sign myself up, and my AEs MewFour and 8-Piece too.
(January 15, 2017 - 4:00 pm)
Clouded Leapord, this is for you:
1. What is your greatest fear?
2. Describe each of your AEs in one word
3. What is your dream job when you grow up?
4. What is your least favourite food?
5. What are some of your strengths/weaknesses
This is for your AEs:
1. Describe your daily routine
2. Describe CL in one word
3. How long have you guys and CL been on the CB?
4. What is one thing you couldn't live without?
5. What is your least favourite colour?
(January 16, 2017 - 2:51 am)
Ooh thanks BookBug!
1. What is your greatest fear?
...hm. Actually, this is a pretty personal question for me. I would say something like 'heights' or 'spiders'... but those aren't my deepest fears. I fear... I fear death. I fear the unknown. I fear the possiblity that nothing exists past the whorl of the endless void in which all of humanity is plunged into. I fear memories, and the fact they are so easily changed and forgotten. I fear that one day, I might be a different person, with no clue or remembrance of who I am now. I fear that I'll be lost to death.
Hope I didn't scare anyone. But it's all true.
2. Describe your each of your AEs in one word.
MewFour- Layered
8-Piece- Interested
Veranda- Resigned
3. What is your dream job when you grow up?
I want to be a writer or an artist! Maybe a journalist for a magazine like Mental_Floss, or an illustrator for scientific journals about space and biology. Or maybe a children's-book illustrator!
4. What is your favorite food?
When my dad and I were taking a vacation to a ski lodge in Colorado, he bought some shredded Parmesan cheese, peas, diced ham, and angel hair pasta and cooked it all together in one dish. Since then, 'pasta-peas-and-ham' has been my favorite food of all time. A close second is sea salt caramel ice cream.
5. What are some of your strengths/weaknesses?
I consider myself to be creative, thoughtful, a very good listener and someone who willing to help you out with your problems and won't turn them away. I also think I'm a fairly good writer and artist, and if I find something I have a true passion in I won't give it up.
On the other hand, I find myself increasingly bad about sticking to things that I'll join or take part in, then rapidly lose interest and drop it. I'm also very bad at doing normal things like brushing teeth or showering regularly, mainly out of apathy and laziness. I'm also very shy and unwilling to talk to people I don't know.
1. Describe your daily routine.
*yawn* Wake up, wait 'till 8 makes breakfast for everyone--he's the cook, don't you know--then normally I suppose I'd work on whatever project I'm doing at the time, which changes frequently, but it depends. I'm not neat freak, with life anyways, grammar's a different matter; things change and one must be flexible to meet them. Lunch passes, do whatever Cloud wants when she gets on CB, go to any ski lodges or RP's I've signed up for--it all changes! C'est juste la vie.
I didn't know you knew French...
In my spare time, dear Cloud! As a well-learnt scholar I of course study all the best walks of life.
2. Describe CL in one word.
One word? Hm... 'unique'.
3. How long have you guys and CL been on CB?
Well, if you're talking about me--which you must be, and I do love to talk about me--I believe I've been on since around February 27, 2016, where Cloud created me for an amusement park ski lodge. She's been on since January 8, 2016, though. Or was it the 9th? Meh.
4. What is one thing you couldn't live without?
Cloud. Since she created me. You know? ...or maybe a friend. No liege, no master--my soul needs company, as much I may outwardly seem to repel it. ... and Quill fills that hole rather well. But who know where that's gone...
*elbows* Stop being so morose!
Your first answer was just as depressing.
5. What is your least favorite color?
Bright. Neon. Yellow. What a hideous shade. So fake and repulsive... it looks nearly green at times, too. Yeeuch.
1. Describe your daily routine.
I get up at 7 AM, take a jog to the sea, come back around 9 when MewFour finally gets out of bed (pretty lazy for someone who holds himself so highly, hehe) and cook breakfast. I like to change it up every day! Repetition gets boring. Then I'll go around the CB town, browse and windowshop a bit, catch up with some friends. In the afternoon Cloud likes to do all the CB stuff, ski lodges and RPs and such. I like my life--Chatterbox is a great place to be.
2. Describe CL in one word.
What about 'thoughtful'? Or 'pensive'?
3. How long have you guys and CL been on CB?
CL's been on since January 8, 2016. In fact, she just celebrated her first CBversary a week ago. It was a pretty fun party. As for me, I'm not sure exactly when I came on. Probably around March of 2016... though I'm not sure.
4. What is one thing you couldn't live without?
The ocean. *sighs* I love the sea. Not only surfing and doing things on it, but just... the sea in general. It's such an incredible place, beautiful and expanding, calm on some days and storming on others. I really feel that it represents everyone.
5. What is your least favorite color?
Least favorite. Oh... um... well... I really like the colors blue and orange, and green too... do I have a least favorite colors? All colors are pretty in their own way. But maybe, if you made me choose, muddy brown? It doesn't have much personalty, I think.
(January 16, 2017 - 1:06 pm)
Hmm... I do agree, MewFour is a very layered individual. Good word choice, there.
Odd or annoying suites him better.
*Glares, furious* Zeon, how dare you?
*Backs up, hands held in surrender* Ahm... I didn't say anything!
Please, stop arguing about this. You two never argue.
Yes, well, I feel this is a very serious issue between Zeon and I. Our opinions on... MewFour.
And who could you not live without, Quill?
Please... Not this again.
Shhhh. You know my answer already, stop being a bothersome alter-ego owner!
My bad. *Smirks* Worth a shot.
(January 17, 2017 - 11:05 pm)
I'd like an interview! My CAPTCHA, Fleetfoot, would like one, too.
(January 15, 2017 - 5:05 pm)
1. How long have you been on the CB?
2. How would you describe your CAPTCHA's spelling?
3. What is one thing you can't live without?
4. What is your favourite type of song?
5. What is your favourite RP you've ever made?
1. Have you ever said a real word?
2. What do you look like?
3. Does kestrel ever get annoyed at you?
4. What is your favourite 4 letter word?
(January 16, 2017 - 3:00 am)
I would love an interview!
Thanks! Me too!
(January 15, 2017 - 5:27 pm)
This ones for you, Booksy!
1. If you could have any other CB name, what would it be?
2. What is your AEs best quality?
3. What is your favourite cricket country bug?
4. How long have you been on the CB?
5. Describe your daily routine
This is for your AEs:
1. What do you think of Booksy's explanation of you?
2. What is your least favourite food?
3. Would you describe yourself as "fashionable?"
4. When was the last time Booksy got you into trouble?
(January 16, 2017 - 3:07 am)
1. If you could have any other CB name, what would it be?
Hm... I don't know, I like my CB name! Um... Inky Fingers. Because why not.
2. What is your AEs best quality? She's outgoing, which is a good quality I suppose, and cheerful and optimistic.
3. What is your favourite cricket country bug? Muffin! Book-bugs for life!
4. How long have you been on the CB? It'll be two years in March.
5. Describe your daily routine
On a school day? Gosh, this sounds like my French homework! Okay. I wake up at six fourty and get ready for school - pack my bag and lunch (if I have time, if not I get school lunch), braid my hair, brush my teeth, etc. Then, I eeat breakfast, and pass judgement on whether the weather is good enough to bike to school. If it is, I meet my friend at a cross walk at 7:55, and we bike together. If it isn't, I get to take the bus (free reading time!). School starts at 8:25. When I get home from school, sometime between 3 and 4:30, depending on when school ends that day (we have a wonky schedule), have a snack, and do my homework. If I'm lucky, I have some time to read or write in the evening. I also go to Aikido twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thurdays, tutor on Fridays, and volunteer at the library on Wednesdays. I try to be in bed by 10, but it usualy ends up being 10:30 because homework happens.
1. What do you think of Booksy's explanation of you?
Pretty accurate, I'd say. Except she thinks I'm annoying. Am not!
Are too!
Am not!
We are not having this argument again.
Am not.
2. What is your least favourite food?
I haate spinach. Ick. Gross.
3. Would you describe yourself as "fashionable?"
*strikes pose* I am a fashion queen! Ehh, not really. I just wear whatever's comfy.
4. When was the last time Booksy got you into trouble?
Honestly, Booksy's too much of a goody-two-shoes to get anyone in trouble. Although she *did* tell on me that time I tried to... Well, you know what, never mind. *glares*
Thank you, Book Bug!
(January 16, 2017 - 3:21 pm)