Old Cricket said

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Old Cricket said

Old Cricket said it was okay to post, and wasn't sure why the computer wasn't letting me say it, so I'll try again!! :):) I got an honorable mention in the March Cricket League art contest!!! :D:D:D

submitted by Paige
(May 18, 2009 - 4:11 pm)

What do you mean, okay to post??????

submitted by CC
(May 18, 2009 - 4:50 pm)

I don't know!! The Admin wouldn't post it before!!!

submitted by Paige
(May 19, 2009 - 5:50 pm)

Yay for you! Congrats!!! :) Yayayayayayayayay.... you get the point. I'm excited for you!



submitted by Lena
(May 18, 2009 - 5:07 pm)

Thanks!! :):)

submitted by Paige
(May 19, 2009 - 5:50 pm)

To the top...

submitted by Lena
(May 19, 2009 - 5:35 pm)


Whenever you are in one of the 6 Chatterbox sections (This month, Chirp at Cricket, Blab about Books, Down to Earth, Pudding's Place, Inkwell), there is a button at the top of the left column that says to "Click here" to "talk" about something in that section (i.e. Create a thread).

submitted by Adina, age 12, Mostly in fanta
(May 19, 2009 - 5:45 pm)

Hi, Adina! Welcome to the Chatterbox. Um, by the way, do I know you from somewhere else?

submitted by Lena
(May 20, 2009 - 7:10 am)

Hi Adina!! - :D:D:D

submitted by PP
(May 19, 2009 - 5:49 pm)

Oh yeah I saw that!!! I thought it was you, but  you hadn't said anything, so I wasn't sure...that's great!!! Congrats!

submitted by Koffee
(May 19, 2009 - 9:22 pm)

Thanks!! :D:D

submitted by Paige
(May 22, 2009 - 8:23 pm)

That rocks, Egiap!!!! Awesome!!!! Congrats!!!



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(May 19, 2009 - 9:59 pm)

Oh, man, it took me so long to figure out why you were writing Egiap!!!! :D:D:D

Wait, which contest is that? The drive in one? Congratz!!!!! (It's cooler with a "z" ;) :):))

ARG! I had another tab open, and I wrote a long comment, and suddenly it refreshed the page!!!!???? IT DOES THAT TO ME ALL THE TIME!!!!! :( :( :(

submitted by Ecarg
(May 20, 2009 - 7:09 am)

Yes, it was the drive-in one!! :D:D (congrats!) And, uggghhh, I know how you feel, cuz my computer does the refresh thingy all the time!!!!!! :(:(

submitted by Egiap
(May 20, 2009 - 4:07 pm)

That's funny how all our names backwards start with E! :) :) :). Thanks. :)
Good job! What was yours a picture of???

Do you ever get annoyed when you want to use a smilie in  these things: (Like this :)) because it looks like a double mouth???!! ARG! :D

submitted by Eldnac, age 13
(May 21, 2009 - 10:13 am)

Mine was just the back view of the car, but it was fun!! :):) What was yours??  I feel like you told me.... :):)  And YESSSSS, I can't stand the double smileys!!!!! AHHHH!!!! (such as right now :))  Ugh... :)

submitted by Egiap
(May 22, 2009 - 8:21 pm)