Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




Hi guys, this is KATNISSLOVER!

I am making this thread for you all to post pictures of your pets!

If you don't have a pet, then just post why you want one.

All pics of pets are welcome! Fish, lizards, snakes, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc.


submitted by KATNISSLOVER , age Idk
(December 22, 2016 - 11:29 am)

I have two cats, but I'm birdsitting for a friend right now. My bird is a parrotlet named Twitch. Here's a picture. 

submitted by Scylla
(December 22, 2016 - 4:40 pm)

Ahhhhhhh Twitch is such a cutie! <3 I have a soft spot for birds, considering I have two parakeets. I did a double take when I first looked at the picture... My budgies have that same colorful, cloth, perch in their cage!

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(December 23, 2016 - 11:35 am)

Top! Top! Top! Top! Top! Top! Top!

submitted by Top! Top! Top!
(January 24, 2017 - 3:35 pm)

Here is my toy poodle, Teddy!(  And yes, that's why I named my CAPTCHA Theodore)

submitted by KATNISSLOVER , age Idk
(December 22, 2016 - 5:16 pm)

@Abi & Scylla, I LOVE birds!  They are my LIFE.  litterally, my room is FILLED with a ton of magazine cut outs with birds on them: 3 I have a bit of a problem...

Anyway, I myself don't have a pet bird because my parents say they make too much if a mess.:( 

But I do have a GUINEA PIG!!!!

She. is. da CUTEST THING EVER.   I made her  a Tinkerbell outfit, cuz....I wanted to:P SO HERE SHE IS!  


submitted by Kaleidoscope Gryphon, age 13!!!!!!!!, The Prism Sky
(December 23, 2016 - 1:38 pm)

She is so cute! I don't think my mom will let me post pictures of my dogs and cat, but let me tell you one thing, they are cute!

P.S. Cardinal says "nnzz". She wants to take a nap. Now she says "yrym". Sorry, I really don't know why R and M exist.

submitted by KtG
(December 23, 2016 - 6:59 pm)


submitted by Top!
(January 9, 2017 - 9:11 am)

Top! Top! Top!

submitted by KATNISSLOVER , age ?
(January 12, 2017 - 10:48 am)

Ooooh! Ooooh! Ooooh! Yes! I'll post pictures of mine in a few days, as we are out of town and won't get back home until Christmas eve, and I'll be busy catching up with the last of the presents I have to wrap.

Maybe after Christmas! 

submitted by Micearenice
(December 23, 2016 - 6:12 pm)

Here's my dog, Pepper, wearing a lei:

submitted by Bluebird
(December 23, 2016 - 10:23 pm)


submitted by Top!
(January 9, 2017 - 9:12 am)

awa! I had a guiny pig when I was 8, but he only lived a year...before my dog ate him. Ya sad story...but shes a huskey...whatcha gonna excpect? And he was actually really smart, he knew to run down the stairs when she attacked and out the door....too bad she was faster...

Anyway, here is a memorial picture. His name was Nibbles. He was a fatty little piggy. <3 And yes I cut the pic, didn't want my adorable 8 year old self in there, the Admins wouldnt like me posting pics of myself. Inner me: awa, so no selfies? 

Ill also post a pic of my dog. Trust me, you cant stay mad at her with a face like that. XD <3  

submitted by Claaws
(December 24, 2016 - 12:35 am)


submitted by Top!, age Top!
(January 11, 2017 - 9:22 am)

How many pets have you all had? Ive had two dogs, I have a 3rd sitting on my bed, I owned two beta fish and my brother owned one (like seriously though. My fish lasted a week each and his lasted a few months. And he gave it the weirdest name ever, do you want to hear it? Alright...CrazyChipsAndSalsaMacNCheesePizaFish. Ha, dont you just love brothers?) And not to forget Nibbles! <3 My other two dogs' deaths are also really sad, I wont post those ones. But their names were Nava and Saber. <3 I do have a pic of Nava, but I lost the one of Saber. Actually I have two pics of Nava. One as a pup with my mom and one when I was two. <3 

Alright, enough sad, here is my dog! Her name's Bella. <3

Say cheeze! *click*  

submitted by Claaws
(December 24, 2016 - 12:41 am)


submitted by Top!, age Top!, Top!
(January 15, 2017 - 8:34 am)