Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
i found this decision on a writing prompt website. Here it is:
Before you stand the most famous doors ever. Depending on which you enter, you will be transported to that world, but you can only choose once. Here they are:
Hogwarts Main Gates
The Door to 221B Baker Street
The Door to The TARDIS
The Door to Bag End
Closet to Narnia
make your choice (if you can) and post it!
submitted by Nebula (once DRAGON), age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(November 20, 2016 - 6:52 pm)
(November 20, 2016 - 6:52 pm)
Hogwarts or Narnia?
OK Hogwarts! Besides it must be after Voldemort!Or is it will I be transported and become Ginny Weasleys twin sister!That would be awsome!
Stop using that word!
What awsome?
I don't care!Hogwarts!
(November 21, 2016 - 4:30 pm)
The TARDIS. I don't think I could live in the life of Sherlock Holmes or Narnia. I don't know what Bag End is, so Hogwarts would be my second choice. I would give anything to time travel!
(November 21, 2016 - 9:45 pm)
just for clarification,
TARDIS: time traveling space ship that can go anywhere, at any point in time
221B Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes's Address
Bag End: Bilbo's Home
(November 21, 2016 - 11:21 pm)
I prefer Harry Potter, but I would rather go to Narnia! :)
(November 22, 2016 - 9:33 am)
I made a wand and everything (I'm a wand maker. Does anyone want a wand made after them?)
(November 22, 2016 - 2:27 pm)
OOH! i want a wand! Please? Maple wood with dragon heartstrings, pleasently bendy ;)
(November 22, 2016 - 6:42 pm)
Hogwarts Gate.
*chugs Butterbeer*
(November 23, 2016 - 5:21 pm)
Gosh, HP, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Narnia (and I don't know the other one). I'm actually not in the Narnia fandom, or Doctor Who or Sherlock, but one of my best friends is a HUGE fan of both, so I know quite a lot of fandom references.
So, Harry Potter. I'd love to go inside Hogwarts!
(November 24, 2016 - 11:12 pm)
Bag End all the way!I want to meet Bilbo and Gandalf and all those awesome Hobbets/Wizzerds.
(November 25, 2016 - 11:18 am)
NARNIA!!!!!!!!! SEND ME TO NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE.* kitty eyes*
(November 25, 2016 - 8:09 pm)
Ah! Great idea, Nebula! (I like your new name, btw.)
So TARDIS is a Time Machine? That can take you anywhere at any time?
Then that's where I'd go. That way, I could visit all the worlds listed and more, and also learn more about them before I barged in.
In Middle-Earth, beyond the door to Bag End, I wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone-- I don't even speak the Common Tongue, much less Sindarian or Quenya or the Hobbit speech! And there isn't any heating or air-conditioning in Middle-Earth. Or running water. Nobody would know where I'd come from, and, as I couldn't tell them, it would all end badly somehow. In a Time Machine, however, I would have great stores of information at my fingertips-- I could possibly find a way to learn all those languages-- and I could use the machine to land in Middle-Earth in a specific place-- preferably wherever Gandalf is. There's a possibility he might understand it all and be able to teach me how to survive Arda.
Narnia might be better-- it's a gentler country. I'd love to visit it-- there's also the fact that the inhabitants seem accustomed to random youngsters dropping in out of the blue. But I wouldn't want to live there, either.
I don't know whether I'd want to meet Mr. Sherlock Holmes-- we wouldn't have anything to say to eachother at all and I don't think he'd take kindly to a strange girl showing up suddenly in his apartment.
And then there's Hogwarts-- I'd love to see it, but I'm well over 11 and have yet to recieve my acceptance letter, so I'm probably not a witch. I'd be back home, memory-wiped, before I knew it-- and I doubt those doors listed would ever appear again.
So the Time Machine wins.
(November 26, 2016 - 11:56 am)
Ah! Great idea, Nebula! (I like your new name, btw.)
So TARDIS is a Time Machine? That can take you anywhere at any time?
Then that's where I'd go. That way, I could visit all the worlds listed and more, and also learn more about them before I barged in.
In Middle-Earth, beyond the door to Bag End, I wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone-- I don't even speak the Common Tongue, much less Sindarian or Quenya or the Hobbit speech! And there isn't any heating or air-conditioning in Middle-Earth. Or running water. Nobody would know where I'd come from, and, as I couldn't tell them, it would all end badly somehow. In a Time Machine, however, I would have great stores of information at my fingertips-- I could possibly find a way to learn all those languages-- and I could use the machine to land in Middle-Earth in a specific place-- preferably wherever Gandalf is. There's a possibility he might understand it all and be able to teach me how to survive Arda.
Narnia might be better-- it's a gentler country. I'd love to visit it-- there's also the fact that the inhabitants seem accustomed to random youngsters dropping in out of the blue. But I wouldn't want to live there, either.
I don't know whether I'd want to meet Mr. Sherlock Holmes-- we wouldn't have anything to say to eachother at all and I don't think he'd take kindly to a strange girl showing up suddenly in his apartment.
And then there's Hogwarts-- I'd love to see it, but I'm well over 11 and have yet to recieve my acceptance letter, so I'm probably not a witch. I'd be back home, memory-wiped, before I knew it-- and I doubt those doors listed would ever appear again.
So the Time Machine wins.
(November 26, 2016 - 11:58 am)
ok, i tallyed up all of the choices that CBers made and here is the final count:
Hogwarts: 7
Baker Street: 1
Bag End: 2
Narnia: 7
wow... i have never read narnia... i think i need to now after seeing this :)
(November 28, 2016 - 11:28 pm)
Not even a second thought- TARDIS!!!!!!! Go Whovians!
(December 19, 2016 - 8:55 am)