What you first

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

What you first

What you first did/thought when you joined the CB (READ THE WHOLE POST!!!)

Intro: When I joined the CB, I didn't make an intro thread, so I just started off with an RP. I found the Ultimate Guide, but it was kind of confusing when I first joined. When I first joined, I thought 'top' meant comment, and that everytime my posts 'dissapeared' (when they were first commented on) they were deleted. I also thought that clicking 'Submitted By' twice, once people told me about it, was supposed to show me all of my recent posts, so I never wanted to do anything under a different name in thought that it we show up as me and other people peering over my shoulder could see it. Now I know that it shows all of the posts in reverse order of when they were made. I joined May 22, 2016, just saying.

What you should do: In the comments, comment what you first did and thought when you joined the CB.


So, yeah. I hope that the intro didn't bore you! Gotta' go, so bye! 


submitted by Moonlight, age 11, Ellesmera
(November 13, 2016 - 2:06 pm)

NOT all Kyngdomers are CBers. CBers are a closely knit group of 9-14 year old kids who are amazing at writing, spelling and grammar in particular. Some Kyngdomers don't even know what the CB is. Some Kyngdomers are CBers, like you or Ronan, but I see way too many seven-year-olds on there. And the average writing skill of a Kyngdomer is much lower (compared to the amazing skills of CBers) because of the younger children.

submitted by .
(November 18, 2016 - 1:34 pm)

I think when I first came on the CB I was posting with my real name, age, and locaton. I was about nine then. But it wasn't really something I was into-- I posted here and there, but I think I was only really posting for about a month and in that space I only made about ten comments. Then I kinda faded away. I might've just been too young, and also the CB wasn't as nice, close-knit,  and interesting a place as it is now, two years later. 

Then I posted under the name Dragonfire a couple times, but it was the same as above. It was something I did once every couple weekends, when I was really bored and couldn't think of anything  else to do. One thing I vividly remember, though, is a debate about Santa/No Santa in December. Someone made a really funny comment about throwing a pie at someone-- maybe it was Joe (was it Joe?) the Stickfiddler??? Anyway, I posted something like: "GUYS THAT IS SO FUNNY HAHAHAHAHA". Eeesh.

When I came on as Leafpool sometime last October, I was again only posting once in a while on the weekends. But then, after a while, I kinda outgrew the other websites I liked- Club Penguin, the American Girl website- and remembered this. That's when I started posting more regularly.

I think the first thing I did was comment on stuff- I didn't have a clue how to make threads. Oh, and once, when I had finally learned how to make them, I had this oh so brilliant idea and I made a thread called "Secret Identity Thread" by Leafpool, which said something along the lines of "So this is a thread where you can post under a fake name and other people will try to guess you." I had no idea what the things called 'SIs' were. Not surprisingly, no one posted on it.

I'm pretty sure that my first RP was the Alternate Ego and CAPTCHA RP, where Serene, Hazel, and Arwen really came to life. (Jarnen came along later) Now they're basically seperate people that have minds of their own. I can't control them.

You got that right!


Well, that was my whole Chatterbox biography! Oh, wait, I need an epilogue.


Now, I am a devoted CBer, who loves the CB and everyone on here.



submitted by Leafpool
(November 19, 2016 - 3:13 pm)

I first came to the CB as technically a Kyngdom-er (or whatever you call them) on February 2nd, because of the stuff that showed up in the magazine. I think I made three posts on Kyngdom - One, my charrie sheet, Two, in response to my charrie sheet, and Three, like one rp post. I was not very good at rps. Then I started exploring the Inkwell and after a few weeks I changed my name to The Riddler instead of my real name. At first I only went on the Inkwell, because the only thing I really knew about was rps, but then I starting figuring other stuff out and moved around to other departments too.

submitted by The Riddler
(November 20, 2016 - 10:40 am)