Everyday poetry~

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Everyday poetry~

Everyday poetry~

Poetry can be found everywhere.

Whether it's in the plink of the raindrops against your window as you drive to school, or the time you found your old teddy bear in the bottom of a chest of toys, or when you tried to talk to someone new, or the way that your best friend stutters and grins when she talks. It can be the victory that you found hidden under your blankets, or the thoughts that swirl around in your head at night that need to be released into words of nonsense. 

This is the place to share all of that. All of the little things in life that make it interesting, or strange, or sad.

All of the things that make us writers and poets.

Your poems don't have to be good. They don't have to brilliant. They don't have to make sense. They don't even have to be under your real name.

I'll go ahead and post one (be it good or not XD)


Small town Georgia

As the fields in between

The tiny patches of civilization 

Filled with old cars

Barbed wire fences

Rolling grasses 

Growing in controlled chaos

The occasional stray dog

As the fields melt into neighborhoods

And then out into tangled weeds

Of the roadside again


The road fades into large fields of controlled, prim, excuses for grass

Surrounding old brick houses

New ones, recently built, crips and wooden with gables and add-ons. 

Horse stables 

Fields of crops

Rows of pinetrees

The occasional top of a mountain

Peeking over the clusters of trees. 


An old song, brought to the light of a new age

Emotions cooling in the inside of a car, so different from the real outside road

Littered in old tires

Dead animals

Dead grass 

Dead stone

The signs of industry


Metal signs

More and more cars, speeding along like so many busy ants

And so do we

Over bridges of concrete 

That arch over rivers of brown water. 

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 13, Turning red and gold
(October 16, 2016 - 1:26 pm)

Thanks Owlgirl and Autumn!

submitted by Leeli
(November 26, 2016 - 5:42 pm)

I KNEW you were familiar!!!

*tackles with huge hug* So glad to see you again! I was so afriad you had left!!!!! 

submitted by Owlgirl
(November 26, 2016 - 6:26 pm)

Here's a poem to top this thread.


everybody has to have a first car, right?

the rust bucket, tin can car

that doesn't run half the time 


he bought the one that had been sitting on the curb all summer

1985, the year of 8-tracks and space shuttles


it was 400 bucks and he bought it himself

red as stop signs he ignored, like everyone else

and you had to crank up the window by hand

no heat, no air,

a radio whose static you couldn't understand


that summer, he fixed up the radio right

then loaned it to a friend

who left the door open all night


the radio got stolen

he wasn't that mad

it meant he had something to work on again 


there were rips in the seat,

and the polaroid of him that we've framed

shows more rust on the candy-red sides than paint


he said he always liked that car

(it seems nicer in hindsight)

everybody has to have a first car, right? 


Author's Note: My dad was talking about his first car today, a (cream colored, not red, sadly) 1975 Plymouth Valiant that was really old and really cheap when he got it. It gave me a lot of ideas...

submitted by Bluebird
(December 3, 2016 - 9:21 pm)


I know the way I broke the lines up in this poem is weird. I was experimenting. Also I can never end things, so... the ending is very abrupt.

37 Degrees 

the grass was still green and the leaves on the trees

were red, and the sun in the sky was a blinding


the flakes hit the asphalt and melted 

it wasn't cold enough for snowmen, only

catching the snow in your mouth 

you ran

jumping through slush and looking

up, at the hundreds of flurries cascading

down, they caught in your hair and burned your face with cold

(you didn't care) 

submitted by Bluebird
(December 4, 2016 - 2:20 pm)

Nice one, Bluebird! Here's a poem titled Snowflake that I did! It's an acrostic!

Softly, gently, ever falling,

Never stopping till the ground.

Over windows, frost is calling,

Winter whiteness all around. 

Floating, flying, on a light breeze

Lightly, lonely, softly, slowly. 

And delicate crystals of ice; that will freeze

Keep falling from frosty air until they are lowly.

Ever falling, softly, gently, as they've felt, until the day when they will melt. 


Its an acrostic if you were wondering ;-) 

submitted by Leeli
(December 6, 2016 - 12:33 pm)

Oh, Leeli, this is beautiful! I can't even come up with rhymes half the time, and you combined it with an acrostic... wow, I applaud you!

submitted by Bluebird
(December 6, 2016 - 6:33 pm)

Thank you so much, Bluebird! You made my day!


submitted by Leeli
(December 12, 2016 - 8:35 pm)

sometimes I forget my life

i dream of magic in the night

the world I'm from is full of strife 

But I fly in my dreams at night

submitted by ...
(December 6, 2016 - 4:37 am)

This is beautiful! Why don't you use your real name instead of ...? That way I can credit you better for this amazing piece of poetry!

submitted by Leeli
(December 13, 2016 - 8:27 am)

This is a Thanksgiving-themed poem, but I thought I'd post it anyways. 



I arrive home from school, my eyes weary and mind exhausted,

But just then do I remember what day it is!

Hours pass like water slipping through open hands,

Dripping away until it is finally time.

As I wait in my room, fingers desperately typing

A novel,

Thick, meaty wisps waft through the air,

Smelling of poultry perfectly prepared.

Drifting from the kitchen and winding its way into my room.

I squirm with excitement, knowing it’s only

Minutes until it’s time,

Then toss my computer aside when I hear the call of



submitted by Clouded Leopard
(December 9, 2016 - 3:08 pm)

This one made me hungry! Nice poem, Clouded Leopard!

submitted by Bluebird
(December 11, 2016 - 4:26 pm)

Hey this thread is amazing! Is it ok if I write some poetry as well? 

submitted by Ice Wolf, age Immortal!, MY IMAGINATION
(December 10, 2016 - 10:32 am)
submitted by Totally!
(December 12, 2016 - 10:36 pm)


submitted by Cake Topper, age TOOOOP, Tippy top top
(December 12, 2016 - 1:37 pm)

This is mine, its reeeeeeeealy short and not very good:



It makes me wont to sing and cry,

I dont know why

I can go anywhere, do anything

I just need music to take me there....


Everyone else's is way better but whateverSmile 



submitted by Anonymous, age 9, Australia
(December 14, 2016 - 11:04 pm)