Renaming survey! Answer

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Renaming survey! Answer

Renaming survey! Answer these questions, and I will give you a new name. AE's and CAPTCHA's may participate as well.
1. Boy or girl?
2. Princesses or pirates?
3. Pride and Prejudice or Diary of a Wimpy Kid?
4. Stand out or fit in? 
5. City or countryside?
6. Would you say you are strong or delicate? 
7. What element would you want to control?
8. Which foreign country would you go to for your dream vacation? 
BONUS: Which of the following words fits you best? (you may pick several):
- Fairy
- Goth
- Hillbilly
- Transformer
- Witch
SECOND BONUS: What is my name?!
Admin's answers (am I welcome to participate?):
1. Girl
2. Princesses 
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Fit in
5. Countryside
6. Strong
7. Water
8. Italia!
BONUS: Which of the following words fits you best? (you may pick several):
- Fairy (but none of the choices really fit)
SECOND BONUS: What is my name?! Scylla?


submitted by The Renamer, age Names!!, Ebba?Jace?Olympiodoros?
(October 8, 2016 - 1:41 pm)
submitted by @Renamer pls
(October 11, 2016 - 7:31 pm)

Sorry I couldn't post earlier, Aquina!

Your new name is: Seneca Rachel Galloway

Your witch name is: Phoenix Nightshade

submitted by Shoshannah Lily, The renamer
(October 17, 2016 - 3:37 pm)

I'm going to put my answers in regular font, Fia's in italics, and Gossamer's in bold. Thank you and srry if it gets confusing! :)

Boy or girl?

We're all girls. 

2. Princesses or pirates?

Agh! Why must you make me choose? They're both wonderful in their own way...



Alright, fine I choose... Princess. 

3. Pride and Prejudice or Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

Easy. Pride and Prejudice!

Uhm, I haven't read either, but Diary of a Wimpy Kid sounds more happy!

I have also read neither, but Pride and Prejudice seems to be the book that may fit my interests better. 

4. Stand out or fit in? 

I like to fit in, but I wish I could stand out.

Stand out!!!! It's fun!

Fit in. But that doesn't mean I am unwilling to leave my comfort zone... Especially for pranks. 

5. City or countryside?

Countryside all the way (apologies, I could not contain the teenage urge ;) ) 



6. Would you say you are strong or delicate? 




7. What element would you want to control?


Uhmm... Fire. Yes, definitely FIRE!

Water, no doubt. It's so wondefully... Mysterious. 

8. Which foreign country would you go to for your dream vacation? 

We have all collaberated on this one and have decided..... That we don't know. Definitely somewhere warm, Spanish speaking, and has good advetures, like ziplining, etc. Does research.....

Costa Rica, I guess fits us best! 

BONUS: Which of the following words fits you best? (you may pick several):

- Fairy (Kestrel)

- Goth

- Hillbilly

- Transformer (Fia)

- Witch (Gossamer)

SECOND BONUS: What is my name?!

Apoloies, I have no clue. 

submitted by Kestrel
(October 11, 2016 - 4:35 pm)

Kestrel, your new name is: Elia Larkin James

Your fairy name: Avis Rosedweller


Fia, your new name is: Kallista Eve Amsing

Your transformer name is: Seaspray Optimus


Gossamer, your new name is: Melinda Olive Prescott

Your witch name is: Araletha Nyx

submitted by Shoshannah Lily, The renamer
(October 17, 2016 - 4:44 pm)

1: Girl! Yay!

2: Princesses. I'm sorry but I'm a girly 4 year old ok don't judge me!

3: Pride and Prejudice. Never liked Diary of a Winpy Kid.

4. Stand out!

5: City, definitely! I live in the suburbs right next to the city and I absoulutely love visiting it! 

6: Delicate.

7. WATER. I'm always water and I love water and I'm secretly a mermaid

8: England! London to be specific (again, love the city).

Bonus: Fairy!!

Bonus 2: Sir Lord Jeremy Wilgingham III of Galandria and its Surrounding Citie. (Jer for short)


submitted by Savvy44x
(October 11, 2016 - 10:07 pm)

Savvy, your new name is: Rilla Margrette Attingway

Your fairy name is: Belle Featherbrooke

submitted by Shoshannah Lily, The renamer
(October 17, 2016 - 4:48 pm)

1: Girl

2: Pirates

3: I've never read Pride and Prejudice, so Diary of a Wimpy Kid it is!

4: Stand out (in a good way)

5: Countryside

6: Both

7: Fire

8: Spain is the only place I can think of off the top of my head.

BONUS: None of them really seem to fit but fairy is probably the closest.

SECOND BONUS: Ummm..... Are you Tuxedo Kitten? 

submitted by Dragonrider
(October 14, 2016 - 2:12 pm)
1. Girl.
2. Princesses.
3. Pride and Prejudice.
4. Stand out.
5. Countryside.
6. Delicate.
7. Wind.
8. England.
BONUS: Fairy.
SECOND BONUS: Erm-- Scylla? That's all I can think of just now.
submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(October 15, 2016 - 12:28 pm)
submitted by @Renamer pls!
(October 15, 2016 - 12:42 pm)

I'm Shoshannah Lily :D

Dragonrider, your new name is: Angela Bronwen Everheart

Your fairy name is: Iris Snowbud


Esthelle, your new name is: Averil Jessamine * Willowend

(though your current one is beautiful, I must say). 

Your fairy name is: Silver Larksong




submitted by Shoshannah Lily, The renamer
(October 19, 2016 - 1:23 pm)
1. Boy or girl? Girl
2. Princesses or pirates? Pirates, of course.
3. Pride and Prejudice or Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Pride and Prejudice, a great American novel
4. Stand out or fit in? Stand out!
5. City or countryside? It depends on the circumstances... would the beach count as the countryside?
6. Would you say you are strong or delicate? Strong mentally and verbally, delicate physically.
7. What element would you want to control? Water and ice are mine. Mine I say.
8. Which foreign country would you go to for your dream vacation?  Ireland, for its beautiful rolling hills. Failing that, Tokyo, because it's a nerd paradise.
BONUS: Which of the following words fits you best? (you may pick several):
SECOND BONUS: What is my name?!
Scylla? Windswift? Rose Bud? Savvy44x?
submitted by Brookeira
(October 17, 2016 - 4:27 pm)

@Shosh: Sorry! I didn't see your post. Thanks!!! I love them!!! *Lightning forks down from the sky as Kate has an idea* 

ideas r stupid 

You're stupid! (Sorry about Brian) Shoshanna, can I use those names for characters?

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(October 18, 2016 - 1:44 am)

Brookeira, your new name is: Jillian Astrid Chandler

Witch: Ebony Gail

@Kate, you certainly may use your names! For that matter, anyone may use any name they see here and like :D

Ferd says "end". No, my dear, this is not the end yet! 

submitted by Shoshannah Lily, The renamer
(October 19, 2016 - 1:52 pm)

Hey, this looks like fun!

1. Boy (although the proper term for a male car is tom)

2. Pirates, I guess? I don't know much about either.

3. I don't know what Pride and Prejudice or Dairy of a Wimpy Kid are.

4. FIT IN!!! Unfortunately, though, I cannot because my face is all messed up.

5. Countryside, of course. The city brings back bad memories.

6. Well, I am strong physically (not very, though), but my mind is incredibly delicate.

7. Darkness, I guess.

8. France is good enough for me, thank you very much.

BONUS: I don't know what 'goth' or 'transformer' mean, and I don't know what a 'hillbilly' is, so I can't answer that.

SECOND BONUS: Uh... The Riddler? 

submitted by The Feline
(October 18, 2016 - 7:04 am)

Feline, your new name is: Regis Toussaint

(prounced French-ly it's something like:

ray-JEE too-SA (the a pronounced like the a in cat)) 

submitted by Shoshannah Lily, The renamer
(October 19, 2016 - 3:22 pm)