Survey!1. Wh

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Survey!1. Wh


1. What are you planning on doing today?

2. What is your average school day like?

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional):

4. What are you wearing?

5. What time is it for you?

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  

9. Do like this survey/want more questions? 

my answers:

1. What are you planning on doing today?

Well, I have today off from school (teacher learning day) so I'm going to try to get some Nano prep/writing done. I'm also planning on walking to the library to hang out with one of my awesome friends.  

2. What is your average school day like?

I wake up around six and get up. I'll usually spend some time writing or reading before eating breakfast. I'll finish breakfast around seven ten and spend another twenty minutes writing/reading/just relaxing before actually getting ready for school.

I get picked up at eight ten. I then spend some time just sitting around in front of the school, reading and trying to ignore my friends' shenanigans.

First period is PE. I have it four out of five days a week- one of which is lapturby. I drop my backpack off in the locker rooms and go outside to start walking the track. After that we might learn more self defense in the fitness room, go run mile, or do lapturby, depending on the day.

Second period is Spanish class. Spanish class is pretty chill, we mostly do worksheets and talk. Spanish class is really near the cafeteria, so during brunch I'll usually grab something to eat, just a muffin or something, and then go hang out with my friends.

Third period is Math class. I tend to be pretty irritated during math class, partially because I really like quiet when I'm working on math, partially because my group, as a whole, leaves all the work to me and spends their time talking, but mostly because I am really lacking in the politeness department.

Fourth period is Science. My science teacher is pretty nice, but our class is kind of rowdy- and my friends don't really help. Science class is way on the other side of the campus from the cafeteria, and the lunch line is always long because of the fact that their are many more sixth graders than there are seventh grades and our campus is overpacked, so I usually just bring my lunch.

After lunch I have my core classes, Language Art and Social Studies. This means I have the same teacher for both. He's pretty cool, and will on occasion give us time. during class. to read. Also, homework is worth zero percent of the overall grade in his class. So. He's awesome. 

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional):

Like heck I am! Last year I did fifty thousand, so this year I'm going to try and do seventy thousand! I'll probably run myself into the ground, so it's likely I'll only ACTUALLY make around fifty five thousand or something, but still! That's the official goal, though if I'm really behind I might just change it.

My username is Crimson_I.K. Feel free to introduce yourselves to me on the YWP website (I am sadly not old enough to use the adult website). I check my PMs (sometimes) and will eventually reply.  

4. What are you wearing?

My pajamas, because I just got up like fifty minutes ago.  

5. What time is it for you?


6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

The Last Goodbye from the Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.  

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

My Nanowrimo prep. My laptop was just supposed to be for music... but now here I am doing this instead of figuring out my characters.  

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  

One mostly dead cheap gel pen.

Two colored gel pens- one blue green blue, one dark blue.

Two black gel pens.

Three hilighters.

one pair of scissors.

One eraser.

Two mechanical pencils.

A thing of lead.

A glue stick.

A really old felt tip pen I should probably throw away. 

9. Do like this survey/want more questions?  

Well, writing out more questions, is a wonderful way to procrasinate, so sure- but it's really up to you guys. 

submitted by Indigo
(September 16, 2016 - 8:57 am)

Hi Indigooo ...!

1. What are you planning on doing today?

Uh ... Laze around until Cron is done with his work, then have him come over, then go over to my uncle's for dinner? 

2. What is your average school day like?

Get up, read while eating breakfast, do math, listen to the bible, read school books, answer whatever questions for my book, do handwriting and den I'm done. :)

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional): Yup! Cho Chang, as you should know. ;)

4. What are you wearing?

A striped blue and white shirt, and jeans. 

5. What time is it for you?

9:28 am l

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

None now. But I listened to Coldplay last. 

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?


8. What's in your pencil pouch?  


9. Do like this survey/want more questions? 


submitted by Cho Chang
(September 16, 2016 - 11:31 am)

1. What are you planning on doing today?

Mhm. Not much. Attempt to do school for a few hours, probably fix my bike that l crashed a while ago......clean my room if l'm feeling like it, write for a few projects l'm doing.  

2. What is your average school day like?

Wake around eight or nine, eat, turn on a podcast, do school until around noon, then l go to choir at the middle school, get back, procrastinate, until l go to swimming or soccer in the evening, depending on the day. 

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional):

Of course yes. Username's Starry Flyet on YWP, l'll be on the adult site too, this year, but have yet to make an account. This'll be my second year.

(Also--70k! Good for you, indigo!) 

4. What are you wearing?

Jeans and a black t-shirt with "May the Lord be with you" in yellow Star Wars script on the front.  

5. What time is it for you?


6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

l'm listening to a lovely podcast called Snap Judgement, because l'm trying to do schoolwork. l don't usually listen to music unless l'm writting.  

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

Eh. School, probably.  

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  

Don't have one.  

9. Do like this survey/want more questions? 


submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Dark Places
(September 16, 2016 - 1:58 pm)

1. What are you planning on doing today?

I'm supposed to do chores, but I'm going to draw and stay on Cricket and read and buy some stuff off amazon. I'm also going babysitting tonight.  

2. What is your average school day like?

I do a lesson in math, around 30-35 problems, and then move on to another subject of my choice.

Usually I will do English next, where I write an average of a paragraph a day and/or do book analysis.  

Then I do science and geography, which is usually just reading and taking notes. Once every two weeks I get a test.

Then I do my religion homework, which quite possibly is my hardest subject. Lots of deep questions, understanding, and memorization.

On Mondays I take an online Latin class.  

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional):

Nope. I mean, I have been planning on, but never have gotten around to it.  

4. What are you wearing?

A navy blue skirt at my knees, a grey shirt that says with navy blue lettering "Navy Swimming" and black shoes.  

5. What time is it for you?

10:58 a.m.  

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

None, although if I was, it would be Taylor Swift.  

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

My chores!  

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  

Gel pens, pencils, regular pens, erasers, small pencil sharpeners.  

9. Do like this survey/want more questions? 

Yes please!  

submitted by Daisy
(September 17, 2016 - 10:00 am)

1 Nothing, exept writing

2. Long

3. No, I am planning on getting my book done.

4. My pajama's

5. 8:14

6 The Son of Lynn, remixed by Moby, from Daft Punk's soundtrack to Tron Legacy

7. Many things that I am dreading

8. Many things

9. No 

submitted by Gared
(September 17, 2016 - 10:16 am)

1. What are you planning on doing today?

Going to the zoo because it's my sister's birthday and she's going there with a bunch of her friends, watch some videos, keep designing a book cover for a contest. 

2. What is your average school day like?

Wake up at 7:00 and go out to the bus stop at 8:15. The bus comes at 8:22 and I get on it. The bus ride there is is loud and cramped, because for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to cram thirty kids on it, but it only takes about 20 minutes to get to school.

My first hour is SEEK, which is like a gifted program but mostly all we're doing right now is the stock market. We get to go to Topeka for Model UN in spring though, and that's fun.

Second hour is Spanish, which I guess is the same as Indigo! That's cool. Spanish class is a lot more involving in the class than the others, and she'll make us get up in front of the class a lot. I forgot where to put the 'a' in the personal a worksheet, and I was just standing in front of the class awkwardly by myself. ._.'

Third hour is English, which is great. We're in a Poe unit right now, so it's mostly vocabulary and writing dark and depressing poems. Fourth hour is science, and it has my favorite teacher in it. She's really easy to get along with, and doesn't really mind if her students are like regular middle schoolers (aka being weird), but she's still disciplinary. In my school, there are three lunches to prevent crowding, and I'm in 2nd lunch, which means we get up halfway through class, eat lunch, and then have another half hour of class.

After lunch are Art, fun because I happen to be fairly good at art, Social Studies, and Algebra. We have SO much homework in Algebra, it's crazy! She just drills topics into us.  

3. Are you planning on doing NaNoWriMo? What's your username?

I am doing NaNoWriMo! My username is Amber_Tiger. I'm not going to get ANYwhere near seventy thousand (whoa, that's insane!), but I'm still going to try.  

4. What are you wearing?

The same blue fox shirt that I said in another survey, a blue, green, and purple striped skort, pink socks with hearts on them, and a black wristband. 

5. What time is it for you?

At the time of posting this, it is 1:

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

I'm actually listening and watching the PAX Live Panel with Mark, Jack, Bob, and Wade. 

7. What is the last thing you have procrastinated on doing?

Hate to say it, but I have to vacuum and I haven't yet. XD

8. What's in your pencil pouch?

(4) used pencils, only one of which is sharpened. 

(2) gel pens, one red and one black.

(1) bag of eraser tips, which I'm going through scarily fast.

(a lot of) lint and general crumbs 

9. Did you like this survey?

Yeah! It had interesting questions. 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(September 17, 2016 - 1:09 pm)


1. What are you planning on doing today?

Well, I went to the library with a friend, and other than that I'll probably just play outside for the rest of the day. 

2. What is your average school day like?

(Homeschool day) Get up, shower, get dressed leisurely while listening to my favorite radio station, eat breakfast. Then I either (a) run around the house with my brothers until my mom goes ballistic, or (b) start my work and churn through it until lunchtime, when I am usually done. Then I read/write/go outside/eat/play games on my iPod/listen to music. 

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional): 

N/A. I can't.  

4. What are you wearing?

Jeans, a purple t-shirt, and I was wearing a purple sweatshirt that said "Rock, Peace, Love" but I got too hot. So much for fashion. Hey, it's the weekend. Whadya expect? 

5. What time is it for you? 

2:13 p.m. 

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

I am not listening to any right now, but I'm about to buy a ton of miscellaneous songs on iTunes. 

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

Starting my next novel. 

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  

Nothing, right now, except maybe some pencil shavings. 

9. Do like this survey/want more questions? 

Uh, sure! 

submitted by Leafpool
(September 17, 2016 - 1:16 pm)

I loved your answer to question #2!  Totally can relate.  

submitted by Daisy
(September 17, 2016 - 2:12 pm)

1. What are you planning to do today?

Absolutely nothing. I had a soccer game this morning, so I'm just going to chill for today. Maybe watch Star Trek or Stranger Things or Doctor Who (which finally came in), or maybe all of them. 

2. What is your average school day like?

Well, I wake up at 6 am, and my morning's pretty packed. I pretty much have to get out of bed, eat, do all my brushing-teeth-comb-hair-wash-face stuff, and leave. I have to be out the door at about 6:40, ideally earlier, seriously "almost run to the train station" after. Then I get my train, transfer twice, meet my friends on the train at about 7, take the 40-minute long ride, get on the bus, take the fifteen-minute ride on that, and chill in the auditorium until school starts.

My schedule's different every day, but I have:
My core subjects-- ELA, Social Studies, Honors Math, and Honors Earth Science. ELA is awesome, because my teacher seems really cool; Social Studies is okay, but we're doing American History this year, which I really hate because I've done it so much in the past. Honors Math is probably going to be really hard but my teacher's okay; Honors Science I'm not too enthusiastic about generally. Science is that one subject I'm kind of like "Okay, it's there, I learn it, but whatever." If you were wondering, in seventh grade we have two honors classes for Science and Math based on our grades from last year.

I have Spanish, which I'm actually looking forward to. Last year my teacher was horrible, and I maybe learned three words from him total, but I think I'm going to actually learn the language this year (I have a different teacher), which I'm happy about.

Gym I have no idea what the curriculum is. I have a double period of it on Wednesdays.

My talent-- Creative Writing-- is great. I have the same teacher from last year, and I love her, except for one of her year-long projects. She calls it the Idea Book, where we have to write down two anecdotes and two words we learned every week. But I'm looking forward to the subject this year, and giving it top priority, because I wasn't too happy with my performance last year (I turned in a lot of late assignments).

Lastly (minus the enrichments, but who cares about them?) I have Study Skills. It's a new subject which was called Reading last year, is completely useless, and my teacher is horrible, as I had her last year too. I hate the whole thing, if you hadn't noticed.

After school, I take the shuttle to the train, ride home by myself, then do whatever.

3. Are you planning on doing NaNoWriMo? What's your username?
Yes! I'm not old enough for NaNo yet, unfortunately, but I can do Camp come April, which I'm very excited about. I want to rewrite my NaNo project from last year, turning it into a (how do I put this?) Medieval Fantasy-steampunk mix. My YWP username is St.Owl, obviously.

4. What are you wearing?

As I said, just had a soccer match and am chilling for the rest of the day, so I'm wearing clothes I don't usually wear. I'm wearing blue soccer shorts from last year and a white (a bit too large) T-Shirt from School House Rock. It says "CONJUNCTION JUNCTION" on the front and "WHAT'S YOUR FUNCTION?" on the back.

5. What time is it for you?

Almost 3.

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

Signs of Light, by The Head and the Heart. It's a brand-new album, and I'm so excited. I've been listening to it over and over so the words get implanted into my subconcious. I'm going to one of their concerts next month!
7. What is the last thing you have procrastinated on doing?
A lot of things . . . homework, writing a new installment on CBERS IN SPACE, finding/editing some pictures . . .

8. What's in your pencil pouch?

-Four highlighters of different colors (ELA teacher loves them.)

-A mechanical pencil

-Four/five black ink pens

-One pen with black, blue, and red inks

-A box of staples (but no stapler; I threw it away because it seriously didn't work.)

-A Sharpie for no reason at all

-Other stuff that I'm forgetting because I'm too lazy to go through it

9. Do you like this survey/want more questions?

Yes and sure, why not?

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 17, 2016 - 2:03 pm)

Indigo!! I havn't seen you in a while. I thought you left.

What are you planning on doing today: Cross country race,yard work, picnic and then movie night.

What is your averege school day:

On a Monday, I have American History at 8:00 then run 1 mile, then a math lesson, then science, then lunch and Shakespear reading/homework, then anything else.

Tuesday: Weight lifting in the morning, math, science, lunch, homework, cross country in the evening.

Wednesday:American History,math, lunch, Shakespear

Thursday: Weight lifting, Latin, Classical history and mythology, lunch, math Cross country

Friday:American history, Math, cleaning, Lego robotics

Thats a summory of my week. Robotics and cross country are in the evenings.

Are you doing NanoWriMo: Yes

What's your username: writing-warrior 

What are you warsing, ripped grey shorts, light blue shirt, purple fitbit, silver bracelet.

What time is it for you: 1:59

What music are you listing to: my grandfather is listning to Mumpherd and Sons and I can hear it out the window.If that doesn't count, birdsong. 

What is the last thing you procrastonated on doing: I'm procrastinating now. I'm suppost to be doing a page on Frailty Thy Name Is Woman from Hamlet. 

What is in your pencil pouch: Three dull pencils, a shap pencil, a green flashlight pen, another pen that writes in six diffrent colors, an eraser, a fingure guard, and an invisable ink pen.

Do you like this survey/Want more questions: YES!! 

Legolas sayd rvxn. RV Xing! 

submitted by Elvina
(September 17, 2016 - 3:05 pm)

1. What are you planning on doing today? Well, I had a Model United Nations training earlier, and now I have... Homework. Nothing much more. Ah, the life of a high schooler... Kidding, kidding, high school's awesome.

2. What is your average school day like? I come to school in the morning, go to my first class, then brunch, second and third (by the end of which I'm starving), lunch, and fourth. We have block schedules, so I have four or five classes every day, instead of all seven. 

A period, I have Journalism. This is awesome when we get to write, but I hate having to talk to people for interviews. The Wordsy in me seemis to run away and leave me on my own whenever I have a person to talk to...

B period history. We're studying world history, and I sit next to two of my friends, which is nice. I love the subject itself, though some teachers ruin it for me. But my teacher this year seems pretty good.

C period French 2. So... As a rule, I enjoy French. But, for the past two years, my teacher has been very focused on speech and understanding, so I'm reeeeeally lacking in the grammar department. So yeah, slightly stressful.

D period, PE. One word: Bleeeeghhh.

E period Geometry Honors. My teacher is AMAZING! I walk out of each class energized and in a good mood. The only thing is, my teacher always keeps the air conditioning on full blast... A jacket is practically a necessity. :)

F, Bio Honors. Also fun, with a grwat teacher. We've been learning ecology, which is interesting.

And finally, G English! My favorite class, with an amazing teacher and extremely entertaining course material.  We're reading Romeo and Juliet!

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional): Maybe... I'm working on a novel right now, and was thinking of continuing it for NaNo. I also have a new idea... I don't know. I'm Booksy Owly on the adult one, if you want to message me.

4. What are you wearing?

Black fabric pants and a withe long-sleeve sweater-shirt with blue flowers on it. 

5. What time is it for you?

Hmmm... 1:40 pm. 

6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

None right now! 

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

My history homework, right now infact! Although technically it's only due Wednesday. 

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  Multicolored pens, a sharpened-down pencil, a blue pen I take all my notes in, notecards, post-its, colored pencils, white out, scissors, tape, and... a blue gel pen.

9. Do like this survey/want more questions? Yeah, I love it!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(September 17, 2016 - 3:41 pm)

1. What are you planning on doing today?

Visited with my granddad and went to the archery range.

2. What is your average school day like?

Non existent, hahaha.

3. Are you planning on doing Nanowrimo? What's your username? (optional):

Yup. Hopefully, I don't think I'll be busy. My username is Anne Shirley101.

4. What are you wearing?

My white Breakfast Club t-shirt that has their whole letter on the back, denim shorts, combat boots, and a navy blue headband.

5. What time is it for you?


6. What music, if any, are you listening to?

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story soundtrack

7. What is the last thing you have procrasinated on doing?

A blog post, a random craft, writing, and what I'll be doing for the rest of my life.

8. What's in your pencil pouch?  

I don't own one.

9. Do like this survey/want more questions? 


submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, Neverland
(September 17, 2016 - 5:44 pm)

Oh my goodness, so much Anne of Green Gables happiness!

*cough* Sorry. High BHR! 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(September 18, 2016 - 11:46 am)

I meant hi BHR... Stupid autocorrect.

submitted by Booksy Owly
(September 20, 2016 - 9:01 am)

1. Idk. My schedule is pretty odd Probably do some history homework and blog. And talk with some friends...

2. Inm homeschooled. And it's usually just hit-or-miss when I do it (mainly because of my strange lifestyle and schedule). I usually start with science.

3. Yep! My book is gonna be really cool. My camp username is Secret Forest, but my regular NaNo WriMo is... Facepalming Writer

4. Pajams as well. They're always mismatched for some reason. 

5, 7:01 pm. 

6. None. Music always distracts me from everything

7. Writing my novel.

8. A bunch of pencils, a gel pen from an old autograph book, a sharpener shaped like the globe, and a bunch of shavings.

9. You choose.  

submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(September 17, 2016 - 6:04 pm)

1. Go to the lockdown at Taekwondo. Draw fanart. 

2. Hm... 

Well first I drive to school after a quick breakfast at around 7:05.

I might spend a couple minutes in the courtyard before the bell with my friends, chatting about fanfiction.

Then I go drop off my bag at my locker and take everything for my first four periods, before heading to Advisory. Twenty minutes of sitting in the science classroom and "getting ready to be successful" (AKA drawing/writing in a notebook and agenda checks) and then it's next door to 1st period Integrated II accelerated math. The math teacher is one of those seasoned teachers with three 20-something sons and several decades of teaching under her belt, so she knows hpoow to wrangle a classroom full of noisy 7th and 8th graders. She's pretty cool. Math is fun and not called "accelerated" for nothing!

After that we go back next door for 2nd period science and it's either a lab, which gets very messy sometimes, like it did last time when we made oobleck, or it's about 50 minutes of sitting in a classroom filling out worksheets and taking notes from a PowerPoint. Bleh.

Then after I finally get to chat with two of my friends for a little bit during passing, I get to go to my elective for 3rd period-- art! I really love art-- I like drawing and the teacher is really awesome. I might post some of my pictures later.

After art I head off to 4th period ELA, which is usually okay, because I get to sit next to aforementioned friends and also because the teacher there is fun too. Then again we have reading logs, which are the bane of my existence. 

Then I hit my locker and have lunch. If the line gets too long (as in, exits the cafeteria), then I skip it and mooch off my friends who bring cold lunch, or if it's Wednesday I go to MathCounts and skip it altogether. Then we go out back and roll down hills and talk and I walk into 5th period choir, my second elective, with leaves in my hair and one of my friends. My range isn't hugely wide, but it's wide enough and the songs' range small enough for me to be able to sing basically all the parts. Because I'm amazing. (Kidding) 

Then finally I hit my locker again and trudge to 6th period social studies, where I sit through fifty minutes of textbooks and analyzing histrorical documents before I leave school at 2:00 and head out to the church parking lot across the street and climb the tree on the grass plot. Then mom or dad comes to pick me up and yeah. 

3. No... it sounds fun but I don't have the time to deedicate to something like that! And no I don't have an account.   

4. Black sparkly leggings, socks that are 3 shades of gray, and my very light hooded t-shirt that's powder blue with the star on it. And my glasses and ponytail. 

5. 5:19 

6. A piano cover of the song Lie by Circus-P featuring Megurine Luka.

7. At school I have a pencil pouch with a cute Hello Kitty charrie on it (I don't even watch HK but it's cute) that holds some colored pencils, a colored pencil and protractor, silver and gold markers, and four neon sharpies. And some pencils.  

8. Sure! ^w^ 

Fruity says "irpz". She RPs!  

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(September 17, 2016 - 7:22 pm)