Admins, are my
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Admins, are my
Admins, are my posts being deleted on purpose or are they disappearing in the server servicings?
We have been deleting spam posts, but we're not sure what else might be missing. What is missing? ~Admin
submitted by Oregano, age 18, The spice rack
(August 23, 2016 - 12:23 pm)
(August 23, 2016 - 12:23 pm)
OK, thanks. I can repost them. :) I think there was one on the thread about colleges (in response to AJ) and one on the thread about Riordan's universe.
(August 23, 2016 - 2:07 pm)
That latter-mentioned post (on BaB) has disappeared a few times now. Each time, the fact that I posted there displays for a bit on the BaB page and then vanishes.
(August 24, 2016 - 2:08 pm)
Hmmm...I thought I saw a post from you yesterday morning(?) on that thread, but when I looked for it that evening, it wasn't there. I just assumed I might have been seeing things. Nice to know my memory is okay. :)
I wonder if the vanishing post problem has to do with the limits of the consecutive staggered replies. A glitch of some sort in the system? Try posting your post as a regular new comment on that thread instead to see if that works.
Or...perhaps the gods have cursed the thread because of your review. Greek gods are an ornery bunch, you know. You may just have to write another review to appease them, something more glowing perhaps?
(August 24, 2016 - 6:15 pm)
Haha :D
Thank you for the suggestion (I'd been going to try that, in fact, but was waiting for your post here to show up) :) If it doesn't work, I'll try to post the same thing here (since it was in response to you).
(Hey Zeus! You and your family are great, it's your depiction I was criticizing! Seriously! Also I take back anything harsh I ever said concerning the Greek pantheon and you guys' existence!)
(August 25, 2016 - 10:13 am)
(Admins, is there a "language pre-filter" or something that might be flagging this post by some word in it?)
Not that we know of. ~Admin.
@River -
I think I understand your parents' concerns - still, good for you for
going looking for others' opinions, even those written from positions
of "authority" (as that authority comes from their being well-read and
intelligent). Looking back, where I said "judge for ourselves" I really
should have said "synthesize" or an equivalent. :D And autobigraphical
details are really fun, as they give some insight into the author's
approach to life, which does indeed (inevitably) affect their literary
Thanks so much for the good-luck wishes! Best of luck with high school and college apps as well - I know you'll do great, and have fun, too. :)
(August 25, 2016 - 12:28 pm)
Thanks for the well-wishes, Oregano! :)
P.S. I take it you are responding to Icy on this thread because you still don't trust posting on the other thread? Icy's two posts went through though. -- I think I will do a couple of test posts on that thread myself.
(August 26, 2016 - 7:44 am)
Hmmm...All test posts went through okay.
I suspect that your computer may have a virus(?) of some sort that is piggy backing onto your posts and getting automatically caught by the CB's anti-virus protection software? I would check it out if I were you just for your peace of mind.
(August 27, 2016 - 8:09 am)
Oregano, I'm pretty sure your post on BaB has just been sent to the back page, meaning someone posted on it. If you hit "submitted by" once, it should be there. (If it isn't, sorry, I have no idea what's happening. xD )
(August 25, 2016 - 7:53 pm)
It wasn't a top-level post, it was a response on Gared's thread. :/ The same thing happened to a post I made to Icy on the same thread a few hours ago (the text of which I forgot to save, so I'm retyping that comment here).
My eye-roll had nothing at all to do with the demigods' specific condition (be it ADHD or dyslexia, no matter). It was for the rather bland trope of the "impaired" characters turning out to be the superheroes, which is a sub-trope of a common "good ending" wherein one's "misfortunes" are revealed to have come about for good reason and are then put to happy use. (Because that's something we all hope for - that our suffering was endured for a good reason. It's just a predictable literary device.) :)
Again, it wasn't about ADHD. I would have "rolled my eyes" in just the same way if the book had been about a bunch of kids with scoliosis who turned out to be perfectly suited for crawling through large U-bends in pipes. :P
(August 25, 2016 - 11:04 pm)
Actually, Rick Rioridan put in the part about Dyslexia and ADHD because his son had both of those. I always liked that part because I have ADD and it helped me realize that I'm not the only one. Also, I helped me imagine that I was a half-blood. Because imagination's always good.
(August 28, 2016 - 10:53 am)