Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



I am no longer simply Brookeira! I am... BROOKEIRA __________.

So why the blank? I decided on a fun idea: making up a last name and changing it monthly. 

Note: please do not take this idea without asking me! 

September's name: Probably Snowcloud...

October's name: Probably Frostplague...

Thanks for reading, bye! 

submitted by Brookeira Echosnow
(August 19, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

Oh, that's a cool idea. Your CB name is very pretty and fantasy-like, and I think lots of last names would go well with it!

No, I am not thinking of using that idea. I'm fine with just Owlgirl. 

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 20, 2016 - 8:53 am)

Cool! Good idea. Kinda like Mei changing her name with every post.

submitted by Cho Chang
(August 20, 2016 - 11:48 am)

That's a great idea! I'm not taking that idea, because Jack-a-Nat just doesn't go well with last names. Natalie does, of course. :)

submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(August 20, 2016 - 1:02 pm)

Cool idea! At least you're not changing your name forever. . . :) 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(August 20, 2016 - 1:57 pm)