Missing MewFour!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Missing MewFour!

Missing MewFour!

Everyone, one of our AEs, MewFour, HAS GONE MISSING!!!!! O_O

If anyone has done anything to MewFour . . .

*Eyeroll* We heard, Fúdìmó. 

I will curse your family . . .

Blah, blah blah . . .

Kill your friends . . .

Oh, shut up.


Silencio. *Points wand at Fúdìmó*

*Shuts up*

Anyways, now that Fúdìmó isn't making death threats . . .

*Nonverbally Disarms Hèmǐn*

Give me my wand . . . Oh never mind.

Now that Fúdìmó isn't making death threats, CAN I TALK?!

You've been talking half the time.

*Ignores Mei* 8-Piece has been so worried! I usually don't care much for Pokemon (because HP is the ONLY fandom in the universe) 

No, it isn't.

 . . . because HP is the ONLY fandom in the universe, but he's my boyfriend's brother. 8's concerned, so I'm concerned. Let's send a search mission to find him!

How about an RP?

I thought I Silenced you!

The spell wore off.

. . . So what do you guys think? 

submitted by Mei and Co.
(August 18, 2016 - 6:17 pm)

You monster!!!!

HP isn't even nerdy. Why, I think a Magic: the Gathering block has twice the story HP has. Cthulhu would heat Harry alive.

*screams about nerdy stuff for hours*

Ohhh! An RPG! I will get my revenge!

(remember, Gared is an Æ) 

submitted by Gared, Enraged Nerd, and the crew
(August 18, 2016 - 9:23 pm)

Top for 8-Piece! Uh . . . I mean MewFour. 

*Whispers* Pokemon is my competitor . . . HARRY POTTER fandom, people.

Mei: Hèmǐn, HP is loads more popular. Stop worrying. 

submitted by Hèmǐn
(August 19, 2016 - 9:26 am)

But you need to be worried about Magic: the Gathering... It has a cult following as well.

submitted by Gared
(August 19, 2016 - 4:01 pm)

*Intakes deep breath* Personally, I am terrified for MewFour. I have no clue where he's went and-

And don't worry about it, Quill, we will find him. Also Hemin, no worries, HP is much more popular.


No buts! We will find him, I swear.


*Covers Zeon's mouth and whispers to him* Shhh! You'll scare Quill to death. *Glances at Quill* We will try our best.


submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs
(August 19, 2016 - 1:05 pm)

Sorry, gonna have to COMPLETELY DISAGREE with you there. I read book 1 of those books and hate 'em. I found them so boring and hard to get through. I also hate the Charries. 


submitted by @GARED, thisIsDaisy
(August 19, 2016 - 8:10 pm)

They are intellectual books.

submitted by Gared
(August 19, 2016 - 8:59 pm)

O-oh -H-h-hémin... I-I d-don't know-w w-what--

Chilly, why are you acting so...shy!? Brighten up!!

I-I FEEL like it! M-my em-motions ar-re displaced! B-besides, m-me an-nd Frost-ty are in b-both-th P-p-p-pokemon and H-harry Potter f-fandoms...

I say we search the *lowers voice* secret AE and CAPTCHA dimension. 

submitted by Chilly and Frosty
(August 20, 2016 - 7:01 pm)

How come CL isn't on this thread?! This is her AE!

submitted by Mei @CLOUD!!!!!!!!!!
(August 22, 2016 - 6:59 am)