Warriors QUIZ!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Warriors QUIZ!!!

Warriors QUIZ!!!

Fill out this quiz and I will putt u in what clan i think u would fit in the most and what rank.


1)How would u describe your self?

2)Do u like swiming or running or nither?

3)Whats your fav cat speces?

4)Beach vacation or mountan vacation?


A) What are u most like: A. risposible  B.coutios  C.Think befor you leap kinda persion  D.Kind but strong  E. strong willed.

B)Are u not botherd by blood? 

C)Some cat reports that the Wind Clan is attacking what do you do? 

D) You are only a Kit you go exploring without permision you havnt learned what your clan smells like yet so you are sniffing a dandylion when you hear the crunch,crunch,crunch of an approching cats footsteps You A. Go and see who it is! B.you stay hidden and go back too your clan too warn them even if you dont  know who it is C. you run out with your scaryest face on and try and tackle the approching cat. D.none of the above!

Thanks for taking this quiz! 


submitted by Tuxedo kitten
(August 17, 2016 - 12:36 pm)

Coconut you would be a River clan warrior!!!!!Yay!

submitted by Tuxedo kitten
(August 20, 2016 - 1:40 pm)