Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Power quiz!!!

Answer these questions and I’ll tell you your magic power!!! If you can’t decide for a few of the questions, pick your top three answers in order. Thanks! :)


You're in a fight. Do you.....

1. Stand tall and face the enemy head on?

2. Use your cunning skills to determinate his moves and then strike?

3. Quickly go in for the strike weather or not the enemy is bigger than you?

4. Run away and attack from a distance?


Do you find yourself...

1. Hot!

2. Fit

3.  Built

4.  Scrawny


5. You're in Spain on holiday and get a call from your mate saying a colony of super ninjas have just attacked your high school. What do you do?


1. Go solo and fly over and save the students and teachers

2. Tell your mate to call the police

3.  Call your 3 other mates to come and help

6. You're alone in a dark alley and you think someone's following you. What do you do?


2. Burn them

3. Disappear

4. Turn around and face them head on and show them what you're made of

5. Start running like a maniac

7. Which one of these colours do you prefer/like?

1.  Red

2.  White

3.  Blue

4.  Green

5.  Brown

6.  Aqua

8. If you had the choice... would you be...

1. Millionaire

2. Singer

3.  Work at the farm

4. Scientist

5. Artist

6.  Accountant


9. Would you like retractable wings or normal wings?

1. Yes. retractable wings rox

2.  Uh-huh. Normal wings

3. No. Retractable wings

4. No. Normal wings

5. Dunno. What do you mean?

10. What power would you want?

1. Fire

2. Water

3. Earth

4. Air

5. No powers

6. I am finding out by taking this quiz!

And you’re done!


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(August 15, 2016 - 2:52 pm)

Cool! Thanks Mei! 

1. Stand tall and face the enemy head on?

Uh, I will estimate whether I can win or not. I probably can't, so no. I will run away.  

2. Use your cunning skills to determinate his moves and then strike?

Uh, I'd rather use witty words than actually fighting him.  

3. Quickly go in for the strike weather or not the enemy is bigger than you?

If he is bigger and stronger, I'm out of here. 

4. Run away and attack from a distance?

Sure! As long as he cant fight me back. I'm a bit of a coward. 

Do you find yourself...

1. Hot! (I wish)

2. Fit

3.  Built

4.  Scrawny


5. You're in Spain on holiday and get a call from your mate saying a colony of super ninjas have just attacked your high school. What do you do?

Im homeschooled... But I would be like AWESOME! And laugh and watch with popcorn. So,  




1. Go solo and fly over and save the students and teachers

2. Tell your mate to call the police

3.  Call your 3 other mates to come and help

6. You're alone in a dark alley and you think someone's following you. What do you do?


2. Burn them

3. Disappear

4. Turn around and face them head on and show them what you're made of

5. Start running like a maniac

7. Which one of these colours do you prefer/like?

1.  Red

2.  White

3.  Blue

4.  Green

5.  Brown

6.  Aqua

8. If you had the choice... would you be...

Wow, that is really hard. The first three are all so great! I guess, though, I'd be a millionaire who bought a farm and now works on it.  

1. Millionaire

2. Singer

3.  Work at the farm

4. Scientist

5. Artist

6.  Accountant


9. Would you like retractable wings or normal wings?

don't want any! 

1. Yes. retractable wings rox

2.  Uh-huh. Normal wings

3. No. Retractable wings

4. No. Normal wings

5. Dunno. What do you mean?

10. What power would you want?

1. Fire

2. Water

3. Earth

4. Air

5. No powers

6. I am finding out by taking this quiz!

And you’re done!

Thank you Mei!! 

submitted by Daisy
(August 15, 2016 - 4:18 pm)
Your Result: Element Water

You have the power to control the waters. Although you cannot summon water without its presence, you will cause an great impact on your enemies. And you can also talk to animals. :)

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(August 16, 2016 - 9:26 am)

This is so cool!

a- I pick option 2

b- option 5

c- option 4

d- option 3

e- option 3

f- option 2

g- option 1

h- Duh! Option 6! 

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(August 15, 2016 - 4:57 pm)

A. 4

B. Ha, average, I guess. 

5. 2

6. 3

7. 3

8. 5

9. 2

10. 6 

submitted by Bluebird
(August 20, 2016 - 6:44 pm)