Hello.So...the small toe

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello.So...the small toe

So...the small toe that had just been in the doorway of Chatterbox, the toe which became a foot, seems to have somehow become a leg, and well...I think it's time to give that leg and the person attached to it a name because the leg...the leg through the doorway is getting hard for me to ignore. And if none of this makes any sense, please feel free to disregard everything I just said. (lol) It's really not that important. I'll just introduce myself.
Hello. My name is River. I guess you could say that I settled on that name because I absolutely love the sound of running water; and in many ways, a river adequately represents who I am right now and my general view of life, i.e. small bodies of water meeting up and joining other bodies of water and all moving towards and hopefully reaching a deeper ocean.
I am 16 years old and will be a junior in high school this fall. I think though I will keep "Forever" in the age field because I have sort of grown attached to it. (I have no desire to live forever though.) I will probably not post much because of time constraints, self-imposed and otherwise, and probably not at all once school starts for the same reason.
And just so you know, I have been enjoying my quiet time here on Chatterbox, limited and short as it has been. You are all such a creative, smart, colorful, passionate, and funny bunch of people -- at least online you are. You are all probably really dull-witted and boring offline. --
KIDDING! I'm just kidding! Most, if not all of you, are really very engaging and whip-smart funny. Anyway...hello. :)

submitted by River, age Forever, flowing yonder
(August 15, 2016 - 7:08 am)

Greetings River! Great name, rivers do flow forever. Hope you like it here!

Anyhow, I am Novelist! I'm not much of a fangirl, unless you count the wilderness and stuff. Even so, I do like electronics. Brookiera made the first AE!

submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(August 17, 2016 - 4:02 am)

Hello, and thanks for the welcome, Novelist! -- Yeah, I've never been much of a fangirl myself but have nothing against fangirls or fanboys. Just not my style is all. Cool about the electronics! I'm not skilled in that area but do appreciate technology in general.

submitted by River, age Forever, flowing yonder
(August 17, 2016 - 9:14 am)

Hiya River! I'm balletandbow the currently Hamilton/Marvel/Star Wars/HP/Owl City/Pokémon/Pretty Much Any Book I've Ever Read obsessed barely 13 CBer with three AEs, one of whom is in one of the very few working relationships here in the AE Crush War. 

Well, it would be working better if Feisty was ever AROUND. 

Shush! School's starting, and you know Coco can't always get on-


Uh.... Yeah. So that was PSXtreme (PieSlingerXtreme) ranting about Feisty (her maybe boyfriend who is Coconut the Dog's AE), and BABTMP (BowAndBalletTheMechanicalPencil) trying to quiet her down. Oh, and here's Torstyn. 

Uhm..... I would just like to say that... Uh... I'vePutPuckAndElsaBehindMeSoIfAnyoneWantsToHaveACrushOnMeTheyCan. 

(If you couldn't see that he said: I've put Puck and Elsa behind me so if anyone wants to have a crush on me they can.)


I can't believe I just said that. 

THANK THE CHATTERBOX GODS!!!! We can finally be free of your whining!!!

Now we just have to put up with yours. 


*Sounds of scuffling, splatting (thanks to PSXtreme's pies), and a few screams* 

Rightyo... We're just going to leave them alone now. Anyhoo, it's nice to meet you! 

submitted by balletandbow, age 13, Moon
(August 17, 2016 - 12:06 pm)

Hey river! Welcome to the CB! And yeah we all are like SOOOOO boring! JK! I like wolves cats Star Wars and Warriors! Oh well i wont pepper you with questions but what's your fav book? You will be a Awesome addition to the CB! Have fun!!!

submitted by Tuxedo kitten
(August 17, 2016 - 1:04 pm)

Hoi and welcome, River! You can call me Lapis, or just Lap for short! You can find me hanging out in a castle in the Middle of Nowhere or just roaming around here! I love meeting new CBers, so here's a pizza as a welcome gift! (I give free party food to new CBers, cuz who doesn't love it?)

submitted by Lap R., age BA-BLAM!, Middle of Nowhere
(August 17, 2016 - 1:31 pm)

@balletandbow: Whooaa!! That second sentence was a mouthfull! The first time around I didn't even make it to the end. I just passed out from lack of air. I did better the second time around though and only had take
a quick gulp of air towards the end. Just kidding. Sort of. I did have to take a gulp of air there. Anyway...Big thanks for the welcome! It's nice to meet you and your "merry" band of AEs!

I am aware of the various AE crushes in existence but confess to not being able to keep track of all of them. Congrats to PSXtreme and Feisty then! They must be doing something right? Myself, I don't think I will create any AEs. I'm not here enough so I'd be worried that they would just languish in the CB during my absence.

@Tuxedo Kitten:(lol) Hello there! And thanks for the welcome! Just so you know, I have a slight urge to squeeze just a little bit; your name is soooo CUTE! But I won't because well...we're strangers, and I highly
doubt that you really are a talking kitten wearing a tuxedo. So I'll keep my distance and give you a fist bump instead. *gives Tuxedo Kitten a fist bump*

As to your question...WOW! For a little kitten you sure know how to pick 'em! That's an impossible
question, you know that, don't you? Okay, then...I think I'll just pretend you asked what some of my
favorite books are, if you don't mind. Still a hard qustion but not impossible. Below are some of
my early favorites. My newer ones are kind of heavy in theme and more suited for another site.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
Fahrenheit 451
Dandelion Wine
The Phantom Tollbooth
Watership Down

I'll stop there. -- 'bye for now! :)

@Lap: Hello there, and thanks for the warm welcome and the pizza! I do love pizza and have been known to eat it for breakfast on occasion. Oh...perhaps I shouldn't have said that? Now some of the younger CBers are going to ask their parents why they can't have pizza for breakfast. River does, they'll say. Yikes! Oh well. It's the truth though. CBers please don't get me in trouble with your parents. Besides, I'm much older.

Anyway, Lap...Yes, I have seen you around! I love the Art Posting thread that you started. I've gone through it from beginning to end and try to keep abreast of new postings. Seriously, there are some great artists here! Keep it up, guys!

submitted by River, age Forever, flowing yonder
(August 18, 2016 - 9:45 am)

Oh! I forgot to comment on this!

Hey, River, I'm Mei. On the CB, I'm a Chinese fairygirl with two AEs, both named after HP characters. You've probably seen me around, I'm one of the six most active. I'm really into drawing, origami, and kirigami, and I'll draw you a welcome thingy later. In real life (IRL), I'm just a random Asian girl who has too many books and is NOT into math. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(August 19, 2016 - 6:55 am)

Hello River! Welcome to the CB! (Short for Chatterbox.) Im Leeli, a Wingfeather Saga fan and lover of all animals. (But especially dogs and my pets!) if you need anything or have any questions, just ask me! I hope you have a great time here!

submitted by Leeli
(August 19, 2016 - 9:38 am)

@Mei-xue: Hello! Yes, I have definitely seen you around. Yes, indeedy, indeed! :) Kudos on your recent contributions to the Art Posting thread, by the way. They are lovely. I especially like the crane mobiles. They are so colorful. I have tried my hand at origami before but not kirigami. The ones I've seen online look super cool! Perhaps, I'll give that a try someday.

@Leeli: Hello, and thank you for the welcome! Thanks also for the offer of assistance. It's very kind of you. I don't think I'll need it but who knows? -- I have heard of the Wingfeather Saga series, but unfortunately, I have not read them. I do know people who have read them and who loved them. Perhaps I'll check it out one day. :)

submitted by River, age Forever, flowing yonder
(August 19, 2016 - 5:24 pm)