Has anybuggy seen

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Has anybuggy seen

Has anybuggy seen Laura in a while? :(:( I hope she didn't dissapear! 

submitted by Maggie , age 13, St. Paul, MN :D
(April 27, 2009 - 4:40 pm)

OMG!! My middle name is Elizabeth, too!!! Cool!!!

submitted by Mara C., age 12, here
(May 15, 2009 - 8:10 pm)

:D :D :D :D :D :D

submitted by Laura
(May 16, 2009 - 11:51 pm)

Paige, Ombler, IR is just Imbler, OR with the first letters switched.

submitted by CC, age 12, Ombler, IR
(April 29, 2009 - 9:20 pm)

Whoa!  A whole thread about me!!!!!!!!!

I feel speeeeeeeeciiiiiiiaaaaaalllllll!!!!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!

So, yah... I'M SO SOORY!!!!!!!!!!!  I DON'T KNOW WHY I KEEP DOING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But you are all so sweet.  I gotta stop disappearing.  Hmm...  How are you all?

Anything BIG happen? 

You all have to think of ways to make me remember to come on here at least once a day!!!!  Okay?

AAAAHHHH!!!!!!  You are all so sweet!!!!!!!

A whole thread just about me??  EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Laura E. (M.), age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(April 29, 2009 - 9:55 pm)

YAY!!! Welcome back, Laura!


Anything big? Nothing much. I joined the MuseBlog! I'm Kiga___827 on there. Oh, and yeah, the Admin/Webmasters got us page numbers on the threads, so now they load much quicker! Thanks Admin/Webmasters! :)

You're welcome! It makes things easier for us, too. --Admin

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(April 30, 2009 - 6:13 am)

Yay Laura! BellaTrix is gone too... but I think she went on a tirp!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, St. Paul, MN
(April 30, 2009 - 3:28 pm)

A trip??  hee hee!

I hope she returns, too.

I'm so happy.  I'm glad you all missed me, though I wish I hadn't gone at all...

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 

submitted by Laura
(May 1, 2009 - 10:53 pm)

I think she's back... but I'm not positive but I've seen her post some!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, St. Paul, MN :D
(May 2, 2009 - 5:32 pm)

Smiley buddy!! :D:D:D:D We missed you!!!  I'm SOO glad you're back!!! :D:D:D:D

submitted by Paige
(May 3, 2009 - 6:02 pm)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

submitted by Laura
(May 5, 2009 - 11:57 pm)

Yay, you're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by CC
(April 30, 2009 - 3:54 pm)

Glad you're back, Laura!!! :):D:):D  And yeah, I was in Naples, FL, on vacation and we didn't get Internet access. :) But I'm back now! :)

submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(May 3, 2009 - 8:16 am)

Yay! Welcome back, BellaTrix and Koffee!

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(May 4, 2009 - 6:55 am)

:D:D:D BellaTrix!!!!!  How was your trip?!  Was it really, really, really warm there?? (it got to be in the 90's here a week or so ago!!!!) :):):)

submitted by Paige
(May 4, 2009 - 2:08 pm)

Actually, the funny thing is it was warm, around 27 degrees Celsius (I don't know how the other system works) in Naples, but on our way back up to Canada, it got warmer!  Up to 36 degrees in North Carolina, I think!  Crazy! :)  

submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(May 6, 2009 - 7:42 am)