Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
So. My birthday party has been reduced to only you coming. One of the girls next door is having surgery done for her jaw today, and her little sis (Coco's friend, and my kinda one) doesn't want her to feel left out, so I'm not going to invite them.
Then for the twins and their sis. Their grandmother has cancer, and has had it for a while, but recently it got really bad, and she probably won't live very much longer. So they are going up to Colorado (again).
Sooo, since you won't be able to tell ... I'll try my best to describe how he acts around me.
He won't talk to Coco almost at all, just about only to me and his brother. And we often split up me and him, and Coco and his twin, when we roleplay or what-not. When I started talking about my party, he got out a Lego catalog, and we looked through it together .... *blushes*
And the thing is, I don't think he knows that he likes me. That is, identifies it as that. But I'm not sure ...
Anyhoo, your mom and mine are texting back and forth to get the party's date and stuff settled. It's still LoTR, and we'll do Cosplay (I'm going to be an elf! I thought about being a Ranger), and your mom said you can stay for a sleepover! So we'll probably watch The Fellowship of the Ring (EXTENDED!!) and maybe do LoTR Risk, if you want.
WE HAVE A TON OF I <3 LUCY'S!!! Our GG gave them to Coco and I when she learned how much we love Lucy.
Whew. That was a lot.
(August 1, 2016 - 3:15 pm)
Only me? Cool. Can't wait for the sleepover!!!! Hmm... I will have to ask you some questions when I see you... It sounds like he either likes you a ton as a friend, or, as you say, a crush but he's not entirely sure himself it's a crush. It also might be a mild crush, or maybe he's a bit shy.
(August 1, 2016 - 5:15 pm)
Yeah, it gets a little confusing. And then you add another guy who is cute, likes Warriors, and is crushing on me ... then it get to a whole new level of confuzzle. You know what Cosplay is, right? (Because I didn't until recently.)
(August 2, 2016 - 12:21 pm)
wow. Well, I will talk to you at the party. Oh, and what am I gonna wear to look like an elf? I really have no idea. I could wear a Peter Pan costume, lol. Help! What's your elf outfit gonna look like? And what do you like for a present?
(August 2, 2016 - 4:00 pm)
I believe I answered all of those questions. ;)
(August 3, 2016 - 2:41 pm)
yup! Thx!!
(August 3, 2016 - 3:29 pm)