@Mewfour from Qui
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
@Mewfour from Qui
@Mewfour from Quill
I will not go saying this in the way Zeon did. He was despicable... But I had to tell you this: I will most likely be unable to attend the formalized dancing event in your company... I... I'm leaving the CB. Forever.
We'll be here for another 2 weeks before we leave the CB, I believe... But we're going camping soon. So less than a week left here. And... Quill might still be able to go.
I'm sorry, MewFour if this... disappoints you. Quill was looking forward to this as well. It also means she will be out of Middle School, too.
D-Don't say th-that, Ash! *Starts tearing up*
So you do care?
About w-what?
MewFour, school, the dance.
*Turns red* School is a p-pleasure, but... M-MewF-Four... the dance... *starts crying silently*
You'll miss him, you are trying to say.
I... *looks away* Yes, yyess, I will.
I'm sorry, MewFour. Like I said, we should have enough time for the dance if it starts soon enough.
(July 27, 2016 - 4:36 pm)
(July 27, 2016 - 6:54 pm)
(July 27, 2016 - 8:28 pm)
Quill... ... Clouded only just told me about Ashlee leaving... I'm going to say this... with 8-Piece and Nougat out of the way, for now at least... *cough that breaks a little* I will miss your company at the dance... event... and... you. *wavers*
Hey Quill... I'm going to break in here. MewFour looks like he;s on the verge of... crying? Anyways, I'm saying this because you're the only person who's ever inspired actual emotion on him. With Fudimo it purely admiration, and even with Nougat and 8-Piece it's reluctant brotherly feelings. With you, though, he's different. He's... human. (Pokemon, I suppose)
Bye, Quill. I hope the dance will still occur in your company.
*turns away, face in shadow*
*quiet sob*
(July 27, 2016 - 9:26 pm)
Maybe we can convince the others to... start the dance... soon... sooner. I will... *looks at the ground* I'll... I'll miss you, too... *tear begins to form again* A-Anyways, it was nice m-meeting you. We should still go to the dance together...
You know, I find it shocking a little violet Pokemon can do so much emotional damage to my wonderfully emotional-stable AE...
HE IS NOT LITTLE VIOLET POKEMON! That is a terrible insult you will regret ever speaking!
Like I said emotional damage.
(July 27, 2016 - 11:35 pm)