The CB Life!!!!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
The CB Life!!!!
The CB Life!!!!
Yes, I know I'm not using my Monday name, Crazy, but I don't use other names when I make threads. I'm just curious....
People have made up many different things about their CB self. Sometimes our CB personality is different from our actual one. I know mine is. We have our own CB looks, our own CB family (Chilly, Frosty, Snowy for me!), and so much more.
But where do we live in the CB? Do we all live in the same neighborhood? Are there massive cities inside of the CB?
I know what I live in, and where....I live in a house with the walls made out of solid, slightly tinted blue Ice. The windows are open all winter and a bit of spring, and snowmen flank the entrance. It has two floors, is slightly bigger on the inside, and has a basement that is basically Frosty's room and HQ. I live, secluded, inside of a mountain bowl.
Umm, let me explain. It's surrounded by mountains, always snows, every time of year, has gigantic crystals jutting from the mountains, and there's one space where there's no mountains (a pass?) where we go through to get to a road, which we take to get to the grocery store/anywhere in the world.
But let me challenge you--what's your CB life?
(July 25, 2016 - 9:19 am)
(Turns on 90's sinthisizer music)
I am moving to CaC. I would never live anywere that wan't a penthouse. Elliot Corp, wait! Why am I listening to High Life by Daft Punk. Probably Bob. Jealous, of course.
(July 27, 2016 - 9:20 am)
My home is in the Inkwell Apartments on the fourth floor with a perfect wiew of the City Square, where Abi's soapbox statue resides. My bedroom is 2 stories and it has an owlrey, a large library, my closet(mostly Ravenclaw shirts in different colors), and of course my bed. However, the bedroom only takes up 1 story because this is the Chatterbox.
(July 27, 2016 - 11:56 am)
Floating above the CBer city, there is a cloud that is always stationary. It's huge and casts no shadow, and is, believe it or not, not made out of water vapor. This cloud is completely crystal that happens to be floating in the sky.
We can't let a cloud like this go to waste, can we? On this cloud, hidden from people who may look up at it, is a small wooden cottage covered by ivy, with a small garden in front with flowers that always bloom. If you open this quaint little place, you may first say . . . "It's smaller on the outside!"
Okay, fine. "It's bigger on the inside!"
For it is. This cottage, which looks like it could house one room in total, is over three stories high, plus multiple owleries and batcaves.
The ground floor is a mess. Obviously the person who resides in it cannot be bothered to clean up, but rather lets the dishes and dust pile up in the sink or on the walls. A gigantic TV, with one large crack going through it, is often set to a cooking show. If you were to make your way through the house, you would find a bedroom with sheets thrown off a purple bed and a dresser with drawers hanging open. In an adjoining room, blasters cover every inch of the space. If you haven't guessed already, this is Devil Owl's home.
To exit the first floor, you make your way through the debris and out through another door. This has a sign thumbtacked messily on, slightly crooked, reading Keep out! Grateful to be out of there, you ascend the steep stairs.
The next floor is as orderly as the first was a mess. Every appliance shines; everything is in place. Pictures depicting heroes such as Webster line the walls. If you were to continue, you would find a neat little bedroom, containing a well-made bed with tan sheets, a wardrobe, a CAPTCHA bed, and a little dresser where a few dictionaries are stacked. The next door is the last, and leads you into a gigantic library, stretching what seems to be miles high. It could rival the TARDIS, you think, and climb the stairs.
Another door awaits you, reading ST.OWL in glittering golden letters. You push through the door, expecting a similar build to the other two places you've seen, but this is nothing like it. The first room is an office, with a laptop computer open to Wordpress and stacks of paper looking just about ready to topple over on every surface. You manouver your way through and up another, smaller flight of stairs, going through another door. The room you enter couldn't really be called orderly; it's covered with books, obviously put aside when other chores are needed to be done. There are a few dishes in the sink, obviously awaiting the night when they will be liberated and placed back on their shelves. There's a TV, and by it a rack of movies; moving forward, you see two Doctor Who DVDs ordered from Netflix, all the Harry Potters, and the Lord of the Rings movies (with a small post-it reading WATCH on them). If you were to switch on the television, it would show you that it had been turned off on Netflix's Star Trek episodes. Moving along, you enter a bedroom, which also contains a CAPTCHA bed. Whoever was sleeping here is a hoarder; shelves full of all sorts of pretty things line the walls, from little glass flowers to antique Winnie-The-Poohs in rocking chairs. The bedcovers have been thrown back, but the bed has an idea of comfort to it. Next to it is a dresser with yet another stack of books. Half of them have obviously been read many times.
If you were to continue, you would come to one gigantic owlery, the top floor. This is split into three segments. Luckily, the first is the safest, and belongs to St.Owl. Two doors lead off on either side. The left one leads to a wide variety of owls, all rabid; the right to a group of bats, all sleeping.
You walk back down this maze of a house and exit. A ladder that looks extremely unsafe leads down from the edge of the cloud. You sigh. Of course, all the Owl family can fly.
Will you be coming back?
(July 27, 2016 - 11:42 am)
I love your house. :)
(July 27, 2016 - 2:49 pm)
I hate digital drawing...but here's a map of This Month done digitally, since I can't send the actual drawing. I'm so so sorry.... This is just a section, and it's not very good...
(July 28, 2016 - 2:14 pm)