Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket


ALRIGHT. Haha. Very funny. VERY FUNNY. Joke's over, okay? Who did it? WHO DID IT?

Whoa, take a chill pill!

How can you tell me to be calm?! WHO DID IT?

How about you explain yourself first? Because I don't think anyone has any idea what you're talking about.

Fine. *deep breath* SO YESTERDAY-

Not starting in all caps would be good.

*glares* So yesterday...that good, Mellie?

Yup! Hey, wait a minute. Isn't that a song? *Googles So Yesterday* Wow, it is! It's by Hilary Duff....oh, I think I know how it goes...If it's over, let it go and come tomorrow it will seem so yesterday, so yesterday. I'm just a bird that's already flown away... 

Now who's off topic?

Sorry. Go on!

So yesterday I found a note on top of my gummy bear jar. Taped to the note was a gummy bear. A PINK gummy bear. A pink, Valentine 2014 Limited & Deluxe Edition Pack guumy bear. Don't ask me how I know that, but I make it my business to. Anyway, that type of gummy bear? SUPER RARE.

Rare as Parseltongue. Rare as fire power in the Hephaestus cabin. Rare as bioelectrically manipulation blocking devices on Lunars. Rare as-

Owlgirl, get offa this thread! Mellie and I made it!

Okay okay, sorry, had to seize the opportunity for some fandom references... 

*shoves Owlgirl off the thread so that she'll have to wait until after the thread is published to see what the note said*

Where was I? Oh yeah, the rare gummy bear. I was shocked! Those are hard to find and really pricey! I carefully untaped it and put it down. I was pretty happy, and also confused. I mean, who would go through the trouble to buy a super rare gummy bear?

A special someone...

Shut up! I'm not there yet. Then I read the note.

Drumroll please.

It said:

Amazing Grace

How sweet the sound

That saved an AE like me. 

I once was lost

But now I'm found

You stole my heart

Yet I feel so free.

-A Special Someone

You can see how it plays off of a popular folk song, trying to stay with the rhyme scheme, which they stayed fairly true to. However, the rhythm is a bit out of sync. Notice how the last line has too many syllables...

This is not poetry interpretation! This is a SERIOUS matter!


This is either A) a prank because nobody in their right mind would have a crush on me, because I'm against the whole idea of crushes or B) it's not a prank. I'm thinking it's A. 

It would be funny if it were all a prank...but I'm thinking B.

*almost barfs* I'm CRAZY AND I'M PROUD OF IT. Nobody crushes on proud crazy people.

Look around you, Grace! Almost all the AEs are crazy! And they're still crushed on!

That's an unsettling point.

*thinks hard* Maybe you actually have TWO admirers.

WHAT?! One is unbelievable enough! But TWO?! Impossible!

You know how on the floor there was a bunch of paper shredded into tiny bits? Maybe that was someone else's note, or maybe two notes, but whoever left the note you found tore them to bits so you wouldn't see them! Either that, or it was a draft. It does seem kind of unlikely that there would be more than one.

*bangs head repeatedly on the table* THIS IS TOO CONFUSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! Was it a crush? Or a prank? What was the crumpled piece of paper? Is this all some sort of bizarre dream? ARE CHICKENS ALLOWED TO WEARS SOCKS?!








submitted by Grace & Mellie
(July 19, 2016 - 10:31 am)
submitted by Mace shipper, (MP+Grace)
(July 22, 2016 - 5:35 pm)

*sees "Mace Shipper*






She's not responsive. She could be happy, angry,'s too early to tell. But it definitely has some effect. 

submitted by Owlgirl & Grace
(July 22, 2016 - 8:12 pm)