People, please stop
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
People, please stop
People, please stop targeting Mei-Xue!
You may post whatever opinions you have, as long as you aren't calling people names!
Sure, I posted a comment on her thread against the debate, but hopefully it was a civil one. I apologize to Mei and everyone else if it wasn't.
I am writing this because some people have been calling her a bully.
I think this is not alright.
Even if you don't like someone, you don't have to anonymously call them names across the Internet! I'm sure that you would never call her a bully to her face.
The fact that you post under a pseudonym shows that you know it isn't totally right.
If you have a problem with the way she is acting, state it kindly and respectfully.
Everyone has opinions. Everyone has feelings. Everyone has reasons hidden behind words and actions, folded into quilts of words.
Please respect these opinions, feelings, and reasons. (Please do respect the Oxford Comma, but that's another conversation.)
The CB should be a safe place for everyone.
This thread is not for the purpose of discussing anybuggy's, actions. It is just a reminder to be respectful to those who cannot hear you speak and do not see your face.
(July 16, 2016 - 3:16 pm)
Mei isn't the only one who may have been targeted. Other people, although not targeted by name, are targeted. It is implied that they are _.
(July 16, 2016 - 5:15 pm)
OtR, I agree with what you are saying. But honestly, I think we can all admit at having used a pseudonym at least once in our CB lives. For instance, I use one when I feel I am already being targeted for gently trying to give out my opinion. Yes, it seems that way often, as if I am one of those many targets. So I post under a pseudonym (like .... or something similar) to take off some of the stress and anger directed toward me.
It is not like I am trying to be rude, I do it to take off the pressure from my name and shoulders. I feel as if I am one of the targets for just sharing my opinion. It is as if I don't have the right to share my opinion, no matter how nicely I put it.
Hope you understand, OtR. You stated something honest, and I agree. But I know there are people on the CB who use fake names as a way to take off the feeling of being a target. It allows them to feel as if they can have a right to voice their opinions. Because now? It doesn't seem that way to me on many current threads.
(July 17, 2016 - 12:56 am)
I use pseudonyms too, in the situations that you stated.
However, you didn't state the situation where you are being mean. I think that posting anonymously is fine, as long as you aren't posting under your name so that you can call people names and be rude.
I'm being so harsh right now. I'm sorry.
It's just that I feel like the CB is more of an obligation and responsibility of mine, not a pastime.
(July 17, 2016 - 12:10 pm)
I couldn't agree more, OtR. Being one of the older members on the CB, I have to agree it feels like an obligation. That it is my duty to sort of keep everything in order. But I lose my cool sometimes, I guess and snap. But yes, I never use pseudonyms to secretly show a rude/offensive comment. Although unfortunately, no one appreciates pseudonyms for any reason, and it naturally comes off as targeting a person. Sadly.
(July 17, 2016 - 9:05 pm)