Reasons why Mei

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Reasons why Mei

Reasons why Mei did not ruin the CB and does not want to leave, no matter what HAB says:

1. I started a new game, the ACG.

2. I kept so MANY threads alive! Without my avid topping (I have many topping names), maybe even hundreds of threads will be dead.

3. I was voted in Scylla's Warrior ranking thing.

4. I used the file attacher the most to share pics to cheer people up. At least, I did before the Admins said it wasn't allowed.

5. Rebutting people's points does not make you a bully.

6. Telling people to have a growth mindset does not make you a bully.

7. If anyone is cyberbullying, it's YOU. For MAKING ME CRY.

8. I made loads of people happy by restarting the Compliment Thread.

9. I made people happy with my "I'm k..." thread.

10. I spent a lot of time on CBer picturings. I know other people did, too, but some of you didn't.

11. I remember that one time, I had made literally half the threads on the first page of CaC. 

12. I dedicate hours and hours to the CB. 

13. I had the idea that made loads of people famous (but didn't make ME famous) on Kyngdom. That Power idea.

14. I cheered Booksy up by being her first CBer friend.

15. I get offended too, you know. 

16. People get really upset when other people leave. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 16, 2016 - 7:58 am)

You are a really good person, Mei. I'm sorry if I - or anyone else - made you feel upset. I tend to just get ahead of myself and am angered really easily on certain topics. But you have an amazing mind, great goals, and an amazing, confident personality. Someone that, personally? I respect. I respect people like that. So if I ever come across as rude, hurtful, or mean, I deeply apologize.

27. You are a brave soul to be willing to try and try again.

28. You'll go down in CB history as the person who was there for everyone.

Thank you, Mei. I know you have a strong enough willpower not to leave. Because you are you, and that is a very good thing. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 16, 2016 - 6:10 pm)

Oh, Mei! You can't leave! Ever.

33. 8-Piece would be heartbroken without Hemin, and MewFour would have no one else to plot with.

34. You're one of my best friends on the CB. You support so many threads and CBers, and we'd lose that if you left.

35. You are a Slytherin and incredibly proud of it. One of my best friends is a Slytherpuff, and she's amazing.

Mei, don't leave! The CB would lose an element without you, like losing access of CaC or DtE.

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 16, 2016 - 8:52 pm)

36. We wouldn't be able to ship Hemin and Baely! 

37. Your reverso poetry is awesome! 

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 17, 2016 - 7:45 am)

38. This has probably been said already, but you are just so brave. Sometimes I wish I were as brave as you.

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 17, 2016 - 3:31 pm)