Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Name: Paris France (just kidding about the France part, but that would be funny)
Nicknames: None yet!
Age: same age as me. Thirteen, almost fourteen.
Gender: Female
Wears: Cute tees, usually in shades of red, purple, and pink. Jeans. Boots or flats. She's very fashionable.
Personality: Relatively sane. More "normal" than me, but not rude about it. Nice. Also, very not awkward (this is what makes her really not like me :-P). She's the charismatic one who can make conversation easily and fit in without breaking a sweat. Likes to drag me into things like nail tutorials and truth or dare and thinking about my crush. She will tease me (good-naturedly) a lot. LOVES pop songs, especially of the boy band variety. You do not want to be around her when "Stitches" comes on.
Don't forget "What Makes You Beautiful"!
That too.
Speaking of which...
Oh no.
You're insecure. Don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-oh-or.
I secretly liked that song until you started singing it like that.
Haha, she admits it!
Can we sing something else now?
Fine. *makes a heart with her fingers* I have died every day waaaaaiting for you. Darling-
Paris, no.
Okay, okay. Now what?
Um...we agree on a song and belt it out together while everyone watches?
Let's do "Taylor the Latte Boy".
That was a joke, but sure. Stay tuned, everyone. We're singing about coffee. (Just kidding, that's not actually happening.)
I need to get you out more.
Good luck with that.
(July 12, 2016 - 9:16 pm)
A singer is always a pleasure to have here. Welcome, I am Quill, and over there is my twin, Zeon. Personally, I love grammar, vocabulary, reading, Harry Potter, and enjoy proper discussions about political and world issues.
Bro! Nice to meet you! I am Zeon, and I LOVE video games, chips, YouTube, pranks, and surfing. I am also about the nicest person you meet.
A little annoying, nonetheless.
Please be nice, Quill. Hello Paris, I am Ashlee! My AEs are more for fun than my personality. Quill shows my nerdy English side. While Zeon shows... err... the gamer side of me. Also, the more friendly, outgoing side. I hope you meet many AEs who share your unique interests!
(July 13, 2016 - 11:24 am)
(July 13, 2016 - 1:52 pm)
Welcome, Par! (Yes, I just gave you a nickname.) I'm Hèmǐn, and I love books!
Stay out of my way, and I won't hurt you. Don't crush on me, and I won't kill you.
No death threats, Fúdìmó.
Nobody asked for your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood.
Fúdìmó, Draco Malfoy was supposed to say that, not you.
You know, house-elves get a very raw deal! It’s slavery, that’s what it is! That Mr. Crouch made her go up to the top of the stadium, and she was terrified, and he’s got her bewitched so she can’t even run when they start trampling tents! Why doesn’t anyone do something about it?
. . .That was random.
Oh, you be quiet.
As you can see, Sydney and Par, these are my AEs, Hèmǐn and Fúdìmó. The former is the Chinese Hermione and the latter is the Chinese Voldemort. I apologize for their behavior, especially Fúdìmó's. I will make sure that Fúdìmó will not kill Par if she chooses to crush on him, which I advise against.
(July 13, 2016 - 6:56 pm)
Hello, Quill and Zeon! I like vocabulary and reading as well, though I have to say I'm not really into political discussions (Everyone is like, "Go Trump/Hilary/Bernie/Etc!" And I'm just like, "I saw The BFG the other day..."). And chips and video games are great too. Although I have to say I've never surfed.
And hello Hèmîn! Books are wonderful, naturally. And Fúdìmó, I don't think you need to worry. I may tend to crush on the "thief with a heart of gold" type, but Voldemort is more of a murderer with a heart that's absent altogether, and I assume you'd be the same. No offense.
Although the mention of crushes reminds me...
Sydney. I come from your own brain. You're not going to make me crush on a pie-wielding maniac, are you? Not that those Æs aren't great, but they're not exactly my/our type.
Okay, no. But the question remains.
Choose wisely, if you must choose at all.
Paris? Did you turn into a fortune cookie?
Your lucky numbers are 33, 45, 63, 36, 58, and 42.
Oh, and also, since Paris's appearance picture didn't come through, I'll just describe her. She has longish dark brown hair pulled into a high ponytail and brown eyes. Nothing crazy.
I am the "normal part."
See, now I feel like Dr. Jekyll.
(July 13, 2016 - 9:15 pm)
Phew. Thank god.
(July 14, 2016 - 7:35 am)
Hello Paris! Welcome to the CB!!
And Sydney!!! I know you've been on for a while, but I never got to properly welcome you back! I've missed you! I don't know if you remember me though. . . Anyways, how is your summer going?
Puck: Welcome back Sydney, and hello to Paris. You sound like you have style, if you're named Paris. Listen, I need a taste tester for my newest recipe on oreo cookies. Here, try one!
Joan: Funny, she doesn't usually do this to new people. Usually she pranks them. Unless. . . *Gasps* Wait, don't eat that cookie!
Puck: *Smiles, and then laughs* To late! I put toothpaste in the cookies instead of the filling. Pretty neat, huh?
Ariel: I told her to do it! Oh by the way, we didn't properly introduce ourselves. I'm Ariel, Puck's twin brother, and one of Joan's AE's. Pleased to meet you Paris.
Puck: And I'm Puck. The mischievous pranking queen of the CB! And, I'm also one of Joan's AE's. Again, a pleasure to meet you Paris. Perhaps we'll meet again, and you can bet I'll have more tricks up my sleeve! Toodles!
(July 14, 2016 - 12:49 am)
Hi Joan! Of course I remember you! I missed you.
Hello Ariel and Puck! You'll be happy to know I didn't eat the toothpaste cookie. I got suspicious at the last minute.
I thought the style compliment was out of character. No offense, Puck. Also, Shakespeare!
Funny thing is, we haven't even read any Shakespeare.
Just The Sisters Grimm and Bad Magic.
But Puck and Ariel are mentioned in those, and so we know who they are!
Why are we talking like this?
Well, since I'm less of another person and more of a piece of your personality brought to life, I think you just like writing banter with yourself.
It's fun, okay?
(July 14, 2016 - 2:01 pm)
Puck: Aw dang it! Foiled again!!!
Ariel: *Smirks* Keep trying sis. That "style" comment WAS a little out of character. . .
Puck: *Sighs* You are right. Oh, and no offense taken. And yup, both me and Ariel are based off of Shakespeare characters. Puck is from "A Midsummer's Night's Dream," and Ariel is from "The Tempest." Joan really likes to read, and act Shakespeare.
(July 16, 2016 - 7:02 pm)
Welcome, Paris! You seem like a cool AE.
Yeah, you seem really nice! Can we be friends? I really hope we can be friends, and I think we'd "click." I don't worry a whole lot about fashion..some days I just throw something on, but some days I feel like putting on something extra special. Today I decided to wear an amber necklace I bought at a museum. It's really pretty! Anyway, I am part cat, and I LOVE photography! I always have my camera with me. Also, I am fond of pop too! I like upbeat songs. I don't really listen to sloooooower ones like Thousand Years.
Maybe tell her what artists you like.
Ooh! There's a lot...I like Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor...
I don't like Meghan Trainor. I just can't stand her voice! And you know Lips Are Movin and All About That Bass and Dear Future Husband? They all sound, like, THE SAME!
I'll have to agree with Grace that those three songs sound really similar. She reused a lot of the same melodies and just mixed them a little. And they're even in the same key.
Well I like her! Anyway, I also like Twenty One Pilots. I don't like those annoying rappers who are really famous and "cool" and "gangstah" but they say mean stuff to other singers, and they rap about inappropriate stuff with curse words. They just yell and yell and yell.
Agreed. About the abnoxious rappers.
Well....bye! We can talk more music later.
(July 14, 2016 - 4:59 pm)
You sound very nice, Paris! I am really looking forward to meeting you. I love Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, and pop songs are the best. Can't wait to get to know you better. Oh, and my full name is Clarabeth, but call me Beth.
(July 14, 2016 - 5:21 pm)