AE Vote -
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
AE Vote -
So you guys probably know Zeon and Quill pretty well. To sum things up real quick, Zeon loves video games, chips, YouTube, coffee (he isn't allowed to have it though), pranks, and SURFING. His twin, Quill, is a vocabulary-lover, grammar freak, book fanatic, Harry Potter fan, somewhat proper, occasionally short tempered and easily annoyed by Zeon. She often has moments where she can blurt out book/movie quotes (mostly HP), or speak in very complex sentences with a large vocabulary. Quill talks in italics, Zeon in bold. I also have a CAPTCHA called Poofball.
So, the question is: From what you guys have seen, are my AEs (don't worry about my CAPTCHA) reasonably unique? I have noticed many older AEs already share some of these qualities. Please leave a vote, thank you!
A. Both Zeon and Quill are plenty unique
B. Zeon is unique enough
C. Quill is unique enough
D. Neither are unique enough - need complete remodeling/removal
E. Both need personality tweaking - somewhat unique
Please note that your vote will not make the final decision.
Also, your votes will not offend me. If you think it is D or something, I will take that vote seriously. So please say your honest opinion.
(July 10, 2016 - 11:18 pm)
(July 11, 2016 - 7:52 am)
Top please
(July 11, 2016 - 12:10 pm)
I choose B. Quill seems too similar to Feather, St Owl's AE.
(July 11, 2016 - 2:20 pm)
Yes, I did actually notice that after seeing more of Feather. I was actually thinking B - or even E - after thinking about it. But I'll wait probably a day or two for more input.
(July 11, 2016 - 4:47 pm)
**Incoming transmission from Azkaban*
**Transmition has been cut*
(July 11, 2016 - 2:47 pm)
Hm. E.
(July 11, 2016 - 2:58 pm)
A, although it's nice to have some tweaking once in a while, so I guess E would be fine too.
(July 11, 2016 - 3:41 pm)
Hm, I don't think that any of these quite fits my opinion. I think both are quite unique and amusingly portrayed, but it is true that there are several grammar-loving AEs, and there's not very much variation within that category.
(July 11, 2016 - 6:23 pm)
Yes, I understand what you mean. I have begun to see that and somewhat regret having created Quill. Thing is, I can't get rid of one and keep the other. They are twins. I just cannot decide how to change Quill to be the polar opposite of Zeon, which was my original purpose of having her.
(July 11, 2016 - 9:33 pm)
I understand that dilemma. I would not be able to remove or change any of my AEs without changing the others as well. I think the main aspect that has been repeated too often in AEs is a love of grammar. (When I created Critic A, I didn't know about Feather, and she was remarkably cliche. Whoops.) Perhaps just emphasize other traits harder? The part about throwing around random quotes and having a short temper is unique and quite funny to me. I don't think Quill needs severe editing.
(July 12, 2016 - 9:41 am)
Yes, Quill will most likely be edited a little. I won't make some big announcement about it, just sort of smooth it into her personality. Maybe some strange obsession, plus the book quotes and short temper. I actually did the same thing of coming up with Quill, creating her, then discovering there is Feather and Critic A as two of many who love grammar.
(July 12, 2016 - 11:07 am)
i would say D and B because quill is way too boring (not to be mean hope it's not consideried rude) and zeon is perfect and D because quill needs to be well WAY more Unique or somewhat removed (still hope i'm not being offending) and ya.... i hope i'm not being rude....
hi can we vote tooo!!!!
no. and that's my final anser
but! it's june 11th! and you have not put us in a party or AE thread YET!
fffiiine... but stop acting little you 18 or is it 17? or 19? but either way no being a baby.
hi-a glow still sad about.....
(quickly covers joanna's mouth with her hand) oh that i'm.... SICK ya sick (fake coughs) see! i'm (fake sneeze) ssick... (fake siver) see i got the case of... the AE
Sneezles! (fake cough) (in a fake horse voice says ''you should (fake cough) get away it's (fake sneeze) very (sneeze) contazus!
okay... (walks out of the AE vote thread) (slams door)
(snickers) ha-ha i really got her from blurting out ''the thing....''
GLOW! you do not lie to a sister!!
wether it's for a secret or not!
but.... everyone here can not know the ''secret''
even zeon?....
'blushes' oh... well...
well what? (snickers in head)
well.... I CANT TELL!!!!!!!!!! (Runs out) (slams door)
poor Glow... better go talk to her...
could i come for um... EXTRA SUPPORT!
really!.... ''smirks''
okay really to know the secret of my sister but wait before you say no she's my sister!
this is a talk for just the two of us
witch is counting me!
you dont need to know what your sister's always up too in HER life!
fine i'll just wait....
(July 11, 2016 - 8:41 pm)
E because frankly Zeon really annoys me. It's okay if that's kind of the purpose, but after a while, it's just a drag to interact with him.
(July 12, 2016 - 6:32 am)
Yeah, I sort of noticed that. He is about as friendly as they come but... has a little too much enthusiasm. Maybe a very large amount. I might tweak his personality a bit and bring that down. The purpose was not to create an insane AE, but he comes across as that a little (he is maybe a 6 or 7 insanity level).
(July 12, 2016 - 11:05 am)
Hmm. . . I do really like Zeon. He's a very different AE than what we've had so far, and I'd say that you could keep him how he is unless there's something you want to change.
I also did notice that Quill is kind of close to Feather, but they seem to have different personalities. I'd say maybe just some minor tweaking with her would do-- as someone else said, maybe exaderrate (I'm too lazy to look up the right spelling) other aspects of her personality. But when you first introduced these two, I was really impressed with how they were developed, because they seemed very new and different to me.
In short, either A or E.
(July 17, 2016 - 11:53 am)