Official Apology Thread 

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Official Apology Thread 

Official Apology Thread 

I think it's about time for this.

I've no idea how the previous disagreements ended; but I think thsi time this might be the right way.

This AE dispute that's gone on for some time needs to cease, I think. Because CB is the best place on the Internet. I can say that honestly, because when people on any other site argue, it just becomes a full-on flame war. But you know what I see on here? I see people making a few mistakes, but immediately making ten times as many apologies, peaces, and happy threads as before. You guys are some of the best people on the Internet.

As for AEs, I completely agree with everything Abigail said in her amazingly eloquent post. AEs need to be fully fleshed out and complex for them to be fun. For you to like them. For everyone else to like them! And 1-3 is the right amount for that to happen. No one wants their AEs to make someone else unhappy! The Evil AE War started out as a good idea. It's so unfortunate it turned into something bad. But... we've gotten over that, haven't we? No one blames Mei for what she said. No one I can see is still mad at... anyone.

I hope Hotairballoon, MapleSyrup, and S.E. will come back. And I'm incredibly relieved Brookeira's not leaving.

You are all such amazing, wonderful, forgiving, creative, helpful people. Never stop being it. We can't let a little argument get in our way.

I, Clouded Leopard, promise to not fight any more. I forgive anyone who said anything wrong, because they had their own reasons.

Please, CB. Let's end this.  


submitted by Clouded Leopard, age 13, hopefully, making peace
(July 2, 2016 - 9:12 pm)

I, St.Owl, promise to not fight anymore. I will not promise I will forgive entirely. I can't forget. . . but I also won't hold it against you. Anything you have said is herefore pushed to the back of the CBer Documents, hopefully forgotten. I will forgive you as best I can, if you will forgive me.

Thank you for making this thread, Clouded Leopard.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(July 6, 2016 - 9:36 pm)

I, Young Writer, promise not to fight anymore. I will forgive those who said anything that may have been interpreted as hurtful. I am a CBer for peace.


Blurb (my old Captcha) says ibeg. I beg all of us to love and forgive.

submitted by Young Writer
(July 7, 2016 - 1:32 pm)

I, Icicle, known on Kyngdom as Icicle Soul the PowerFriend, known to those who wish to annoy me as Princess Icy/Elsa, promise not to fight anymore. I forgive everyone who said anything wrong--excluding Donald Trump--because they had their own reasons.

And I, Chilly, the AETCHA, who will become the most popular EVER, promise not to partake in any wars. 

I, Frosty, an AE, also promise not to partake in any wars. 

As for Snowy, well Snowy is a toddler.

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 8, 2016 - 9:08 am)

*Booming, amplified voice* WELL SAID, CLOUDED! WELL SAID!

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(July 9, 2016 - 9:46 am)

I know it's pretty much over, but I agree. Sorry I've been too lazy to state my opinion. The war showed a bad side to the CB. I think all of us were trying to sort of control each other, and we can't do that. It hurts the community. But I also promise not to fight and hope we can go back to normal.

submitted by Bill Weasley, o.k.a applejaguar
(July 9, 2016 - 6:57 pm)