Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Operation Happiness- CB Edition!
So, I recently read a book called Homeroom Diaries, by James Patterson, and the group of high-schoolers in the book was working on something they called "Operation Happiness". Its goal was to bring people together and make them happy. And I think we all need a little bit of that right now, so I am beginning Operation Happiness- CB Edition, where we come up with ideas to cheer people up and just kind of rebuild any connections that have been broken. It's not necessarily a problem-solving discussion. It can be, if that helps, but this is not a "Solution Thread." This thread is for challenges and ideas to boost everyone's happiness levels.
I thought we could start by just each saying something we're happy about, which sounds cliche and kind of patronizing, but I don't mean it that way. You can say whatever you want, even if it's little- you can say you're happy because The Princess Bride got put on Netflix so now you can watch it whenever you want, or you can say you're happy because you saw a cloud that was the spitting image of Mickey Mouse and it made your day, just because. Or anything else random and cheering. Of course, it could also be something big, like you just won a huge scholarship or something like that. Just pick something (or two things!) you're happy about and say it.
I personally am happy because I just realized I am excited for the first day of school. I'm going into high school and am excited for the new start and new opportunities- and today it fully sunk in that I haven't been excited for the first day of school in a long time. :-)
I hope this isn't weird or unnecessary or annoying. I just think we all need something happy right now. Let's stop the tensions from running so high, shall we? Even if we disagree, we're still CBers- we're still fun, and we're still friends. So this is just a reminder: don't forget to be happy. Or awesome. (Nerdfighter reference!)
Operation Happiness, CB Edition has begun!
submitted by SydneySong , age 13, ChristmasTown
(June 30, 2016 - 1:33 pm)
(June 30, 2016 - 1:33 pm)
l'm happy because.....
l got my hair dyed :D It's just the tips, and they're a mild neon blue.
l'm going to go fishing and to a rodeo tomorrow
For the first time, l'm going to run a 5k on the Fourth.
l'm writing arguably the best genre ever, science fiction.
Oh, and the Fourth of July!
(July 2, 2016 - 11:33 pm)
I'm happy, no, ECSTATIC because I'm SEEING WICKED!!!
(July 6, 2016 - 9:33 am)
(July 16, 2016 - 11:30 am)
(July 16, 2016 - 11:31 am)
(July 16, 2016 - 11:35 am)
I'm happy because I just got in another part of my Ski Lodge.
I'm happy because I ate a gummy bear off the sidewalk.
You what?
Ate a gummy bear off the sidewalk. Sidewlks are a very good source of free food. Hopefully it wasn't dirty. It did have a bit of an earthy taste to it. I'm sure it was made to be that way. Probably and organic gummy bear.
I'm happy...because I'm happyCLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL LIKE A ROOM WITHOUT A ROOF! Becuase I'm happyCLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL LIKE HAPPINESSS IS THE TRUTH! I'm also happy becuase I found this really cute gif! I'm going to start using it all the time:
(July 16, 2016 - 11:40 am)
I'm happy because I got to stay home alone for 4 hours and blast Hamilton loud enough that I can hear it from anywhere in the house! I listened to every single song and it was great!!
Muriel says "wipe". Her first real word! Now I feel more happy!
(July 16, 2016 - 4:21 pm)
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(July 16, 2016 - 6:36 pm)
I am happy because I got Land of Stories #5! I am also happy because I am sucking on a cherry lollipop. I love cherries.
(July 16, 2016 - 3:56 pm)
I'm happy because my dog's sitting next to me. I'm also happy because there was a Rogue One trailorish thing yesterday, and it was amazing. (Jyn Erso is so cool!) Let's spread some happiness people!
(July 16, 2016 - 4:17 pm)
I'm happy for:
I just got back from camping
And I reached LVL 26 on Hay Day (one more LVL to unlock fishing!)
I'm happy I got 5th in the Division 24-Hour Championship
I also am happy for not giving up on surfing while camping, even though I fell off at least ten times. During the last hour on the waves, I got a big one and succeeded to surf without my bro's (8-Piece's) help.
I am happy to have finished reading Harry Potter for the 5th time this year.
I am happy to have actually made MewFour happy... apparently, that doesn't happen every day.
Poofball says Muht. She is happy for having a chocolate-chip muffin. I think...
(July 16, 2016 - 6:44 pm)
"Stop saying that!" *waits for someone else to say the quote again* ;D
I'm happy because night has finally fallen. Profound depths of darkness are closing in about me like velvet infinities. And the air is cool and still, and the silence sings. I feel as though the whole world were mine-- and yet free at last, free as the birds and the winds and the stars of frozen fire. And the trees! Rising up against the eternal sky, branches interweaving and entwining to form the framework of the ages, the Tapestry of Time. The darkling foilage holding at once all the darkness and all of the light of the fathomless night. The trunks of shadow reaching up, up, up to the melody of hidden moonlight above them. Ohhh! They make me very, very happy. Have you ever had that feeling? When the darkness flows about you in echoing chosmoses of possibility,and your whirling worlds come into their own and are real. Everything, anything can happen. It is a thrilling thought--the darkness seems so vast and all-encompassing-- yet you are safe within it. It is not that kind of darkness.
Well, that's that! :)
(July 16, 2016 - 10:20 pm)
Well, I am happy because my thread got revived :-).
And because of this Hank Green joke that I find (somewhat inexplicably) extremely hilarious.
(background info: a kleptomaniac is someone who steals compulsively, which I know because of Bad Magic by Pseudonymous Bosch.)
"Kleptomaniacs just don't get puns. They always take things literally."
See, probably no one else will think this is as funny as I think it is, but I just found that hilarious. Thank you, Hank Green.
(July 16, 2016 - 9:05 pm)
Wow, I love that, SydneySong!
New reasons to be happy:
I just heard a strangely good joke from Hank Green (don't know the person though).
Secondly, everyone else on this thread is happy, therefore I am.
(July 17, 2016 - 12:20 am)
I am happy because I too, like Hermione, got the-
Land of Stories Book 5, an Author's Odyssey by Chris Colfer!
Well, er, Bolton, yes. Yes, I did. How did you know?
*rolls his eyes* You haven't talked about anything else for 20 minutes.
Oh. But it was awesome! And i saw you reading it!
It was fine. That guy, Conner, is really annoying. He isn't smooth, isn't silent. He's a nut!
I liked him a little. Wasn't my favorite character. I love Alex, love Goldilocks, and sorta like Red Riding hood.
Anyway, That's why I am happy.
(July 17, 2016 - 6:25 am)