RANDOM TEST #6!!!!!!!!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
RANDOM TEST #6!!!!!!!!
RANDOM TEST #6!!!!!!!! :):):)
Okay, anybuggy whose initials start with A, E, I, K, I, O, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, or if you just think your name will be hard can feel free to use your middle name or last initial. :):):)
1. Things that are sticky (gum, cake batter, etc.)
2. Cars (Chevy, Ford, etc.)
3. Bad habits (this one's always fun to make up!! :D)
4. Leisure activities (things you like to do for fun)
5. Things you're allergic to (or just things anybuggy can be allergic to)
6. Musical instrument (bagpipe, cello, etc.)
7. Ice cream flavors (chocolate, vanilla, etc.)
8. Things that jump/bounce (ball, Tigger, etc.)
9. Excuses for being late (fun one! Wait, have I used it before?)
10. Things in the sky (air planes, kites, clouds, etc.)
11. Things that have spots (leopards, chicken pox, etc.)
12. Something you're afraid of [not neccesarily you] (the dark, 8 year olds, etc.)
13. Fish (bass, salmon, guppy, etc.)
14. Items in this room [whatever room you're in] (Buddi, TV, etc.)
15. Book titles
My answers:
1. Peanut butter
2. I'm not very good with cars..... Hmm....
3. Peer-pressuring (hehe, if that's real)
4. People watching (*wanders off singing Jack Johnson songs.....*)
5. Poofy-furred dogs
6. PIANO, duhhh!!! :)
7. Pistachio (spelled right??)
8. Pogosticks
9. Pet escaped
10. Pluto!
11. Polkadots! :)
12. Pandas that are rabid :)
13. Ummmmmm...... Let me think...
14. Palm branch (my cat's new favorite toy!)
15. GAA!!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!! Hehe, Potter, Harry. :):) I don't think that counts! :D
Like it??
(April 16, 2009 - 9:37 am)
1. Things that are sticky- jelly
2. Cars- ummmm... is there a car called Jaguar???
3. Bad habits- jingling your keys!! ;)
4. Leisure activities- um... joke telling?
5. Things you're allergic to- *mind goes blank*
6. Musical instrument- jingle bells!!!
7. Ice cream flavors- *mind goes blank again*
8. Things that jump/bounce- jack rabbits!
9. Excuses for being late- Jammed door to your bedroom. AHHHHH!!! I can't get out!
10. Things in the sky- jets!
11. Things that have spots- Um, does Jupiter have spots?
12. Something you're afraid of- juice that has been poisoned!
13. Fish- *mind goes blank*
14. Items in this room- juice in the fridge! (I'm in the kitchen)
15. Book titles-ARGGH!!!!!!! I can't think of one!!
Thanks for making another test, Paige! They are always lots of fun! :):):)
(April 16, 2009 - 11:59 am)
5. Umm, jellybeans?? I guess you can be allergic to them. :):)
Poisoned juice!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!! :)D)D)D
(April 16, 2009 - 4:56 pm)
Thanks, Paige! :)
1. Um. Lemon-flavored gum? I don't eat it though, but you said gum so there you go! :)
2. ???
3. Licking your fingers
4. Lounging back and reading!
5. Oh, gosh, there are so many... lasanga!
6. Lute
7. ??? I don't eat ice cream
8. Little ball ;)
9. ???
10. Larks
11. Leopards! (I borrowed it from you though; does it count? Are lemurs spotted?)
12. Lightning
13. ???
14. Um... light switch?
15. Lost and Found by Andrew Clements
(April 16, 2009 - 5:10 pm)
Should I use Z, E, or G?
(April 16, 2009 - 5:12 pm)
Hmmmm....why not all three? ;) That's what I did!!!!:):):)
(April 17, 2009 - 2:12 pm)
I'm going to use my middle initial, R, as E is one of the hard ones. :)
1. Relish (could be, depending on how old it is :))
2. Royal (don't know who made it or when, but it's out there.)
3. Running water when you're not using it
4. Riding bikes
5. Rats
6. Recorder
7. Rasberry
8. Rubber
9. Rancid cabbage got clogged in our drain, and we had to call the exterminator to deal with the mounds of fungus that had sealed off our house. (Yeah, it is fun.)
10. Rain
11. Red polka-dots
12. Repulsive smells
13. Rainbow trout
14."R" key on the keyboard (is that cheating? Everyone can use the appropriate key)
15. Return of the King
-Emily R. H.
(April 16, 2009 - 5:57 pm)
Oh, by the way Paige, I babysit a lot, and I think I'll print out and use your random tests if that's OK for the older kids. Good time-filler, looks like.
(April 16, 2009 - 10:19 pm)
OH!! GREAT IDEA!!!! I'll do that, too!! :D:D
(April 17, 2009 - 2:18 pm)
I'll use my actual name. It starts with an 'M'
1. Melted chocolate (mmmmm....)
2. Mazda
3. (This one's a stretch) Making sure to PoPo (pointless post)
4. Make art
5. Mary Sues (oh well, I'm not really allergic but I do hate them)
6. Mellophone
7. MINT!!!
8. Ummm.... Many rubber balls. :-D
9. My cat ate my car.
10. Mars
11. Monkey pox
12. Monsters (not me. They don't exist.)
13. Mackeral
14. Many books
15. Midnight for Charlie Bone
(April 17, 2009 - 5:54 am)
1. Royal jelly
2. Red cars
3. Rat-poking
4. Read
5. Ramen noodles
6. Ringing bells
7. Rasberry
8. Rubber
9. Ring of flame surrounding house
10. Robins
11. ...
12. Rabies
13. Rays
14.Reuben K
15.Return of the King
(April 17, 2009 - 7:36 am)
I love ramen!!!
(April 17, 2009 - 1:59 pm)
Woot for Paige!
1. Licorice... wait. Is that sticky?
2. Lamborghini
3. Licking your cousins... (one of mine used to do that. {when she was little} YUCK!!)
4. be LAZY! No... leap?
5. Yah, I'm not really allergic to anything. Umm... Lilies?
6. Boy this is getting hard! Umm... LUTE!
7. Lime
8. LEAP frog? Leopard? I dunno!
9. My cat ate my Lunchbox... I can actually picture him doing that.
10. LUNA!!!!!
11. Bummer... I have to do your example! LEOPARDS!
12. Oh, Paige. :) Um. Lyme Disease? Lions? Little girls who lick people?
13. *sigh* I'll have to look this one up. Oh, wait, Lion fish! :)
14. Uh, do I count? hee hee. Lamp. How can I turn stale muffin into something starting with L? Lilies. A book on Carl Larsson.
15. Louisiana's Song
Thanks Paige!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
(April 17, 2009 - 12:53 pm)
Paige you could do The Penderwicks. :)
(April 17, 2009 - 12:53 pm)
Good idea!! :):):)
(April 17, 2009 - 2:21 pm)
These are awesome!!:D I haven't taken one for SUCH a long time!!!:):):)
(Sarah is my middle name-I'll do some K words, some S words.:) Maybe B for my last name too.)
3.Snoring :)
5.Um.....I don't know!
7.Sherbet!!!!:D I LOVE sherbet!
8.Silly Putty!;)
9.Ummmm.......any ideas? :)
11.Do any snakes have spots?;)
12.Scary Monsters!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!;)
13.Koi Fish
15. WHY IN THE WORLD CAN I NOT THINK OF ONE????????!!!!!! Oh well....:)
There!:) That was awesome!:) Thanks smiley buddy!;)
(April 17, 2009 - 1:15 pm)