8-Piece said yes
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
8-Piece said yes
8-Piece said yes to me for Shadow Worker's prom!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, this thread is to RP/chat about Æ pairs. No CAPTCHAs or CBers allowed! Well, you can mention them and have them in your posts, just don't post as them. Also, fill out the Age field as whoever your CBer is, just so we know who the Merlin you are.
SQUEE!!!!!! HE SAID YES!!!!!
Excitedly, I start randomly shooting spells in all directions, jumping up and down. I'm so glad that Mei forced me to ask him! Really, Chatterboxers know best. It'll do well for me in the long run, as my CBer says. I accidentally hit something, which immediately says, "A squared plus B squared equals C squared." My Chinese textbook also falls on the ground, characters dancing on the page. Crookshanks starts to growl as I almost hit him with a spell, glaring at me.
Maybe he'll even ask me out on a date! (@Cloud, hint hint!)
I hop on the broomstick that Hālì lent me a long time ago (Yes, that's how far I've come. I'm now using a broomstick, something I hate and suck at!). My bookbag is still slung over my shoulder, and I left a bunch of textbooks open, but hey! I'm in a hurry!
I have to tell Mei!
(June 13, 2016 - 7:58 pm)
(a fanfic)
(about Baelyra)
(set in Medieval Times for some unholy reason)
Baelfire sat in the forest, keeping his flames to a low flicker as he watched the girl. The boy knew that she was a young princess; she should not be here, wading in the shallows of that cold stream.
He had never contacted a mortal before; other than the Guardian of the Wood, his creator, Brookeira. And even Brookeira was nearly immortal, as an elf.
Baelfire clutched some leaves nervously, turning them into ash. Inhaling deeply (well, really just sucking more air in to feed his flames), he let his fire fade from him and he floated to the ground.
Princess Lyra turned; something had moved in the brush. She stiffened before slowly lowering herself to the streambed and grabbing a small shard of marble. As the first spark of orange came out of the brush, she lunged.
The being screamed and fell back, and she skidded across the ground before falling next to whatever-it-was. Lyra screamed and shut her eyes, waiting for-
nothing came.
Lyra looked up to see a young boy with orange hair the same color as his eyes, and yellow-orange tinted flesh. The boy was clutching his arms to himself, nervously watching Lyra. Lyra stood and brushed the mud from her dress, muttering.
"I-I-I'm sor-ry," Baelfire said, lip trembling.
"It's okay," Lyra sighed, "it's my fault. What's your name?"
"B-Bael-B-B-Baelfire," he said, still staring.
"Well, I'm Lyra," she smiled. Baelfire nodded quietly.
"I'll be back here every once in a while," Lyra said, kicking a dent into the mud, "I'd like a friend."
Baelfire nodded and agreed. He watched her receding figure as it left, scarlet-and-black dress rippling in the wind.
Brookeira would find out eventually.
(June 14, 2016 - 7:43 am)
(June 14, 2016 - 3:36 pm)
(June 14, 2016 - 5:42 pm)
Ha, all you other, inferior AEs think you're so cool that you have these crushes and are going on dates.
Well, I know better. I know that if you have a partner, it will only drag you down. You will be bogged down by another person, and they will want to be with you all the time. And then, they will become so annoying that you tell them, "Enough already!" And then they will be gone.
Suddenly, they won't be annoying. They will be lovely people you wish were by your side, despite all of their shortcomings and flaws and imperfections and problems and abnormalities and weaknesses. You will miss them so much, and you will want them back by your side, because, and much as wouldn't like to admit it, they have grown on you.
But they are gone. They will never come back.
**Sniff** Oh, Prince Snowflake, my flakey-poo, why must you have left me? WHY?
Oh man, now OtR's gonna post this and everyone will have seen my true feelings and I will be humiliated and forever shamed in the eyes of the other AEs because NOBODY LOVES ME!
Hey, Rainbow? Don't post this, alright?
OtR: Sorry, I already filled out the CAPTCHA!
(June 14, 2016 - 6:20 pm)
Well, I'm half CAPTCHA..... I'm still allowed, right?
AE fanfic: how Chilly found the CB.
I started out as a thought.... a tiny thought in Icy, my CBer sister's head. Then I felt myself become...real.
It was dark all around me. Wind howled and beasts snarled.l gasped, knowing that I was...not supposed to be here.
And then it appeared. A big, black dragon, with plates of black scales covering it, a huge spike sticking out of it's head.
And then it opened my mouth and I pulled a Crystal out of the earth (I can always find crystals, no matter where I am) and it prepared to attack me- and then she ran in between us.
Icicle Soul, the PowerFriend. It was Icy's Kyngdom form... She glowed. Blue. "Jaaws. She's not of this land." And the dragon left and Icicle grabbed my hand and....
We appeared in the Inkwell realm. But I wasn't holding the hand of Icicle Soul anymore. I was holding the hand of Icy. Her hair, instead of being cut short, was long and wavy, and a lighter shade of blonde than before. She wasn't my size anymore, she was taller, but the huge blue eyes (I have the same eyes too!) remained.
But I had ideas now. She was Icy, but I wanted to be more than just Icy's AETCHA sister-I wanted to be bigger, have a better personality.. and outshine them all, becoming an AE more famous than its CBer.....something only Puck had done. But I would be EVEN BETTER.
And I'll write every AE story, enroll in every AE RP until I do.
(June 14, 2016 - 7:20 pm)