I'm baaaack!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I'm baaaack!

I'm baaaack!

So what'd I miss? (You know I have to have start out with a Hamilton reference.)


I would first like to start off with an apology: I am sorry for leaving you all without any notice, without warning. I am especially sorry to members of the Percy Jackson RP by Mei-xue, and my own Poetry Club. I'm sorry I abandoned you.


I knew I would I have to take a two-week break, as I knew I was entering an extremely busy phase: hours of rehearsals (will most likely elaborate on this in another thread), choir practices and performances, major, tests, major projects...a whole bunch of chaos. I knew I wasn't going to be able to blog at all during that time. Even if I had somehow managed to find time to do so, my mom wouldn't have allowed it. "Until this is all over, you may not do any blogging, or creative writing, or TV-watching, or anything like that. Any spare time you have, you need to be resting. You need rest and energy." I agreed with her for the most part, so I was like "Okay."

I planned to make a quick notice letting everyone know, and return to the CB after the mayhem was over. I would leave instructions for the threads I was leading, and leave notices and requests in the RPs I was in.

So what happened? This little thing called procrastination. 

The mayhem was to start on a Monday. I told myself on Thursday I would type it up. Then I felt tired, and told myself I would try to do it Friday. Friday came and passed. Then I told myself, "Okay, seriously, you have to get it done by Monday." Saturday came and past. Sunday came and past. Then I thought, "Oh crud" because it was too late. My time was sucked up in the hungry beast of business. 

After I had been off the CB for two whole weeks and the mayhem was over, and the last week of school came. So I could do some stuff on the CB, right? But I didn't. As you know, I was not on the CB then.

So what happened? This little thing called procrastination. 

I didn't go on. Summer started, didn't do anything. Until today.

I am also ashamed to admit I have not done any writing at all lately.

If I were to bring this situation to my mom, she would probably say something like, "Maybe the reason you're not wanting to do this stuff is because it's not what interests you. That's perfectly alright. Just because you've been doing something for awhile doesn't mean you always have to do it." I considered this explanation for a while. I thought maybe the reason I wasn't writing or going on the CB was because it was time to move on. I almost accepted that. Almost. 

Then I noticed that was going on with other things in my life. I wasn't tending to my passions: singing, my love for musical theatre, writing. I was horrified. That's when I realized how badly I wanted to return to the CB. How I longed to write something. In fact, it's been one of my biggest goals to be published in Stone Soup. And I hadn't written a single thing. How I wanted to immerse myself in writing and singing again.

Wanting to do something, but not getting to it. Also known as procrastination. It's become one of my biggest problems, one of my biggest fears. 

And it's not like I'm busy. I'm really not. I've mostly been spending my time reading, or watching something.

Once again, horrifying. I don't even like TV. 

I'm trying to get better with my problem, first of all by returning to my favorite places in the world. 

Finally, today I opened the CB, determined to return. 

And so I shall. 


Now, away from the thoroughly depressing topic of my problems in life, and back to me returning. And the questions.

I am so delighted to return.

So once again, what'd I miss?

No, really. Tell me. Please tell me the latest going-ons, even the latest problems.

I was sad to see a lot of notices from CBers who are leaving (By the way, this was partly something that added to me not returning sooner.) Vikki, TARDISrider....please tell me who else.

Did anyone change their name?

Any controversies?

Vikki mentioned a mini-war....what's that all about? 

Admins, how are you doing? Well and in good health, I hope.

And I don't want to sound desperate or self-centered....but I can't help but wonder if you all missed me? I was never able to tell if I was one of the more well-known CBers...call that modesty or lack of self-awareness, I don't know. 


Now on to what I am going to do.

For now, I may have...not quite minimal, but definitely not as active involvement. I'm trying to reboot myself in terms of the CB. I probably won't partake in a lot of RPs, or create very many threads....


I'm still the same Owlgirl, the girl who loves books and writing and Hamilton and Lunar Chronicles and Harry Potter. I'm still the same girl who overuses elipses (.......) and writes extremely long charrie descriptions. I still have my AE, Grace, who is also very much the same.....

Grace: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME GUMMY BEARS!!!!!!!!!



Quiet, you. I still have Umbridga, who also hasn't changed.


And Micna, who is as cute and innocent as ever.

Micna: Helo!

I'm still the girl who copies and pastes her writing from Word, so it all comes out as an annoyingly closely-spaced wall of text, and who is still aggravated by that.

I'm the girl is not afraid to share her opinions, her dreams, her thoughts, but I'm still a girl who tries to say it in a way that does not hurt somebody.

I'm the girl who likes Mexican food and owls.

I'm the girl who is a writer, a singer, a reader, a thinker.

I'm the girl, who, although realizes the changes in the CB and is sometimes slightly saddened by it, she knows that change is the way of the CB. 

I'm a girl who has missed you all very much, and is glad to be back.


Yours Truly,



I'm fine, Owlgirl. Thanks for asking. Although working really hard trying to keep up with all the comments that have been coming in lately. Vicki and TardisRider aren't leaving after all. We're glad you're back!


submitted by Owlgirl, age still 12, still Texas
(June 4, 2016 - 3:58 pm)

Oh, they aren't leaving? That's great!

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 4, 2016 - 4:51 pm)

I haven't seen Hermi around....how long has she been gone?

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 4, 2016 - 4:55 pm)

She didn't make a goodbye thread that I know of...anyway WELCOME BACK!!!!!

submitted by Bibliophile
(June 4, 2016 - 10:21 pm)
submitted by z
(June 4, 2016 - 9:28 pm)

OWLGIRL! I was literally JUST thinking about you last night! Welcome back!

submitted by Micearenice
(June 5, 2016 - 7:10 am)

I don't know you: I have only been on CB for a few weeks, but I love your Lunar Chronicles posts! I love The Lunar Chronicles! I was really hoping that you would come back so you could join my Lunar Chronicles Fanfiction, but I didn't think that you would.

Anyways, welcome back! I'm really excited to see you around CB more!

-Natalie (joined 5/21/16)

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(June 5, 2016 - 7:58 am)



There's a Lunar Chronicles fanfic?

*performs a squeal worthy of Iko when she gets new shoes*

Why have I not been informed of this?

What's the link for it?


submitted by Owlgirl
(June 5, 2016 - 7:26 pm)

And by the way Natalie, welcome to the Chatterbox!

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 5, 2016 - 7:27 pm)

Okay, so I posted this thread TWICE, once on Dte and on C@C. Oops, that was an accident.

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 5, 2016 - 8:48 am)

Yaay you're back! I've been wondering where you went! Not much is happening, just an AE crush war and a battle between Mei-xue's Fudimo and Leeli's Evil Devin. 

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 5, 2016 - 6:40 pm)

Hey Owlgirl! So glad you're back! You doing Camp Nano this time round?

submitted by Will T
(June 5, 2016 - 8:53 pm)

How old do you have to be for Camp NaNo? I want to do it, but is there an age limit?

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 6, 2016 - 10:15 am)

I don't think there's an age limit...

submitted by Wil T.
(June 6, 2016 - 7:36 pm)

Great to see that you're back! :)

submitted by Brookeira
(June 7, 2016 - 8:16 pm)