I am leaving

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I am leaving

I am leaving


but I will respond to people on this thread. I don't know how long It will be until I come back on. So I will come back when...

- this mini war is done

-  I can get stress out of my head

- I can write new posts on a RP that aren't a paragraph long

So Bye *cries In a corner*

submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(June 3, 2016 - 8:18 am)

You will be missed!

*Goes over to group of cbers* END THE WAR! END THE WAR!

Should I dramaticly kill Alma? The serum could, I dunno, take over her completely. If not, she can stay with us while we find the antidote.

Tara: See you later! 

Saphira: When you come back, I'll let you ride on my back.

Luna: *Wow. I'm impressed. She's only let Shadowmoon do that before. bxte.*

Well, I'm not really sure how boxed tea is going to make up for this, but.....

submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 3, 2016 - 10:06 am)


submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(June 3, 2016 - 1:31 pm)

Oh no!!!! I hope you you come back! Blab About Books needs you!

Oh, and I just wanted to say that I always looked up to you as a CBer.

But it's okay if you leave. We'll always be here if you come back.

submitted by Bibliophile
(June 3, 2016 - 1:37 pm)
submitted by War? What war?
(June 3, 2016 - 2:09 pm)


Tips for your problemos:

Drink lots of water and read. 

P.S, what war/mini war? Do you mean the Politics thread?

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 3, 2016 - 2:27 pm)

Oh no! :( 

We'll miss you here on the CB. Please come back soon!!!

And, please also know that we are here for you at any time.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(June 3, 2016 - 3:10 pm)

Okay, but... please don't leave permanently. I'd really miss you.

As for the mini war, if you're referring to the politics thread...

Eh. Just ignore it. Not that hard. 

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 3, 2016 - 4:40 pm)

Bye, Vikki! :(

We will miss you and your great ideas. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 3, 2016 - 5:19 pm)

There was no war. And bye, good luck in whatever you do.

submitted by Scylla
(June 3, 2016 - 5:44 pm)

Farewell! We'll miss you!

So long!

Goodbye! I hope you come back soon.


submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(June 3, 2016 - 6:14 pm)

Bye Vikki! We'll miss you. It was always nice to read your posts, and I'm sorry you're leaving. I'm sorry your stressed too. That isn't fun. Please come back soon! 

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, The Pulsar Skate
(June 3, 2016 - 6:20 pm)

Awww, it's okay to write posts that are a paragraph long!

But what war are you talking about?! 

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 3, 2016 - 7:29 pm)

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen good bye.

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 4, 2016 - 6:33 am)

Oh, Vikki, that's too bad. You are very honest and quite talented. I hope you come back soon!

submitted by OtR
(June 4, 2016 - 6:36 am)

Oh no, Vikki, you're my partner! Oh well, don't worry! I'll win enough for the both of us. Tongue out

submitted by Marie
(June 4, 2016 - 9:43 am)