Hi, my name
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hi, my name
Hi, my name is Dudelhiemer. I like to write fantasy stories, read, make jokes, play games (all sorts) and never smell like barley water I added that bit. I have chickens, Cockleburr is my sister, and she is the one who introduced me to the Chatterbox. I am currently trying to convince my parents to let me make a suit of armor and am trying to get involved in Geocaching.
(By the way, the bit about barley water was a reference to the movie Mary Poppins)
Hope to see you all soon!
submitted by Dudelhiemer, age Old Enough, Sessile
(May 31, 2016 - 9:55 pm)
(May 31, 2016 - 9:55 pm)
Leeli, you have Red Stars? So do we! Ours are named Scoot and Shooter! Shooter is the head of the coop. We have two Barred Rocks (also known as Plymouth Rocks). One is named Shakespere, 'cause the real Shakespere is known as a bard. (Get it? Bard/barred?) The other is named Puck, after Shakespere's Midsummer Night's Dream. The last is a Buff Orpington named Zahava. Zahava means gold in Hebrew, and she's the gold one. She's also kind of mean and crazy and an attention hog, but I love her anyway. Chickens are really good pets.
(June 5, 2016 - 1:47 pm)