Important! Attention! War

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Important! Attention! War

Important! Attention! Warning! Caution! Parental advisory! Wait....

Half of those are unneccesary. Did I get your attention? Well, I guess it worked.

Okay I'm leaving.

I know you guys are probably going, "KATY YOU PRANKED US ALREADY STAWPP"

But I'm legitimately leaving this time, XD. For about 8 days.  Yeah, did I actually scare you? For shame!!! No, just kidding. I'm  fabulous. It's a camp I'm going to, and it actually starts tommooorrooowww!!!! It ends not THIS Wednesday, but NEXT Wednesday.

Does anyone else say Wed-nes-day in their head when they write that word? 

"Yup yup yup" -Ducky, land before time.

Also I officially have my first anime crush, from a film by Studio Ghibli. *sighs* I really like Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, <3 Do you ever dream and then want to cry because it can't come true. That's pretty much me when I'm tired and depressed, Rolf.



Roll. On. Laughing. Floor.

Okay, I'm excited and kinda nervous for this camp. I'm also afraid I'll get caught in an awkward position with a guy that has a crush on me. Well, actually, we were both basically in love....but he had a girlfriend and that was the problem. 

submitted by Katydid
(May 30, 2016 - 12:57 pm)

I love Spirited Away, but Castle in the Sky is still my favorite.

submitted by Katydid
(June 8, 2016 - 8:31 pm)