Hink pinks!I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hink pinks!I

Hink pinks!

I'm recreating the old game that Mice started. Hink pinks are one-syllable words that rhyme. You write down the "definition" and the kids come up with the hink pinks. For example, if the clue is "a large feline," the hink pink is "fat cat." Hinky Pinkies are two-syllable words that rhyme.

I'll start: Angry father. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(May 25, 2016 - 6:50 am)

Mad Dad! I'll post a clue later.

submitted by Cho Chang
(May 25, 2016 - 9:08 am)
submitted by Top!Top!Top!Top!Top!
(May 25, 2016 - 2:25 pm)

The hint is "A nice number."

submitted by Cho Chang
(May 25, 2016 - 6:38 pm)

Fine nine!  

Here's a hard one: Aimless popular book/movie. 

If that's too hard, then: Animal seat.

submitted by ❤️Mei-xue❤️ , Fairyland
(May 25, 2016 - 9:40 pm)

Hare chair? Couldn't figure out the first one.

"Crow chef"

submitted by hotairballoon
(May 26, 2016 - 6:18 am)

Ummm.... Rook cook? I don't think rooks and crows are the same, though.

I could only think of this: high temarature container.

submitted by Leafpool, The forest
(May 26, 2016 - 11:45 am)

Great Eight?

I'm not going to post another question. 

submitted by ...
(May 26, 2016 - 3:59 pm)
submitted by Hot pot!, Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(May 26, 2016 - 3:27 pm)

Hot pot!


1. Running emoji

2. Reading a book

3. Spraying non-stick spray while having a dance party

4. A Barbie party

5.(This might be too hard, but...) Getting mad because you didn't hit the baseball while you were batting


I know that might be a lot, but I hope that you will still try!

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 26, 2016 - 3:56 pm)

1. Face Race

3. Pam Jam? (I had to find some brands of non-stick spray.)

4. Doll Ball

5. Pout out??? 

submitted by The Riddler
(June 10, 2016 - 8:12 pm)

1. Yes

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes


You got them all correct!

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(June 11, 2016 - 8:26 am)


submitted by The Riddler
(June 11, 2016 - 2:39 pm)

Doll ball!

Maybe....speed read?

Okay, here are some more.

1: What's inside a pen that writes in the color of a rose. 

2: A cozy carpet  

submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 26, 2016 - 7:55 pm)

Pink ink! and Snug Rug!

Ok, what is intellegent and the the opposite of day? (Hint: the first word has two meanings. The meaning I didn't use makes this an oxymoron!) 

submitted by Cockleburr
(May 26, 2016 - 9:29 pm)

Bright night!

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 27, 2016 - 1:56 pm)