Compliment thread!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Compliment thread!
Compliment thread!
Biblio made one of these, but it died, so here it is again! As the title says, this is a thread to compliment people.
Cockleburr: You're a talented gymnast, and smart, too!
Scylla: You're so good at writing! You're also an amazing artist!
Abigail: You are an extremely smart, kind girl who sees reason and doesn't break rules.
Micearenice: You are creative, and awesome at art! Your drawings show talent and amazingness.
More later! Enjoy the compliments!
Xiǎo tùzǐ said a word! Thud! Xiǎo tùzǐ, have you been learning about onomatopoeia in CAPTCHA school?
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(May 6, 2016 - 7:52 pm)
(May 6, 2016 - 7:52 pm)
It wasn't really that bad, was it? I mean, come on. Just the prankish sifde having a little bit of fun, :)
(May 19, 2016 - 4:31 pm)
Thanks for the compliment, Bluebird! You're a pretty good artist, too.:) And to all the artists who post at PP, you guys are great. Keep posting art because it's nice to see. And thanks to those who have posted on my art thread. I've only been here for a month or so, but I think this is an awesome site.
(May 15, 2016 - 3:14 pm)
Thank you SO MUCH for doing me, you guys! You just made my day--and the day after that and the day after that...It means so much to me!
(May 16, 2016 - 8:17 pm)
(May 17, 2016 - 10:15 am)
Um...I've already complimented the people who I think I know enough about to be able to...
But I can think of one person to compliment!
Moonshadow: You are so happy, kind, sweet, and encouraging. You seem so peaceful and content.
Oh, also....
Vikki: You are so honest. You seem a bit shy, but that doesn't stop you from speaking your mind and sharing your emotions.
(May 17, 2016 - 7:13 pm)
Thank you so much to everyone who's done me! These will not be at all as good as Esthelle's, but I will try to make them interesting. Here Goes!
You are an amazing writer! Whether you like your stories or not, I always think they're great! It's like every word, every sentence, every paragraph fits together perfectly, weaving a beautiful diverse story, different every time. I would be happy if I could do half as good as you! You are an amazing artist as well, and with every picture, I like mine less. They're always so perfect, every single line working with the rest, making something so intricate, no one could even begin to copy it. You are a very talented person, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I look up to you a lot, even if I am a bit intimidated by you at times. You are a great leader, and know how to turn a wreck into a very organized thing. You are such a big part of everyone here on the CB, and I don't know what we would do if you ever left. Also, the Elementi Chronicals is great! :-D
You are also an amazing writer! You are confident and secure, and no one would guess you were new. When you write, it's beautiful, like the sunset over the mountains, like poetry, even when it isn't. I think you have a funny, sarcastic sense of humor, and I love how each of your Æs reflects a different part of your personality. I think we have a lot in common, and would love to get to know you better on the CB! I also really like your name. It is unusual, but beautiful.
As Esthelle said in an earlier post, you are the bluebird of the CB! Your quiet, sensitive nature seems to make everyone feel at home with you. I always feel like I can be myself when I'm around you. You brighten up the CB, your cheery personality blowing through like a nice summer breeze on a sunny warm day. Even when you write something great, you are modest about it, and never brag. I would love to know you better on the CB.
~{Boe/Capt. Jack}~
You are a talented artist and a wonderful Fangirl! You make the best nerd attacks! It's great that we both like the Wingfeather Saga, too! You are there on almost all my threads, and made me feel very welcome in my earlier days on the CB. Your bright sunny personality, and sense of humor make everyone feel welcome! We're lucky too have you here!
Even though I have never watched MLP, I can tell you know your ponies! I love how you portray each CBers personality through ponifing. You are kind and helpful, and have good ideas for books and RPs! I also think it's neat that you are sisters with Coconut!
~{St Owl}~
You are so creative, and make the best RPs! They are always so interesting and well thought out. I also love your Æs, escpecially Dev! I can tell you have had a big influence on the CB, and I don't know what we would do without you.
I have to go, but will do more later. I wanted to do Katydid, Mirax T., Mei-Xui,Coconut the dog, Bibliophile, Micearenice, and more! Please don't be offended if I left you off the list, there are so many CBers I forget to remember all of them. If you want me to do you, just say so because then I will definitely remember you.
(May 18, 2016 - 11:44 am)
Aww, thanks!
(May 18, 2016 - 6:11 pm)
Thank you, Leeli! You don't know how happy all these compliments are making me.
(May 18, 2016 - 8:37 pm)
Aw, Leeli. I never wanted to deteriorate anyone's self-confidence. Although I know your kind intention. Sorry. But thanks anyway!
And everyone who's complimented me- you're all amazing! And so is every other CBer here.
And if you want to see the compliments I made to nearly everyone, go on the previous compliment thread, mage by Bibliophile.
(May 19, 2016 - 9:31 pm)
Oh! No! I just meant that your pictures make me want to do better on mine! You never deteriorated anyone's self confidence! You're a very talented person, and I look up to you very much! That's all I meant!
(May 21, 2016 - 8:32 am)
Oh, okay. Good!
(May 22, 2016 - 12:48 pm)
Here goes!
OtR- I love your personality, and am so happy to read everything you post! You are one of the CBers who seems the most - how do I say this? - true to life. You are a sort of calm, cheerful person who is always there to cheer me up. And your writing is entirely beautiful. I wish I could write as well as you.
Esthelle- You are such an eloquent, mature person. I sincerely look up to you, and wish I was more like you. You watch over the CB, and make sure that everything is going smoothly. I really apreciate your determination to limit your online time to Saturdays, I wish I could do that. Also, your writing is trully lovely, something to aspire to. Thanks for being here!
Abigail S.- I remember, a little while after you joined, you wrote a CB story about time traveling and historical times. I loved that story, and wish I could keep reading it. The way you portrayed me was amazing. And your writing is always really, really good. Just like that story first was. Also, your warmth and cheerfulness is always a warm spot in my day.
Somebody- Yayayayayaayayayayayayayayay I'm so glad you're baaaaaaack! As I've said before, you're kind of one of my CB idols. And I really apreciate your creativity, and just your presence here.
Cayke- You're one of the people on the CB I feel most connected with, and most friendly (don't know if it's mutual). You are always incredibly sunny and make sure that no matter the issue we remember what we're really here for- to talk to people about reading and writing, and to BE FRIENDS! Sweet and lovable, you're the party queen of the CB. Don't you ever leave!
Rosebud- I love your "Decepmyth Story," and love that it's been going strong for almost a year now! Your writing is delightful to read, and so is your beautifu poetry. Whether as a poet or author, I'm sure I'll be seeing your books on the shelves sometime soon!
Ruby- It's always really nice to read a comment you write, and amazing to have a representation of all different ages here. Thank you for being here for advice, council, just for fun, and to share your wonderful ideas with us all.
Katydid- Cheerful and fun, you're always ready to chat and smile with the other CBers. You're a person who seems to be a friend to all of us. Also, you're incredibly outgoing and extroverted, which makes me dream of being more like you. You are a talented artist and musician to boot. Never forget that!
Micearenice- Oh. My. Goodness. Your. Ski lodge! The "Come Back" story is so much more than just "a bunch of people die." It has incredible debth of plot, millions of plot twists, and enchanting writing. I littrally scour the CB for each new installment. I would buy your mystry books.
St. Owl- A leader among us all, a CB idol, a beautiful writer, a kind person... What more is there to say? St. Owl, you excel in every single aspect of the CB. I really wish I could be more like you.
Cho- You are super involved and active, which is really nice to see. You post on almost every thread, and always have something to say. Your lively writing and valuable opinions keep the CB running.
Mei-Xue- You are incredibly outgoing and daring, and hold strong to your beliefs. You aren't afraid to say what you think. You have some magical qualities that I never can or will posess. You inspire me to speak up and become a tiny bit more outgoing. Thank you!
Scylla- Your writing is incredibly well developed, and always a joy to read. Yet another one of my CB idols (wow, I have a lot!), you, like Mei-Xue, are outgoing and outspoken. You have a strong personality that will help you get the moon.
SE: I've always wanted to be friends with you, and have always admired your abilities. You really seem like a person I would love to talk to. When ever you post something, we can always be certain that it willbe valuable to the CB.
(May 18, 2016 - 6:03 pm)
Aww...that makes me feel so happy!
And you should be happy that you don't know me in real life, because whew, do I have a temper sometimes. However, I try to be as kind as possible on the CB.
(May 18, 2016 - 6:45 pm)
Glad it does! And I'm pretty sure we all have our negative qualities that we try to keep off the CB. I can be quite pessimistic sometimes, as well as a bit jealous. But I'm trying to get better, I really am!
(May 18, 2016 - 7:03 pm)
Thank you so much, Booksy! You're so kind!
Booksy: You're a wonderful, sweet, good and fair CBer. You love your classics, and you care for people and are also smart. If you were a flower, you'd be a buttercup, unnoticed, but pretty, sweet, and sunny.
(May 18, 2016 - 8:11 pm)