Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Donald Trump got the nommination.CryCryCryCryCry


Also, you know in the movie Home, Oh, the CUTEST alien in the world says, at the beginning of the movie, "This is best day ever"?

Well, this is worst day ever, and I'M NOT EVEN AN UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT! 

Also, if you want to debate in lenghty amounts, go to the politics thread in DtE.


Trump is, right now, "the presumptive nominee." Meaning it sure looks like he'll get the nomination, but it's not official until the Republican National Convention in July.


submitted by Bibliophile
(May 4, 2016 - 4:32 pm)



submitted by Cho Chang
(May 11, 2016 - 6:10 am)


I know, right? He hates Muslims. He hates Asians.

Who cares if Clinton had those emails? At least she isn't racist! For goodness's sake… 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(May 10, 2016 - 7:56 pm)

Well, the emails ARE a tiny bit of a BIG DEAL. She deleted over 32,000 email, thousans of which were classified, hundreds secret, and 22 TOP secret. She was given a ton of instruction that a private server would be not secure, and that is nit what I want from a president.

submitted by S.E.
(May 13, 2016 - 4:33 am)


I've always had the opinion Trump was a terrible person, because he is, but if I can speak, let me say something:

It may not be as bad as you think.

Before you eat me alive, let me say why.

Trump is an awful guy. He promises things and says empty words to make up for the fact that he doesn't know anything. And that's it! Trump doesn't know how to be a president. He's like, in the words of Bill Cipher, a pancake trying to teach an astrophyics class. He'll fail immediately, and hopefully be removed from office.

I support Hillary because she shares my views on renewable energy.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(May 11, 2016 - 6:10 pm)

Yes! Yes! Go Hilary Clinton!!!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(May 11, 2016 - 7:29 pm)


I no longer have any idea who I'm going to support anymore.   

submitted by Cho Chang
(May 12, 2016 - 8:13 am)

I KNOW CHO. This is the first election in which I'm actually old enough to understand what's going on, and gosh, it seems like the worst election ever to me. Isn't it funny that we're living through history? One day our children will be learning about this election in school and we'll be like 

Yes, child, I was there. *dreamy look in eyes* it was the worst.... Donald Trump all over the place, hating on innocent people.......Clinton being the last resort....*shakes head sadly*

And they'll be like

SERIOUSLY, Mom?! You're sooooooo dramatic. 



submitted by CaykeTheCook
(May 13, 2016 - 9:07 am)


Yea, I'm gonna be like:

"Yeah, I was there ... I really thought that all the fandom stuff was going to come true ... Trump turning out to be Presidant Snow, the Avengers surfacing, the Star Wars galaxy being found ... finding old elvish bows ..."

And then my kids are just gonna be staring at me like, "Say WHAAAAA???" 

submitted by Cho Chang
(May 13, 2016 - 12:06 pm)

Yeah, it's funny to think about how things we think are new and exciting our grandchildren might be doing a history project on someday!

Like, "Grandma, I'm doing a project on the 2016 presidency. Can you help me?"

"Yes, yes I can. It all started with Donald Trump becoming President Snow..."

They might present that, too! 

And as for before, I kind of revoke my 'support Hillary' statement. I still like that she wants renewable energy resources, but I don't approve of her tactics.

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(May 13, 2016 - 1:25 pm)

Haha! This year's presidency is probably the weirdest of ALL the years so far! I really hope Donald Trump doesn't become president! If it were Snow against Trump, I wouldn't know who to vote for! Who would you vote for?!

submitted by Alexandra
(June 21, 2016 - 4:12 pm)

I don't like Hillary at all, but i have to say she's like a lesser evil to Trump. And I think Trump is going to do stuff and seriously damage the nation. We are already in big trouble because of our debt with China...

submitted by Elmodaisy
(June 17, 2016 - 7:32 am)

I think Donald Trump is rude. I think Muslims aren't any different from other people, they just have a different culture. If Trump wins the election, I am going to move to a remote area of South Africa and become a hermit. SERIOUSLY. It would be nice to have a woman president, but not Clinton. NOOOO. I have a feeling that this election is going to be really weird.

submitted by Leafpool, the forest
(May 15, 2016 - 1:02 pm)

I haven't actually read The Hunger Games (I will this summer, I promise!), but I know who Snow is!!!


submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(May 11, 2016 - 9:03 pm)

I just don't know who to root for now. 

Trump- No, I'm moving to England if he's president. He's just not presidential, and he's a terrible person.

Bernie Sanders- He's a socialist! No, no, no!

Hilary Clinton- Well... I want a woman president, but I want the first one to be epic, not... Like her. She's a criminal and a Demacrat and it's just... No. 

submitted by Savvy44x
(May 12, 2016 - 10:54 am)

I'm a Democrat, but I liked a lot of the Republicans! Kasich. Rubio. Bush. Carson.

I liked quite a few of them! 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(May 12, 2016 - 3:18 pm)