Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anythings you wish were different?
2. What are you wearing today?
3. What is your style of writing?
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
5. What are you planning on doing today?
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
7. What do you look like irl? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
8. How's life in general?
9. Should I make more questions?
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anythings you wish were different?
Almost two years, now. My impression is I guess that it's a quirky, funny, but kind of overly censored den for fellow fangirls/boys. I kind of wish it was less censored, tbh. I get it it's supposed to be kid friendly, but as I've grown up (I think a lot older than I am for a variety of reasons but mostly because middle school plus my class having gutter minds) the fact is sometimes when you want to talk about stuff like depression or whatever you just can't really fit into a little kid friendly box. I rarely talk to my friends online because I'm kind of having a general thing with a variety of beliefs, my friends having complicated problems with life I'm not sure how to help them with... and talking to my online friends to try to get help, sometimes you just really have to say what you actually mean, and that's usually some pretty heavy, not sparkles and smiles and rainbows stuff. When I can't talk to people about important stuff that makes it so I'm less close to them. The fact I can't talk about things that are really bothering me without fear of being censored or offending everybody's feelings makes it hard to take the friendships seriously, which is basically I haven't been on recently. Like at all.
whhheee that was long and complicated.
2. What are you wearing today?
Currently, a black zip up jacket, this pair of old but really comfy athletic shorts, and a hockey style Harry Potter shirt that says HOGWARTS across the top, with a crest with all four houses and then underneath it SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY. My hair is still in morning crazies and is half up, half down because I put my hair up the day before.
3. What is your style of writing?
I like exploring stereotypical worlds/concepts with a twist, or cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is fun to write. For instance my newest idea would be an exploration of time travel theories where a well meaning girl accidently wrecks the space time continium and then has to try and fix it. Or something. I haven't been writing a lot recently.
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
I'm in sixth grade, but have only like a month left before summer. I'm actually pretty happy with sixth grade. I have a couple of pretty nice friends in my grade and some seventh/eighth grade friends. My school's pretty techy and thinks it's really good at what it does, and so it squanders money letting us borrow ipads or remodeling, and then doesn't pay enough money giving us decent lunches. Still, overall, pretty good. Not looking forward to seventh grade. I don't want newbies, and I don't want my eighth grade friends to leave.
5. What are you planning on doing today?
Not much. This week has been stressful, I'm tired and not very creative. Plan my next art project and figure out what supplies I need. Play video games. Maybe go for a walk?
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
Indigo was the name of the first CB character I wrote. I made it my name because I feel like on here I can be whoever I want, creating my own personality and story instead of my actual self.
7. What do you look like irl? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
Pale skin, freckles, curly and messy hair. A slight tendency to smirk instead of smirking. Tall and relatively slim.
8. How's life in general?
Sucky. I'm sick of lemons.
9. Should I make more questions?
Leaving this up for you to decide.
(April 30, 2016 - 10:34 am)
Completely unrelated, but Indigo, I'm pretty sure I have the shirt you're talking about! I wear it all the time.
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Any things you wish were different?
I've been on the CB one year and about four months. It sounds a lot shorter than it feels. I like it, in fact I love it, and I've always loved it. It's tough not to love a website like this. While, you're correct, the censoring is a little much (I agree), it makes it a very safe environment, you know? No spam links, no cursing of any kind, et cetera. It makes it more of a tight, interwoven community.
The things I wish were different are more on the tech side. Like, first of all, I'd love it if there was a way to kind of... I don't know.... reserve a name. This was brought up during the Impersonator War. I get that accounts scare people away. They scare me away, I'll admit it. But the impersonations were not fun at all. So maybe, I don't know, there could be a St.Owl, but (for things like the CBer SI), there could still be a St. Owl or a st.owl or a St Owl. Kind of confusing, I know.
And the other thing is what I think every CBer has thought up once: A search bar. I know you can Google it, but there are some weird results sometimes. Like, it'll bring you up to some random page on the Inkwell that you definitely weren't looking for, even though it gives you the keywords in the discription, which is weird. So I think a search bar would be a bit easier to navigate. Wow, that was a long answer.
2. What are you wearing today?
Currently, a pair of fuzzy-materialed navy blue pants, white socks, and a red shirt with a Dalek on it reading: "VOTE 'NO' ON DALEKS! STOP EXTERMINATION TODAY!" I am very fond of this shirt. I also have a necklace with "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff" written in this weird swirl thing.
3. What is your style of writing?
Depends on your interpretation of "style."
I like writing fantasy mostly because you can create your own world. There aren't any limits but the ones you create for yourself. Your characters can be anything, do anything, and same with the whole setting. I'm okay with sci-fi and realistic fiction, too, but everything always bends back towards fantasy.
As for plots, I love tragedy. Emotional conflict has always been my favorite. Killing off so many people, lifetime imprisonment, harsh treatment.... yes, I may be a little messed up. I don't really care. Suzanne Collins was messed up and she's hanging out in a mansion somewhere.
And the writing in itself? I love run-on sentences. With commas in the right places, they set just the sort of mood I set in most of my writing. I also like making one-or-two line paragraphs as well, because they also set a different mood than full, "proper paragraphs must be five to eight sentences long" schooltaught things. I know from experience that it's mostly rubbish when it comes down to narrative.
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
I'm in sixth grade. It's okay. I don't get a lot of homework, which I'm grateful for, because I swear every last one of our teachers has warned us how much work we're going to get in seventh and I can't stand it.
But at the same time, I don't really like it. I suppose it's the first step on the Ladder of Life. Up and down. Up and down. Because my school is only junior high, sixth through eighth. But last year, fifth was top of the ladder. The last level of elementary school. You're pretty much top of the heap. But then you're thrown down to the bottom again, to sixth, where you have to struggle up the ladder again to gain a little self-respect in seventh and finally shine again in eighth.... just to be pushed down as a freshman. Up and down, up and down. So being bottom of the heap again isn't a lot of fun. I feel like the seventh and eight graders consider themselves better (which, I suppose, they have a bit of a right to do) but then decide to give us advice. I'm cool with that too, but it's the way they're obviously thinking, Oh, these tiny children need help that bothers me.
5. What are you planning on doing today?
Nothing. I just got back from my grandparents' and this is pretty much a relaxing day off. Although my dad is trying to find tickets for a Mets vs Giants game tonight (Mets are the home team. Believe it or not, we're only doing it to watch the away), so if he gets those, we're going to a baseball game.
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
Ooh, yay, long story time!
It started with Pottermore. On Pottermore, some users made up nicknames, like, say, Sunken Silver or Loony Moony. And me, being the nine-to-ten-year-old I was, wanted one too. So I went out and took a few Patronus surveys, and I kept coming up with an owl and a stag. So I decided, all right, I'll merge them together. So I made a Stowl, a half-owl, half-stag creature which was actually pretty cool. I found a picture on the Internet that looked almost exactly like what I was picturing, but it isn't by me so I can't post it, and I could never draw a Stowl.
Anyway, due to strict Pottermore regulations, I could not type "stowl" as my signature. So I changed it to "St.owl," which eventually morphed into "St.Owl" after I explained the whole nickname thing to my mother, who liked the idea. I did too. It eventually just morphed into my everywhere online alias. See a St.Owl, or a variation of it? That's me.
7. What do you look like IRL?
Pale skin. I've got short blond hair I always tuck behind my ears and freckles all over my body, but not grouped on my nose like Pippi Longstocking or something. I've got long, skinny fingers I blame on piano and am just naturally tall and skinny with big feet. Glasses with clear plastic rims, grey-blue eyes (although my parents insist they're turquoise). That's about it. Pretty normal.
8. How's life in general?
To be honest, I think I'm getting a bit pessimistic, because I think about all the things wrong about my life quite a lot now. It makes me a bit depressed, and then I realize I'm being an idiot and I go on ice skating or whatever. So, generally? Could be better, but decent.
(although my default answer to this is usually, "I don't know, we haven't been in touch much".)
9. Should I make more questions?
Only if you want to!
(April 30, 2016 - 1:40 pm)
Wow, I forgot to answer the second part of number four. (yay, I get to talk about myself more)
4. My school's... different. NYC is, well, a really big place (duh), and there are a LOT LOT LOT of schools. So we have this whole huge application process, tour these schools, try out for those, go to interviews, rank the schools you want to go to, et cetera. A bunch of schools have special applications, and mine is no exception. It has talents, maybe twelve in all: Drama, Creative Writing, Art, Media, Science, Computer Math, Music (Strings or Winds), Athletics, Vocal, and Dance. I'm in CW, of course.
My school is (not to brag) apparently one of the best in the city, although what's strange is that they don't look at grades at all-- only talent scores. It's a HUGE school-- we've got this whole organizational system with clusters and classes and such things, and there are over 160 kids in my cluster alone! It's pretty crazy really.
Apparently there are a lot of stereotypes amongst the talents, which isn't surprising. There's also the obvious fact (well, to the students) that one of the assistant principals picks favorite talents. And the talent competition (which is rather fun, really, I get to shout "We write essays!" while science talent talks about blowing up chemicals). And the fact that some talents get to do cool stuff (i.e., ONLY Drama can perform in plays, which really sucks, because I like acting) while others are pretty much "there" (i.e., CW, up until eighth grade, where we get to do the Yearbook with Media).
...I'm rambling. Sorry.
(May 1, 2016 - 11:41 am)
(April 30, 2016 - 2:04 pm)
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anything you wish was different?
Well ... I'm comin' up on my eighth month here soon! And my impressions? Well, the CB is definetely different than when I first joined, but I like it. It's helped to support me during some very tough times.
I wish I had interacted more with the last Gen of CBers ...
2. What are you wearing today?
A grey T-shirt that says "Canada 1867" in red, even though I've never been to Canada, along with short jeans with black embroidered beads. As well as my ever present digital purple watch. My hair is just plain straight, nothing to it.
3. What is your style of writing?
I'm afraid I don't understand this question, but I will atempt to enlighten you.
I write fantasy. My writing is constantly changing as I am growing and learning more about writing in general.
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
Seventh grade. It is boss. But only cuz I'm homeschooled. XD My school is my house, but I generally work in the Office, dubbed The Computer Room. I have a small box and folder for my schoolwork. I am currently learning Geometery, and am almost finished, and I will be moving onto Algebra 2.
5. What are you planning on doing today?
Glad you asked. Playing LoTR Lego for the Xbox 360 with my dad, browsing Pintrest randomly, showing my dad the Captain America Civil War Trailer, and playing Exploding Kittens. (Yes, this is a game. And with luck, I will be able to gaze upon a unicorn enchilada, and gain it's powers!)
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
Well, I wanted something a little unusual and I had been rereading HP lately. I wanted to do Hermione Granger, but I figured there might be a couple of those already. Then Cho popped up into my head, and something just clicked.
7. What do you look like irl? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
I have paleish skin, blue-grey eyes, freckles across my nose and cheeks, a bit of acne here and there, (
) long wavish (at times) brown hair, and I'm short. like really short.
8. How's life in general?
Eh. It could be better, but now that my dad is back, it's doin' a lot better. I need to write more. :p
9. Should I make more questions?
Sure! As long as you don't mind, and it has nothing to do with Global Warming ...
(April 30, 2016 - 3:22 pm)
Yay! I love doing surveys and filling out forms! Yes, you heard me right. I like to fill out forms, even medical ones.
1. a.) I've been on CB for about 5 months, and I'm loving too. CB is about the friendliest Internet site I've ever been on. Everyone's polite, the writing is so interesting, and the Admins are amazingly fantabulous. b.)I do wish that making and retrieving threads were easier. I can waste 20 minutes just trying to find a thread that's escaped to the outskirts of the rest.
2. I am wearing... a pink Sporting KC shirt (I live in Kansas City) with the players' signatures on the back, tan leopard print leggings, pink-and-orange socks, and tortoishell glasses.
3. Hmm... normally I write Science Fiction and Fantasy. I have several long novels about fantastical places and species. I also like to describe things in great detail, but sometimes it's hard because I spen dos much setting the scene and formulating the characters I can't think of a good plot sometimes. I do pride myself on my eloquent word-bending skills and classic way of speaking. Occsionally I write more depressing stuff, but that's a lot less often.
4. I'm in 7th grade, and it is... um... not great at times. The majority of male are complete profane idiots (not saying all are, there are a few good ones), and I hate all the bad language. I am completely against people using curse words commonly, and some people at my school act like it's their second language. I do love my friends, though, and the subjects are invigorating.
5. ...Defintely not be on the Internet all day...
6. Well, at first my name was Amber, a pseudonym for my real name. I'd always liked the name Amber, but I kind of felt like I'd rushed into choosing it too fast. So I changed my name to Clouded Leopard, for a few reasons. One is because it's a pretty sounding name, like serene yet stormy clouds and silent and predatory leopards. Secondly, I've always loved big cats, and I have a special connection to leopards because in about 5th grade, my friend and I formed a group called The Llamsa Sisters, based of the Llama song you may have heard of, where people form different signs. Happy llama, sad llama, talkative commercial llama... that one. And because we wanted to put our own spin on it, we each chose an animal we liked and made a sign for it at the end. D (I won't say their real names) chose a fox, K a panda, C a unicorn, F a peacock... and I chose a leopard.
7. Short, light brown hair, gray-blue eyes. I normally wear contacts, but on the weekends I have brown glasses. Almost always wearing a T-shirt, and I'm fairly slim and agile.
8. It's OK. Not the best it's ever been, but I've got great support.
9. Um, yes! I love these questions! They're very detailed and thoughtful.
(April 30, 2016 - 5:06 pm)
I don't always take surveys, but I like this one.
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anythings you wish were different?
Like St. Owl, 1 year and 4 months (plus about 2-3 weeks)ish. I love the CB. In my opinion, it is perfect for young writers like me.
2. What are you wearing today?
A blue T-shirt and bright pink shorts. I currently smell like the lake I was swimming in earlier today (I capsized a canoe, and if that wasn't enough, I also capsized a kayak).
3. What is your style of writing?
Realistic fiction. Surprising, right? When you think of Rose bud, you probably think of the Fantasical RP (fantasy), Decepmyth (Fantasy), and Cloudy Dwellers Hogwarts RP (meh...fantasy). No, I'm not a fantasy person. Has your brain exploded yet?
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
I'm in 7nth grade, but I'm an "older" 7nth grader (my b-day is before the cut-off). School situation: homeschooled/a resource center. I love homeschooling!
5. What are you planning on doing today?
It's night. I'm planning to shower, moan that I've read all my library books, eat supper, and do other nighttime stuff.
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
My middle name is Rose, so I'm Rose bud!
7. What do you look like irl? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
I have short, straight, light brown hair that just barely touches my shoulders (right now it's in a frizzy french braid that's starting to fall appart). My eyes are green with a hint of blue, and I'm on the taller side.
8. How's life in general?
Meh. I like the Westing Game.
9. Should I make more questions?
If you want to.
(April 30, 2016 - 5:29 pm)
1. I don't know the exact date of my first comment. I've been looking on the back pages for the earliest comment, and the earliest one I've seen so far was in early April 2012, but I remember submitting things before that, so who knows, really. It's been four years here now. Teresa, Vida, and True have been here longer than me, though, so they should get the prize for longest time on CB. Sometimes it seems long, sometimes it seems short. I've seen a ton of you guys come and go. I really miss some of the friends I made here that I'll never get to talk to again, but it's okay, because new friends will always come. I moderate for an online community of adults and it works much the same way. In some sense, I feel like the background or the wall of the CB because I get to watch lots and lots of people come and go and say amazing things. In that respect, I'm very lucky.
It's kind of weird thinking that in a few years, there could be kids younger than the CB.... I've only been here for half its history, but still. Wow.
I think the CB is a very cool and safe community for kids to hang out. The Admins have become more lenient over the years, so there's more freedom to do things. If we want to discuss things that aren't appropriate for the CB, we have ways of meeting up on other websites and generally getting along. This is a good place for sometimes lonely people to connect with one another.
I'm used to having an account over on the forum I moderate, and it would be nice if we could receive notifications when someone mentions you like they do on that forum, but it's fine to not have accounts here. It makes things simpler.
I feel like when searching for something on the CB, it's often easier to go find it by hand. I frequently shift through posts three or four years back looking for something. Using the "Submitted by" feature gets you around quickly.
2. An orange T-shirt with a croc wearing headphones saying "Oh yeah!" (I was in eighth grade when I got it, so no judging allowed) and a pair of green shorts.
3. If by style you mean genre, I write mostly analytical essays because of school. I'm not sure what my writing style itself is like. Most of my writing sounds like something I would say. I try to be honest in writing as much as possible. As a result, sometimes things get jumbeled up.
4. I am a high school junior almost done with it. The best way I can describe junior year is with a word not approporiate for CB, so let's say that it can be very, very, very hard depending on what program you're in. I'm jealous for the genius smarts of S.E. and Pearl. High school can probably be a lot of fun. I encourage you all to look forward to it. There's a good sense of camraderie among people, even among my highly critical and competitive school.
5. I've been room cleaning and doing homework, in addition to drawing a picture of St.Owl and sneaking a little bit of Pokemon Conquest and reading the original Star Wars books. Tonight, I think I'll play Skyrim after dinner, if I can get half the homework done.
6. My first name on CB was Sakura C, the name of a hallucination friend. I chose her name to be like a girl to fit in with all of you better, and also for safety reasons. I kind of got tired of pretending to be a super upbeat girl all the time, so I changed my name to Ruby, another hallucination friend, who is a lot more serious than her. Yeah, it's a little confusing. Borrowing their names is pretty nice, because it allows me to stay in relative anonymity, although I think you guys now know everything about me.
7. I've said it in the past, so I'll say it again. Internet safety, who needs that. I have brown hair, cut medium-length (I got it cut on Thursday), glasses, and a stupid squishy body that's short as anything due to health complications. I'm five foot three, so I'm probably about the height of many of you. Most of my friends are at least half a foot to a foot taller than me, so I feel like a hobbit but less useful.
8. Meh. It could be a heck of a lot worse, so I really am happy for that.
9. Please do. Talking about myself is much more fun than it should be. Lavish more questions upon this conceited one, oh Indigo.
(April 30, 2016 - 5:36 pm)
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anythings you wish were different?
l've been here for little over a year. My first impression was that the CB was very crazy and very fast moving, with everything all over the place.
l wish people wouldn't be so...uptight. There's been many a thing that l've wanted to talk about, but l knew would make people kinda...mad? l feel a bit trapped here, like l can't say what l want to say, like there's not really a diversity of option here. It's like any tiny bit of negativity is like throwing a match in a keg of powder. Every thing's all rainbows and unicorns....and I'm just sort, why can't we talk about the bad things in life without everyone getting all depressed and mad? I feel like my dark thoughts are brightly outshone by the general sunniness of CB, and they have no place here. You never really see the dark side of me because everything tends to explode at a bit of negativity.
2. What are you wearing today?
Jeans and a grey sweatshirt with blue lettering, my hair is in a ponytail.
3. What is your style of writing?
I write mostly science fiction, horror or mystery, though l love to play around with every other genre and smash them together. l like to write things very dark and very real. l play around with cliques obsessively. None of my characters are very nice, actually, l write things very bluntly horrific.
As for the actual writing, I write very fast and very messily. I don't read what I write, at least not directly after, I don't give care at all about making sense or grammar or spelling. I actually turn spell check off when I'm writing because the red lines are annoying.
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
l'm in sixth grade, but l'm home schooled, so l guess it's okay. It's a bit stressful, but that's only because the people around me make it so. I self-teach myself most of it, so, yeah, it's pretty good. It's not very interesting, though, that's why I teach myself some other things outside of school. I'm hoping to be done in two weeks. As for my school...well, the people around me are not very supportive or encouraging of what I'm interested in, which kinda stings.
5. What are you planning on doing today?
Mm....Not much. Write a bit. Maybe convince my siblings to watch The Avengers because Civil War is coming out next week. I went biking to the library in the rain, so probably read a book. Do some schoolwork. Listen to podcasts and music.
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
l like shadows, l like dragons. l like poetic sounding names.
7. What do you look like irl? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
l'm pretty tall, almost five and a half feet tall, l have longish blond hair and l wear glasses, l have faded tan skin, I don't usually get sunburned, but I haven't really been out much. Bluish green eyes. Round face and large nose.
8. How's life in general?
It's okay......l mean it could be worse. But it's horribly boring, I don't do much day by day, which I'm trying to solve. I know what I can's just that I don't do much.
9. Should I make more questions?
Yes, because I, like most people, like talking about myself.
(April 30, 2016 - 6:14 pm)
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anythings you wish were different?
Umm... probably about a month and a half. I really like how everyone knows each other and seem to be friends. I think my writing has gotten better since I came and I really like how creative everyone is.
2. What are you wearing today?
Jeans and a red t-shirt
3. What is your style of writing?
Erm... I don't know! I have a habit of starting sentences with erm or um... and... use... a... lot... of... ellipsises... I usually prefer fantasy rather than realistic fiction. But if I'm doing English homework it always mysteriously turns to being about evil demons killing people and/or sucking out their souls.
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
I'm in 7th grade and I go to a tiny school with 57 people in the entire middle school (6-8th grade.) It's my first year there and my 1st year of middle school (my old school had elementary school up until 6th grade.) I have 3 good friends that are really weird and awesome, a few ok friends, and almost everyone else is annoying and gossip-y. We get about 3 times more work in history than in any class and the history teachers grade really hard. I have a theory that our English teacher is trying to suck all the creativity out of us.
5. What are you planning on doing today?
The day's kind of... over... (see! I keep using ellipsises!)
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
This is actually my 2nd post as being The Riddler. I just changed from being Elena P. I guess it just sounded better and I didn't like using a normal name.
7. What do you look like? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
8. How's life in general?
Ok... last week was stressful but soon I have 3 day school trip. I think I'll be able to make it onto high honors this term (you need ALL grades including gym and stuff to be A- or better)... last term I wasn't on it because of a B+ in gym because of lack of engagement, which I fully disagree with.
9. Should I make more questions?
Sure, go ahead!
Charles says nhug. Aww... you want a hug? Oook never mind I was wrong he meant no hug. He he.
(April 30, 2016 - 8:27 pm)
Ah! Indigo! I haven't seen you in FOREVER! Hi, hi, hi!
1. How long have you been on the CB? What are your impressions of the CB? Anythings you wish were different?
I've been on CB more than 1/2 a year now. (Since September 2nd of 2015, to be exact.) CB is a bright, close-knit community of readers, writers, and amazing people. I think that it's good that the Admins censor us to make sure that things stay safe and kind, but there are things I want to talk about that I am unsure whether or not I would be allowed to post.
2. What are you wearing today?
Pink pajama pants with thin grey stripes and a blue t-shirt that says "Happy Birthday Bach". And my retainer, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.
3. What is your style of writing?
I put a lot of descriptions and detail into my writing, which is fun for me, but I know that some people find boring. I love doing realistic fiction and creating sarcastic characters. They get to say all those great comebacks I make up... a week after the actual incident.
4. What grade are you in/what is it like being in the grade you are in? What's your school like?
I'm in 6th grade, but not for long! The year is pretty close to over! I love my school so much. It's a private school, and super-artsy, so we get to do dance and drama and writing classes, which is amazing. On Fridays, I have a whole period dedicated to creative writing. We learn so, so much in the most creative ways. We also have what we call a "Maker Space" with a 3D printer, a laser cutter, and stuff like that. We call our teachers by their first names and they talk to us like we're adults and respect our opinions.
5. What are you planning on doing today?
Practice my violin. Sleep. Meh.
6. What's the reason behind your CB name?
My real name isn't Abigail, but I was going to be named that, and I love the name, so there you have it, folks! *bows*
7. What do you look like irl? (You can totally skip this if you want to)
Slightly wavy chocolate brown hair that goes just past my shoulders, almond shaped dark eyes, freckles, square-framed maroon glasses, average height, and I'm really tan (I live by the beach).
8. How's life in general?
Basically okay. Good on average, but I get stressed a lot because I'm a total worrier and get worked up about absolutely nothing and I have less time for CB.
9. Should I make more questions?
The answers are within the wind...
*mysterious puff of smoke*
(April 30, 2016 - 11:15 pm)
Hi, Indigo! I haven't seen you in quite a while, unless I've just been looking on all the wrong threads. Anyway:
1. Two years as of yesterday. I like the community but I agree that it feels a little "over-censored." I honestly can't think of much else right now.
2. Pajamas because it's six in the morning.
3. I don't really have a writing style because I don't really write.
4. Sixth. I'm homeschooled so it's pretty good. We don't really have a curriculum, we just use Khan academy for most science stuff and lumosity / duolingo for french and other assorted brain training. I write reports sometimes, which kinda contradicts what I said in the last question. But I don't think you can really form a writing style solely based on pre-chosen topics and hard facts.
5. Go out with my parents and brother for an early birthday celebration (may 3rd). Probably eat came at some point. Maybe play minigolf if it doesn't rain.
6. Owl city.
7. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, tall (I forgot the exact measurement), not as thin as I'd like, white, wearing glasses.
8. Apparently it's a healthy source of B vitamins.
9. Sure, why not.
(May 1, 2016 - 5:59 am)
(May 1, 2016 - 11:31 am)
Wow, long answers! Wait, Indigo?!
1. 2 months. When I first joined, I thought it was just another of those forum groups, and I thought it was especially weird that admins had to monitor everything. Now I don't think so.
2. My tight pajamas that are mismatched. The top is light blue with a doodle of a sleeping fox, and the pants are white with red outlines of French bulldogs.
3. Hmmm, I usually like to do different genres, whatever fits the plot. Lately I've been doing first person, past tense. Honestly, I hate editing and going back and changing it, but I will do it if needed.
4. 8th grade, homeschooled. My parents are extremely over-protective, so it's not as free as most.
5. I have no idea my schedule is never planned :P
6. My name is very simple and un-unqiue because I'm not creative as most writers D:
7. Hmm, tall, thin stature, wavy, short black hair, fair skin, brown, kinda-almond-shaped eyes. purple glasses with tints of (fake) turtiose shell, in a shape you'd call "nerd."
8. Okay. Kinda crazy, personally.
9. I don't understand, another survey?
Also, Shadow, I think it's okay to talk about the dark things. I think there's a lot of different opinions here, many just like really standing up for them (which is fine).
(May 1, 2016 - 6:28 am)
It's okay, it's just that.....people never will.
Eh, whatever.
(May 1, 2016 - 9:00 pm)
1. Almost 2 years, my 2nd CBaversery is in the beginning of July. I like CB. I dunno. I haven't been on Inkwell in months for role playing, so I guess I wish there could be an open RP that's not too confusing that I could join, because I really do enjoy RPs, but there's never any good ones open. I sort of wish more of my real life friends could be on CB because I convinced them all to join during the 3 wars and they all left because of it. Well, besides Maple. She joined a week or two after I joined, and left just recently because she was losing interest. And then of course there's Ellie, but she's my sister. I mean, she's still my friend but it's not the same.... Also she hasn't been on much recently. But I love CB! It's really cool that there are all these people with the same interests as me reading my posts and.... other stuff! Yay!
2. Jean shorts and a blue tank top with a darker blue ruffle-y thing at the top. My hair isn't in bed head exactly, but it's not what I'd call neat because I've hardly bridged it today.
3. I don't really know. I write Fantasy and various types of fiction. Uh... I guess I like humor because I can't stand when stuff is too serious. Okay!
4. 6th grade. My school is an elementary school, and we're the oldest grade. It's seems cool, but we get the same portion of food at lunch as the kindergarteners, and we get "cubbies" rather than lockers. Also my school is huge because it's two schools of kids combined. Here's how it went. There are two schools. These aren't their really names, but let's call them Purple Elementary School and Blue Elementary school. So I went to Purple. After 3rd grade, they knocked down the Purple school, and everyone at Purple school had to go to Old Yellow Elementary for two years. The Yellow Elementary school kids got a new school built, but their old school was never knocked down, so that's where we went. There were no Yellow kids there, by the way. So for two years we stayed in a really old school that was really run down and had mold near the kindergarten rooms. During this, Blue Elementary School kids were still at Blue Elementay, uninvolved. Then, when Purple Elemenrary was rebuilt on the old site of the original Purple Elementary, they decide that Blue Elementary is old and take all the Blue kids and put them in the new Purple school with all the Purple kids. Then they decide to name the school Blue Elementary. Like, what!?!?! Purple Elemtary was the school that had to be in Old Yellow Elementary for two years! And the new school is on the exact same place Purple used to be! Unfair. If you're wondering what happened to the old Blue school, there's another school in the district, Red Elementary school, who got their school knocked down and moved into there. Yeah, our school district is a mess.
5. It's Sunday, so I'm super busy. First, I have to go to church, and then, straight from church, I'm going to my cousin's birthday party, and then when we get home me and Ellie have to film and upload our weekly video, then we eat dinner, then I still have some homework to do..
6. It's just my internet name. Also in real life, Maple calls me Savvy, always. I got the name because I originally just wanted a name for Minecraft, and my 3 favorite Minecraft Youtubers (Stampy, Sqaishey, and Stacy) all have names that start with an S, end in a Y, and have an A in the middle. And Savvy means smart. The 44 just popped into my head, and X is the coolest letter of the alphabet in my opinion.
7. If you want to see check out my YouTube channel ;)
8. It's fine. Can't wait until summer, then it will be much better.
9. Sure, why not.
(May 1, 2016 - 9:19 am)