SURVEY by Owlgirl
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
SURVEY by Owlgirl
SURVEY by Owlgirl
My first survey. Why not? No harm in doing a survey.
1. Are you one to make people laugh or laugh when other people do so, or both, or neither?
2. List your AEs and CAPTCHAs, along with two words to represent them.
4. How long have you been on the CB? If you know the specfic date you started, then say that.
5. Did you notice that I skipped number 3? Be honest.
6. Do you understand this reference: "Not throwin' away my shot"? (Sorry, had to ask. :P)
7. If you knew the answer to number 9, how did you know it?
8. List your major fandoms.
9. One of your "CB pet peeves."
10. Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn?
11. Does it snow where you live?
12. Favorite sweet thing(s)?
Thanks for taking my survey!
Now for my answers:
1. Are you one to make people laugh or laugh when other people do so, or both, or neither?
2. List your AEs and CAPTCHAs, along with two words to represent them.
Grace, AE: candy maniac
Umbridga: snobbish, Umbridge
Micna: adorable owl
4. How long have you been on the CB? If you know the specfic date you started, then say that.
Since February 7, 2015 at 12:01 pm
5. Did you notice that I skipped number 3? Be honest.
Duh, I created this survey. Of course I knew it.
6. Do you understand this reference: "Not throwin' away my shot"? (Sorry, had to ask. :P)
7. If you knew the answer to number 9, how did you know it?
8. List your major fandoms.
Hamilton and Lunar Chronicles!!!
9. One of your "CB pet peeves."
When you join a Ski Lodge and the creator doesn't post for a super long time.
10. Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn?
11. Does it snow where you live?
No, sadly. The ONE TIME it snowed, the ONE DAY it snowed, I was in Colorado. And it didn't. Snow. In. COLORADO!!!
12. Favorite sweet thing(s)?
Cream soda, crepes, Dove Bars, BlueBell ice cream, my mom's chocolate chip and snickerdoodle cookies.
(April 22, 2016 - 5:35 pm)
1. Both.
2. Elsa, conceited and cold (pun intended), Blizzard, No comment, Pinkie PIEper, Pie and laughs, Sloth, cute and snuggly.
4. Some time in the middle of September.r
5. Nope!
6. Nope!
7. I didn't.
8. SW, LoTR, and MLP.
9. None, really.
10. Pegasus
11. RARELY. But then again, I live in the South.
12. WHITE CHOCOLATE!! Whipped cream, ice cream, and milk chocolate. AND FROSTING! And the frosting.
(April 22, 2016 - 7:25 pm)
1. Both
2. Turgon is my AE. He's crazy and sometimes quite funny.
4. May 8th or 9th, 2015 (almost a year!!!!!)
5. Yes
6. No
7. I didn't know it
8. Star Wars! and some others that I don't know if they count as fandoms.
9. I can't think of any at the moment.
10. Pegasus
11. Yes. This year we got a few big snowstorms, and last year we got A TON of snow.
12. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, any ice cream in general, hot chocolate, sour patch kids, three musketeers....
(April 23, 2016 - 5:59 am)
1. Are you one to make people laugh or laugh when other people do so, or both, or neither? Hmmmm, I guess both.
2. List your AEs and CAPTCHAs, along with two words to represent them. I only have a CAPTCHA: Zimp- oddball, adorable
4. How long have you been on the CB? If you know the specfic date you started, then say that. December 25.
5. Did you notice that I skipped number 3? Be honest. Wait, you did?
6. Do you understand this reference: "Not throwin' away my shot"? (Sorry, had to ask. :P) No, but I feel like I should know it.
7. If you knew the answer to number 9, how did you know it? I didn't know it. Sorry!
8. List your major fandoms. Ummm, well probably HP and Sherlock, if those count.
9. One of your "CB pet peeves." I don't really have any right now.
10. Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn? Pegasus. But if I could have both...
11. Does it snow where you live? Sometimes.
12. Favorite sweet thing(s)? Probably anything chocolate. :-D
(April 23, 2016 - 12:40 pm)
(April 23, 2016 - 10:43 am)
Ooooooh! Survey!
1. Make people laugh.
2. Valerie, AE, sassy and... Um, just sassy. Fred, CAPATCHA, sweet and adorable.
4 or 3. Sometime in January 2016.
5. To be honest, and to make myself feel kind of stupid, nope.
6. Nope!
7. No.
8. The Decemberists, and a lot of books. A LOT of books.
9. When people just drift away from their posts and rps. Which I might have done once. Accidentally.
10. Pegasus!!!
11. Yes! Snow!
12. Hmm let me think. Gelato, gelato, gelato, and basically anything sweet that isn't artificiality flavored banana. Ew. But plain frozen bananas are so good! I encourage you to put a banana in a freezer right now and in an hour come back and eat it!
Thank you Owlgirl for an amazing survey.
(April 23, 2016 - 10:54 am)
I freeze bananas and put them in smoothies. Mmm. Delish.
(April 23, 2016 - 1:11 pm)
You're welcome! Your suggestion seems cool...I will check if we have a banana this moment.
*gets up from computer*
*comes back*
Aw, no, I ate the last one yesterday! But I will try that some day.
(April 23, 2016 - 1:29 pm)
1. Are you one to make people laugh or laugh when other people do so, or both, or neither?
Well, mostly I try to make people laugh but it doesn't really work out a lot of the time...
2. List your AEs and CAPTCHAs, along with two words to represent them.
Critic A, Mandy, and Ookz.
Critic A: Dictionaries, grammar
Ookz: Fluffy, puffball
Mandy: Clever, muffins
4. How long have you been on the CB? If you know the specfic date you started, then say that.
A bit more than 1/2 a year. I started
5. Did you notice that I skipped number 3? Be honest.
Not until I read the question!
6. Do you understand this reference: "Not throwin' away my shot"? (Sorry, had to ask. :P)
7. If you knew the answer to number 9, how did you know it?
Number 6, you mean? Well, my best friend is a Hamilton nut and I've listened to the song. ;) (By the way, she calls Hamilton fangirls Hamo Sapiens.)
8. List your major fandoms.
Harry Potter, PJO, dunno, really.
9. One of your "CB pet peeves."
Hmm... let me think about that...
10. Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn?
Pegasus, they can fly!
11. Does it snow where you live?
No, but we live right next to the beach!
12. Favorite sweet thing(s)?
Vanilla. Ice. Cream.
(April 23, 2016 - 11:04 am)
(April 23, 2016 - 11:31 am)
Mei, they do it because they are proud, but they are afraid that others will ridicule them for it.
(April 23, 2016 - 4:11 pm)
… Like that.
Seriously, don't be afraid! Be yourself, show off who you are!
(April 23, 2016 - 7:11 pm)
@Mei-xue: Sometimes people have things they need to say, problems they need to share, but sometimes its hard to get stuff out. Have you ever had feelings so strong that they make you want to cry—but you don't want anyone to know? Have you ever lain awake at night yearning for help but not wanting to ask? It takes a lot of courage to fess up to issues and troubles. Please don't deny people the small comfort of a fake identity.
(April 24, 2016 - 1:54 pm)
I specifically said, "Unless it's an advice thread or an SI". So advice threads are okay.
(April 24, 2016 - 7:50 pm)
1. Are you one to make people laugh or one to laugh when other people do so, or both, or neither?
I think laugh when other people do. I rarely make good jokes (but when I do they are funny). On the other hand, I laugh at practically ANYTHING. It isn't as much peer pressure is that it's just so easy for me to find humor in verbalized words. Not in text, though.
2. List your AEs and CAPTCHAs, along with two words to represent them.
-Devil Owl: Maniac-Owl-With-A-Veggie-Blaster-That-Will-Shoot-Random-People; Feather-And-Other-AE-Tormentors (totally did not cheat there)
-Feather: Grammar Freak
-Clode: zfuy, cuba
4. How long have you been on the CB? If you know the specfic date you started, then say that.
Unless I snuck on earlier, January 12, 2015 at 7:59 pm. I acted very stupid in that post.
5. Did you notice I skipped number three? Be honest.
Until you pointed it out, no. I should really start expecting that.
6. Do you understand this reference: "Not throwin' away my shot"? (Sorry, had to ask. :P)
According to you, it's Hamilton. But what's silly is I live in NY and I haven't seen it. I really should, but I haven't the faintest idea how I'm going to get my hands on some tickets.
7. If you knew the answer to number 9, how did you know it?
Why are you speaking in past tense? I haven't reached number nine yet. ( I've got "Revolution Nine" stuck in my head. Thanks.)
8. List your major fandoms.
Harry Potter, Doctor Who, The Hunger Games, Sherlock, and PJO.
9. One of your "CB Pet Peeves."
Bad grammar. I know it doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, it ticks me off. I'm a lot like Feather in that way.
10. Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn.
Pegasus. Unicorns are cool, and they have magic and all, but PEGASI CAN FLYYYYYYYY.
11. Does it snow where you live?
A little. Upstate for sure, and we did get a few storms this winter. Compared to a lot of other CBers, though, I get heaps of it. (doesn't feel like it though.)
12. Favorite sweet thing(s)?
Almost any kind of ice cream, peppermint patties, and chocolate in general. Gotta love that chocolate.
(April 23, 2016 - 12:57 pm)
Oops, on number 7, I meant to say, "If you knew the answer to number 6, how did you know it?" Good job at catching that, Abi!
(April 23, 2016 - 1:21 pm)