Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




I'm not a newbie anymore! I've been on the CB for a WHOLE YEAR!!! I have been waiting for this day for like.. A YEAARR! It is an amazing feeling! And I love this feeling! Because it is amazing!

*Gives everybody  customizable confetti!*

Yay! Oh, and Shadow's cbversiary is tommorow, ;p I beat her by one day, but we can still technically be twins! Happy cberversiary to you too Shadow! <3

I am truly greatful for all of you guys, and have gotten so much encouragement over the past year! And you should see how I have improved my writing!

Faye opened her eyes, only to close them again from the sudden light. After some rapid blinking she could finally look around her. She looked at the man guarding the door and gave him a wry smile. He shifted uncomfterably. Faye sighed and reached her hand up to scratch an itch on her nose, he hand didn't move. Faye looked down to find she was held with leather straps to a table...again.  

I wrote that a while back on the dystopian roleplay! Ugh! It makes me shudder! So blotchy and...the use of 'She' over and over again! 

But if you compare that to what I've been writing, and even the roleplays I have created, this website has dome miracles! Maybe I can be as good as Stowl by next yearrr!!!

Oohh happy daayy, happy ddaaayyyy!  So thank you everybody! Evveeryybuuggy! Every chatterboxer, admin and anyone who has set a digital footprint on this website!

I look forward to many more years with y'all!

With love, Katydid the now officially a toddler. 


submitted by Katydid, age 1YEARBABY, Chatterbox!
(April 9, 2016 - 4:24 pm)

Happy CBversary, Katydid!

I am glad to see you are pleased with your writing progress. Isn't it so satisfying (and a little mortifying) to go over what you did in the past and realize how far you've come? And you HAVE come far, Katydid. I really enjoy having you on the CB. Always so friendly, and burstng with cool ideas.

I also wanted to point out how surprised that your CBversary is in April. I've been on the CB LONGER??? It feels like you've been here forever! 

submitted by Owlgirl
(April 10, 2016 - 9:33 am)

Congratulations! You say that you and Shadow are CB twins- Regina, Leaf, and I actually are twins! We all made our first post on the same day. So weird.... Anyway, our CBversary won't be until October seventh. But this isn't about us! It's about you, Katy! Happy CBversary!!

submitted by Scylla
(April 10, 2016 - 10:25 am)

Happy CBversary Katydid!!!!!! You have never seemed like a "newbie to me, but apparently you're only a month older than me on the CB! Here, have a muffin. Why a muffin, you ask? Because that's the first thing that popped into my mind.  :P :) :D

submitted by Dragonrider
(April 10, 2016 - 12:19 pm)

Congrats! I'm almost two! Hey my first posts were terrible too. The texting language... *shudders* Anywho, uh... I don't know what to say now! Oh! If you're one now, you should get a smash cake! *hands gigantic chocolate cake* *smiles* SMASH IT! SMASH IT! *steals a piece of Katy's cake then says, with food in her mouth* SMASH IT! SMASH IT! *but because she's eating cake it sounds more like, 'Smlath it! Smlath it!*

submitted by Savvy44x, age 1 3/4!
(April 10, 2016 - 12:44 pm)

Yay Katy!!!!! Let's go watch Totoro or Ponyo to celebrate!!! *hugs* Luv ya girl!

submitted by Cho C.
(April 10, 2016 - 1:13 pm)

YEah, Cx. Totoro is the bestest!

Thanks y'all, I'm glad I've been here for a year! I love y'all and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

submitted by Katydid
(April 10, 2016 - 3:19 pm)

*hugs you* Yay! One. Whole. Year. Think about it. That is a LOT of time! Congrats!

submitted by Rose bud, age wonderous, ends of words
(April 10, 2016 - 4:12 pm)

Happy birthday Katy!!!!! I think that your 'distopian rp' writing is pretty good, actually. It doesn't seem redundant or anything. My writing is definatly a lot worse if we're judging it by 'how many times you use the same word in one sentance'! Anyway, here's to many more years of cbing! Cheers! *Clinks glasses of apple cider with everyone else in the room*

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 10, 2016 - 4:55 pm)

*lights fireworks*

Oh happy day! Your writing has very much gotten better! l cringe to think of what l have writing. 

Happy CBversery to you as well, Katy! 

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Somewhere
(April 10, 2016 - 7:52 pm)

Happy anniversary! I started a couple months ago, and I'm already can't wait for one year of CBing *Throws a slice of cake at Katydid.* 

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 10, 2016 - 8:22 pm)

Awesome! Katydid, even though you only have been here for a year, it seems like you've been on forever!

And yes, Totoro is amazing! 

submitted by OtR
(April 11, 2016 - 6:19 am)