Hi everyone!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
My name is Cinnamon, and I was recruited here by Joan B. of Arc.
I am a professional fashionista, and one day I hope to be the greatest fashion designer of all time! (I will also be dictator of the world!) I also love to draw, and write poems.
I've already created an AE named Wind. Tell you more about her later!
I've also created a CAPTCHA named sugar. See you on the CB!!!
submitted by Cinnamon, age 14, Candyland
(April 7, 2016 - 4:43 pm)
(April 7, 2016 - 4:43 pm)
Hey, Cinnamon! Welcome to the cb! I am Cockleburr! I love to draw too! I do gymnastics and am a level six. Have you ever tried sculpting? Do you like painting, or just drawing? What's Wind like? I am not really sure if I have an AE or not, he has poppled up a couple of times, but only on non-AE threads! His name is Counter. I usually delete what he says because we get into these really long, drawn out conversations!
You do!? Meany.
Oh! Uh, heeeey there Counter....
You know, you should let me talk more. You never let me talk at all.
You are never there!!! You only show up when your not supposed to!
Like now?
I don't know Counter. Cinnamon didn't say whether AEs are welcome here! Why don't you say hello to Cinnamon.
What? Oh, hello Cinnamon. Allow me to introduce myself: Counter, the brilliant, the talented, the absolutely WONDERFUL at your service.
You aren't any of those things!
Well, maybe I am and you don't know because you never let me say anything! I am going to go sulk in the attic. Goodbye.
Well, you just be that way, then! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the cb and I can't wait to meet Wind!
(April 7, 2016 - 6:20 pm)
(April 8, 2016 - 11:57 am)
Welcome Cinnamon! Nice to meet you. I'm pretty new here too-- my 1 month CBversary is just about here :D. I like writing stories and poetry and being weird with my friends, or with my family, or on the CB, or with just anyone who happens to come my way...
When you become dictator of the world, remember me and be nice to me, ok? Maybe design me some clothes too? I will give you 2,000 virtual frozen bananas!
Or maybe not :P. Well, anyway, it's about time to finish up. Be sure to check out this link in case you have any questions about the CB that Joan isn't there to answer:
And check out this link to my new survey in case you want any more randomness:
Well, bye :D!
(April 8, 2016 - 1:24 pm)
HEEELLLOOOO!!! I reaallly like your name! Your location is also really cool, its funny! When I was little I always messed up 'Cinnamon' and said some other weird word. I did the same with spaghetti.'Bahsghetti' was my pronunciation.
Here! Have cinnamon flavored confettie! Pew! Pew! Pew! Wee hee. Tee hee!
Oh my Gandalf I love those words. 'tee Hee!'
Anyywayayyysss, I'm getting distracted again. Iget distrac- nope. Not doing it! Welcome to the Chatterbox and I hope you enjoy your stay! Don't even think about leaving! I will find you...
(April 8, 2016 - 1:43 pm)
Hey Cinnamon! I'm Mirax, a Trekkie, Austonite, and SW fan, who is impossibly nerdy. I started CB about two months ago, and love it. That's really cool that your a fashionista. I have an AE named Mrs Elton, or Mrs E. for short, and an astromech droid Captcha, Whistler. Welcome to the CB, and good luck taking over the world! *Disappears in a poof of bright pink smoke*
(April 8, 2016 - 4:07 pm)
Welcome Cinnamon! We're glad to have you! I'm Cho, this is Elsa —
I can speak for myself. I am Elsa, supreme ruler of the CB. I have ice powers as well, and am a manga cat-girl.
This is Blizzard, Pinkie PIEper, and Sloth, my CAPTCHA.
(April 8, 2016 - 4:40 pm)
Welcome! That's all I have to say. Just welcome.
(April 8, 2016 - 5:48 pm)