Hello everybody.

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello everybody.

Hello everybody.

My name is Katie.

I am a thirteen year old somehow going slighty insane.

Okay that makes it sound worse than it is.

Truth is I have a good life. I mean there isn't anything wrong with it. Ever since I moved from city to city, three--almost four--years ago, it took me a while to get settled in.

During that time I had friends, but none of them were really close. My only best friends lived in two different cities. As you can imagine, I was lonely.

It wasn't until  about a year and a half ago I finally got settled in. Digging in my roots. I have a couple youth groups and some great, really close friends! Just today I got SOAKED in the snow as we threw snowballs at one another! I even jumped on a snowman off a ladder, but it held firm and I sat until they decided to tackle the snowman and me.

Life was good. My life is good, and I know it. I have some great, really close friends and even a new best friend!

So I can't figure out what is wrong with me.

Now the problem is my friend Grant, who is 17 and has a girlfriend.

Now I am DEFINITELY not interested in him in that way, but he is amazing and just like me and hands-down the only person who actually knows my inner shell. We used to talk a lot, but I realized because he has a girlfriend she should be the one he was talking to...

So I guess we kind of stopped talking personal.

And now when we see each other it is always in a busy place so I can't even tell him anything I've been doing! Like writing, and art, and all.

So now I have literally no one who knows me. He just listened I guess...so...it was nice. I could say so much and tell him everything amazing as he listened.

And I showed him my self-portrait and he was like, "You're so talented, Katie!"

He doesn't know the whole story because I cant tell him!

Basically I have stayed up till two in the morning listening to music and writing dramatic stories. It's made me sad, because I realize how much time I spend doing things but I just CAN'T get stuff done!

In my art I want to do so much more!!!

I want to bake and cook!

I want to write a novel for the character I have created!

Make music!

Get better at my instruments!

Finish my math :*(

I realize how much time I waste on each of those things just kind of....surfing the tide. Resting in the rolling waves and gliding where it takes me. I'm a beached whale right now. I'm not swimming against the tide and actually getting there, and I just can't do it! 

I'm stuck against a wall, and not even bothering to try and break through!


I could be doing SO MUCH!

But I cannot get inspired! I also want to write music but it would probably be very personal and I would share it with very few people.

But I need to tear myself away from nothing first! From doing literally nothing!


I have so much bottled inside. I can't sort myself out by talking, because I have no one to talk to. I need someone to listen to me as I try to set myself straight.

I don't know who to go to. I have God...but I think he wants me to help figure this out on my own. 


And don't tell me I AM talented and that I AM amazing, I know that! I know what I am! But I just can't...and telling me what I know won't help.

So please.

Read this. 

Think about it.

I don't want to waste my life but I want to enjoy it.

And with that I shall bid you goodnight. I am trying to sleep before two in the morning tonight.

Sweet dreams~


Katydid, I know you're not the only young person to feel this way. It's understandable that you have many things you want to do. But there are only so many hours in each day. I suggest you work on just one or two of them at a time. There are choices to be made throughout life. You can always work on other things later. I suggest you try to talk to a parent, teacher, or a youth group or other friend. You're likely to find others who feel just like you do. And I think you'll get more suggestions and support from others right here on the Chatterbox. We love you!




submitted by Katydid
(March 21, 2016 - 2:37 am)

Don't worry, I'm not going to virtually shout positive slogans at you. Here's my advice: Pick one or two of those things and work on it. Reasearch, learn, draw, write, bake, sing. If you don't end up liking it -- it's not a waste of your time. You now have learned how to draw a dolphin, read music, bake a sponge cake or whatever thing you want to do. Good Luck! And remember, we random online strangers will always be here for you!

I'll top this post after it sinks (to the bottom of chirp at Cricket) because I decided to post on it.

submitted by Bibliophile, age 12, Chicago,IL
(March 21, 2016 - 8:38 pm)

Aww, Katie!  I'm sorry you feel like that!  I have a friend who is 14, and this year we were in different groups for our homeschool class thingy, and I was kinda sad.  Not only were we in different groups, but I have very few really close friends.  M is one of the few that I share almost everything with, and now I didn't get to see her that often.  She's in a different dance class from me now too, and for a while I seriously like NEVER saw her.  

Now, the school year is almost over, and T, J, and L really helped me through. They don't actually know that they did, but they did.  And now, I see M a lot more, ans well as K and MWhoIsABoy, some high school boys we're friends with.  

So the moral of this crazy life story is that even if one of your friends seems like they leave you in the dust, you'll find new ones.  Hope this helps!

~ Lady Luna 

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(March 21, 2016 - 8:46 pm)

That was quite a...... Speech. I did read the whole thing, though, and have decided to help you in any way that I can. Alas, I won't be able to help you much.

I, like my father, and like his mother before him, operate alone. I don't need someone to talk to. I don't need friends to feel accepted, to survive. But someone to talk to is nice sometimes. Honestly, it's usually a nuisance unless I can find an actually decent person to hang out with. Sometimes people talk to me anyway, and I deal with it.

But this isn't about me. It's about you, Katydid. Like the Admins so wisely said (where do they get advice like that, anyway? Life experience or something?) you can talk to your parents, or to us, or your friends (if they'll listen). And you said you could be doing so much- forgive me if this seems insensitive, but you could've stayed up until two doing math. If the math is hard for you to do, I'll help you. I think I'm pretty good at math, I've got 95% in class...... I just hate fractions. But oh well.....

You should try making a day-to-day planner. Try scheduling activities, schoolwork, and things in a way that pleases you and that you'll get everything in. But if you can't fit something in one day, put it in the next if you can. It'll simplify things greatly.

So for inspiration...... I really don't know how to help you there. But I'll try. For inspiration.... Hummm....... Read a book. Write your own mythology. Draw a picture of one of your characters in an RP. Write a story where unicorns bring about the apocalypse. Write a poem about the weather outside right now. Do some research on a jaguarundi. Make an animal report on the jaguarundi based off of you research and post it here. Write a script for a skit and perform it with your friends. Paint a picture of something happening outside. Draw a picture of your favorite animal. Invent and create a board game and see if your friends want to play it. Try your hand at creating a video game (start simple. Making video games is really hard). 

I think that's enough. If you want more, Katydid, just ask. But for now I'm out of ideas. I hope this helps you.

submitted by Scylla
(March 26, 2016 - 9:15 am)

Thank you for offering to help on my math! Its not that I am bad at math, just slow....but it's an online course....

And I get distracted...

I found this amazing image though!

Well my brother found it!

submitted by Katydid
(March 29, 2016 - 12:11 am)

Well. What a beautiful and impressive speech thingy. I don't really know what to say because I have never been in that situation before but I agree with the other people who have posted. Anyway I am trying not to sound weird here but you have Chatterbox and all us.



submitted by Lemon banana , age 10 , MT
(March 28, 2016 - 8:54 pm)

I know how that feels:( Just try to stay in touch with your friend as much as possible. Maybe you could get his phone number or e-mail address or something? And remember, whether he has a  girlfriend or not, your still his friend one way or the other.

submitted by Will T.
(March 28, 2016 - 9:42 pm)

Wow! I actually thought the admins didn't post this because it was really sad and mopey ;-;

But thank you all! I've tried making lists before, but it never really works. Also, Will, I do have his number and email, but he is grounded right now. (Don't know if I mentioned that.)

It's so weird because I KNOW I'm fabulous and I KNOW I'm a good person, but my reaction to that is just "Meh."

Thank you all for posting again and responding to this though! I really appreciate the advice!

submitted by Katydid
(March 28, 2016 - 10:18 pm)

So can I help you with your math? I'm on spring break with no math homework so I'm sad.

submitted by Scylla
(March 29, 2016 - 10:28 am)

Oh, Katy ...

submitted by Cho C.
(March 29, 2016 - 7:35 am)

I saw him at the beach with a bunch of our friends. We talked a little, but the only thing I found out was that they actually broke up! I'm really sad for them and all, but now what to tell !y mother.

We were talking and I said, "Why can't I talk to him?"

"Because he has a girlfriend!!" She protested.

So I can't talk to other friends when they get girlfriends?  

Yeah. My mom thinks I like him. She told her friend, who told her daughter, who told me.

She is really overprotective I think. But now he doesn't have a girlfriend. That might make her freak out a little more then neccecary. 

submitted by Katydid
(March 29, 2016 - 11:36 am)

My mother is over-protective, too. And I think it's annoying when they tell other people about their kids' business. Well, it's great you have a friend like that. I had a godsister who's around that age, and unless I ask her a direct question or actually talk to her, she won't talk to me.  She has a boyfriend, which makes it harder to even get her to notice me.  I'm about the same age as you. 

Sadly, all my friends are two years younger, and none of them have any of the same interests, so I understand what you mean. I learned to not really have friends, or really talk about stuff with people. 

Yeah, and it's kinda weird when you hang out with a boy or something, and people are like, "YOU HAVE A CRUSH, HOW SWEEET!"

:P '__' >.<

Well, I cant give much advice, other than, make a schedule, do your homework first, and when you get that done, take a break, recharge, and switch to another activity, even if you have time to only work on it for five minutes.  

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(March 29, 2016 - 6:31 pm)

I love you Katydidn't! One thing that helps me when I'm feeling overwhelmed is to just sit down 'criss-cross applesause' near a window or outside, close my eyes, straiten my back, and just take deep breaths until I'm feeling calmer. Then I talk outloud to my self, trying to work out what I want to do first, like, "Ok. Caaaalm down. Your good. Everything's good. Now then, let's see. What do you want to do? Ok, I'll work on my story, then draw for a while, then cook for a bit. Alright? Alright, good. Then I think I'll..." 

Basicly I just have a conversaition with myself until I have worked everything out, then I write it down, then I do it. Make sure you keep reminding yourself to clear your mind, put your shoulders down and take deep breaths every so often. Also, get a good amount of sleep! Sleep is important for keeping a nice, uncluttered mind, so try to get at least eight hours every night! That's easier said than done, I know, but it does help. I know absolutly nothing about dating, so I'm not going to go there... But just relax Katy! Everything's gonna be fine. Just pretend you have a friendly little Cockleburr on you shoulder reminding you to organize your mind and that everything has a reason. ;)

submitted by Cockleburr
(March 30, 2016 - 12:42 pm)